[RFC] libstdc++/6720 and libstdc++/6671

Jonathan Wakely cow@compsoc.man.ac.uk
Wed May 22 10:32:00 GMT 2002

On Wed, May 22, 2002 at 04:39:46PM +0200, Paolo Carlini wrote:

> Zack Weinberg wrote:
> >Note that the problem of <foo> including <bar> and getting <ext/bar>
> >can be dealt with by having foo use #include "bar", which puts the
> >directory containing foo at the head of the search path. 
> >

ext/algorithm includes <algorithm>
If this is changed to include "algorithm" will the preprocessor include
ext/algorithm from the current dir, or spot that that's the current file
and then proceed to look in the system dirs, finding the intended header?

As I understand it, ext/algorithm would include itself again, which would
do nothing because of the #ifndef EXT_ALGORITHM_H (or whatever) and so the
intended standard <algorithm> header wouldn't be included.

Or have i misunderstood?


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	- Empodocles the Cretan

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