hash_set equal function

Marco Correia mvc@netcabo.pt
Fri Mar 4 20:07:00 GMT 2005


Could anyone please tell me why the user defined equal function never gets 
called in the following code example?

#include <iostream> 
#include <sstream> 
#include <ext/hash_set> 
using namespace std; 
using namespace __gnu_cxx; 
struct base 
struct derived : public base 
struct hash_fun 
    size_t operator()(const base* e) const 
    { return (size_t)e; } 
struct equal_fun 
    size_t operator()(const base* e1, const base* e2) const 
        cout << "here" << endl; // this never gets printed
        return 1; 
int main() 
    hash_set<base*,hash_fun,equal_fun> m; 
    derived* d1 = new derived(); 
    derived* d2 = new derived(); 
    cout << (m.find(d2)==m.end()) << endl; // should call 
equal_fun::operator() ? 

PS: Please email me directly since I'm not subscribed.

-- Marco Correia <mvc@netcabo.pt>

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