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Re: Problems with port 30000 in .net.ServerSocketTest test_params testcase

"Steve Murry" <> writes:

> Many of the .net testcases use hard-coded port numbers when testing
> the Socket and ServerSocket classes.  Most of these port numbers
> have not caused us any problems, with the exception of 30000.  On
> Compaq systems this is the port of an AFS management server, and
> therefore any use of port 30000 causes the testcase to fail.  The
> first test_params() testcase in .net.ServerSocketTest creates a
> ServerSocket bound to port 30000, which is then used to test various
> ServerSocket methods.  Would it be possible to alter this test so
> that it either uses a different hard-coded port or specifies port 0,
> which will allow the system to assign it a free port?  With the
> latter approach, the getLocalPort method will retrieve the port
> number that was chosen.
> Thanks,
> Steve Murry
> SAS Institute

Steve, we can change the port but this brings up the point it would be
nice to have a way of specifying things like this outside of the
testcase so it can be changed when needed.
Brian Jones <>

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