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Re: onwards to git

> Ok.  I'll plan to switch glibc-ports on Monday or Tuesday,
> along with testing/installing at least the commit-email hook.

I'm not clear on what you mean by "switch glibc-ports" here.
The only step we need done now is to make git commit emails work.

> I haven't looked at the bugzilla one at all yet.

That one might be more different than it was before.
IIRC we got that script from the gcc bugzilla masters.
(But if so that must have been before gcc went to svn.)

Also, we have not discussed git commit log entry conventions yet.
When we figure that all out, it might be that commit logs rather
than ChangeLog* file diffs are what gets massaged for bugzilla.
More or less, we can start over from scratch to address the desire
for automagic bugzilla comments from commits, rather than worrying
about converting the existing scripts to do exactly the same thing
with a different SCM.


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