Problem inheriting from std::exception

Craig Rodrigues
Sat Feb 17 18:09:00 GMT 2001


I took a look at this bug report in GNATS:

I modified the example so that it would compile with gcc 2.97:

 #define DEBUG
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
namespace gutils {
  class Exception : public std::exception
      const std::string& what_arg,
      const char* file = 0,
      unsigned long line = 0
      ) : e_what_(what_arg), file_(0), line_(line)
      if (file)
        file_ = new std::string(file);
    virtual ~Exception() throw () { delete file_; }
    virtual const char* what() const throw() { return e_what_.c_str(); }
    virtual const char* file() const
      if (file_)                                         
        return file_->c_str();
      return 0;
    virtual unsigned long line() const { return line_; }
    std::string e_what_;
    std::string* file_;
    unsigned long line_;
  }; // class Exception
 #ifdef DEBUG
 #define EXCEPTION(WHAT) gutils::Exception((WHAT), __FILE__, __LINE__)
 #define EXCEPTION(WHAT) gutils::Exception((WHAT))
  class LogicError : public std::logic_error, public gutils::Exception
      const std::string& what_arg,
      const char* file = 0,
      unsigned long line = 0
      ) : logic_error(what_arg), Exception(what_arg, file, line) {}
    virtual const char* what() const throw() { return Exception::what(); }
    // virtual ~LogicError() { }
 #ifdef DEBUG
 #define LOGIC_ERROR(WHAT) gutils::LogicError((WHAT), __FILE__, __LINE__)
 #define LOGIC_ERROR(WHAT) gutils::LogicError((WHAT))
}; // namespace gutils                


If I compile this code with gcc 2.97, it coredumps when I try to run it.
When I compiled it with the Digital Unix C++ compiler, it compiled
and ran fine.
Is this a bug in the code, or a bug in libstdc++-v3?
I am not familiar enough with the Standard
to track this bug down.

Any help would be appreciated.
Craig Rodrigues          

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