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Re: Conditionally falling back to the .c code or a different .S

My inclination is to use the usual Implies approach (so that an armv8 
directory implies the armv7 directory).  I think the directory should best 
be armv7-a as that's the value that will work with -march= for a GNU/Linux 
target, and the only v7 variant supported for such a target (directories 
for older versions - if some functions only need v6, say - could end up 
being more complicated).  That way it can work with --with-cpu as well as 
any autodetection you implement.

Please make sure any functions you add have been tested (with the glibc 
testsuite) for both big and little endian, as it's quite easy for string 
functions to have endian-dependent bugs.

Joseph S. Myers

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