V3 PATCH: Insert `typename' and `ios_base::' where required

Benjamin Kosnik bkoz@redhat.com
Thu Feb 15 19:51:00 GMT 2001

> didn't get enough testing.  Turning that on doesn't work because the
> .tcc files that get included aren't legal C++.  Bummer.

weird. I bootstrapped it and tested it. I didn't notice any new failures, 
just the slowdown.

If you are having problems, just revert it temporarily.

> Most of the problems are fixed with this patch.  There were missing
> `ios_base::' references and missing `typename' keywords.


> What I couldn't figure out how to fix, however, was:
>       int_type __plen = static_cast<size_t>(__newlen - __oldlen); 
>       char_type __pads[__plen];
> and such in ostream.tcc.  This is invalid C++; it uses a
> variable-sized array.  The options are: 
>   1. Change the algorithm somehow.
>   2. Dynamically allocate the memory.

i'll look at it

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