abi compat

Brendan Miller catphive@catphive.net
Wed Sep 17 03:25:00 GMT 2008

What kind of ABI compatibility does libstdc++ guarantee? And over what
versions and time frame?

If I have a shared c++ library its interface accepts stl objects like
std::string as paramters what kind of problems should I be aware of?

Are common stl instantiations made in the stdlibc++ lib, and then the
lib gives gcc hints not to instantiate again in executable code, or
does every library that links against stdlibc++ usually end up with
its own instantiations of all the common template types like
std::string stdd::wstring, etc? Are there ever wierd situations where
some code will be inlined into the client binary and some stored in
the lib, and then version skew between the code inlined into the
binary, and the code that's part of the library breaks things?


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