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Re: [PATCH] sysdeps/arm/armv7/multiarch/memcpy_impl.S: Improve performance.

On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 12:37 PM, OndÅej BÃlka <> wrote:
>> I disagree strongly. You *must* come up with a measurable answer and
>> looking at a graph is never a solution I'm going to accept.
> You can have that opinion.
> Looking at performance graphs is most powerful technique how to
> understand performance. I got most of my improvements from analyzing
> these.

Are there any open source pipeline analysis tools?  I've found the one
I've used (proprietary) to be a pretty good indicator of general
instruction selection optimization/correctness.

Graphs are useful if everyone's agreed which data-sizes and alignment
restrictions should be optimized for a particular platform.


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