PATCH: V3 support for arm-none-symbianelf

Mark Mitchell
Tue Aug 3 07:12:00 GMT 2004

Gabriel Dos Reis wrote:

>Mark Mitchell <> writes:
>| Gabriel Dos Reis wrote:
>| >Mark Mitchell <> writes:
>| >
>| >| ! #if _GLIBCXX_HOSTED
>| >| ! using std::free;
>| >| ! #else
>| >| ! // In a freestanding environment, "free" may not be available.  In
>| >| ! // that case, it may make sense not to define "operator delete" at
>| >| ! // all.  For now, we assume that "free" will work.
>| >
>| >I do not understand this comment.  operator delete is required,
>| >freestanding or not.  So, I do not understand the bits saying it may
>| >make sense not to define "operator delete".  Could you clarify?
>| >
>| Independent of what the standard says, some systems don't have dynamic
>| memory management, and don't want it. If you don't have "free" on your
>| system, you probably do not want "delete" either, depsite the fact
>| that C++ requires "delete" and C does not require "free".
>Thanks for clarifying your comments.  I believe this elaboration much
>clearer and less confusing, especially when the patch is viewed as
>"vigorous support" for freestanding implementation.  I believe it
>should go in one form or the other in the source.
I checked in this simplification of the comments.

Mark Mitchell
CodeSourcery, LLC
(916) 791-8304

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