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libffi for Darwin (MacOS X) ABI on PowerPC

I've ported the libffi 2.0 stuff from the CVS repository to the Darwin ABI on PowerPC (if I read the docs right, it should work on AIX, too, but the Darwin assembler might have a different syntax).

It fails in the fifth struct test, "Structure test 5 found GCC's structure passing bug." but ffitest finishes with "Looks good. No surprises."

I've done some deep recursion tests without failure. I've also tested it with a language runtime I'm working on, and it works there, too.

Does anyone need this at once, or should I clean it up before submitting a patch? (There is a lot of references to SysV conventions in there, none of which make sense... I also need to graft SysV support back in.)

John Hornkvist

ToastedMarshmallow, the perfect Cocoa companion

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