AIX I/O failures

Mark Mitchell
Thu Jan 25 13:30:00 GMT 2001

>>>>> "benjamin" == benjamin kosnik <> writes:

    benjamin> That's why I'm for this, if it doesn't break other


    benjamin> FWIW, I think g++ needs a FAQ entry or explict
    benjamin> user-level documentation on how to deal with static
    benjamin> initialization portably across platforms.

Yes, that would be a good thing indeeed.

Also, some details on the various limitations in G++ when using it
with platforms that do not support weak symbols.

There are, by the way, ways to deal with the no-weak-symbols problem
relatively portably, and that only affect the darkest corners of
standards conformance.  EDG and its customers, for example, has
successfully targeted their compiler front-end and template prelinker
(it is these two components, not the back-end, that handle the
details) at just about every plaform on earth.  

It's just that nobody has implemented these approaches in G++.  I'd
love to get a chance to do so at some point; you can actually win for
platforms that do have weak symbols by doing this, too, in some

Mark Mitchell         
CodeSourcery, LLC     

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