a bit of rearranging?

Stephen M.Webb stephenw@cryptocard.com
Thu May 16 08:40:00 GMT 2002

On May 15, 2002 06:19 pm, Phil Edwards wrote:
> Would anybody mind if I rearranged the order of some of the member
> functions so that 1) they're in more or less the same order in both
> classes, and 2) they're in more or less the same order as described
> in 14882?  I don't how much time you spend reading the guts of these
> files, and didn't want to mess up anybody's scheme.  Right now I'm
> jumping all over the place...

Please do rearrange them to match the standard.  Its been driving me 
crazy.  I think I may already have done stl_list.h in my madness.

While you're doing that, is there anything to stop you from moving the
non-inline function definitions into a separate .tcc file in 
anticipation of some future implementation of the export keyword, or is 
that a bad idea?

Stephen M. Webb

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