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Re: [PATCH] change GLIBC PPC64/ELF2 ABI default to 2.17

On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 03:01:21PM -0600, Steven Munroe wrote:
> Brooks it was established that there are at least 6 new symbols between
> GLIBC-2.17 and 2.18:

Yes, but so what?  If you're providing glibc 2.17, you provide the symbols
that came with 2.17.  The version tag on those symbols doesn't mean you're
providing glibc 2.18 (or 2.19), it just means you're pulling tricks to
provide @2.18 symbols on a 2.17 build.

There's no reason you need to backport the 2.18/2.19 symbols, unless you
are also providing in a libc_2.18 deb/rpm/whatever.  If it's
a 2.17 library in a 2.17 package, there's no reason to provide newer-than
2.17 symbols, except for some paranoia that a user will, I'm not sure, read
the ELF table, note the 2.18-versioned symbols, assume that is
actually 2.18, and then complain that it's missing new 2.18 symbols?

Seems like, in a 2.17-based distro, where the goal is conformance across
archiectures, you'd not want to provide newer-than-2.17 symbols ever, and
the advertised symbol version is pretty much a moot point as an internal
implementation detail.

Obviously, the macros and such should also still advertise that the library
is 2.17 (because it is), or people would rightly expect to find symbols
that aren't there based on runtime and compile-time checks.

... Adam

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