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Re: if pthread_mutexattr_setrobust_np is set, process will hang in multi process system. in glibc -2.5

On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 4:35 AM, guruswamy B <> wrote:
> In one of my application, I need to set the pthread_mutex attribute to
> PTHREAD_MUTEX_ROBUST_NP, so that when any of the process is exited or
> killed ?with out releasing the lock, I can get back the lock.
> But later i found, in multi processor environment, if we set the
> robust flag, the process will hang. (see this link
> But later i found, it was working if i set the PTHREAD_PRIO_INHERIT attribute.
> May i know why its started working, once i set PTHREAD_PRIO_INHERIT.
> Also will this have any effect on normal working of my application.
> I am using glibc-2.5.
> processor is mips 16 core.

Are you able to update to a newer glibc to test if this is still a problem?

I work for CodeSourcery, and Sourcery G++ for MIPS GNU/Linux has a
sysroot you can use to test this quickly
e.g. build your application against the newer glibc in Sourcery G++
(-Wl,-rpath and -Wl,--dynamic-linker pointing to the new libs and ld
in the sysroot), and run it on your target.


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