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Re: How to printf Japanese Word

Qiang Wang wrote:
TO Jeff:
you are right.
the hex representation is as below.
8A 4A 82 AF 82 E9 20 6F 70 65 6E 20 2F 6A 66 66
73 32 2F 50 65 72 73 6F 6E 5F 58 47 41 2E 72 73
65 6E 63 20 66 61 69 6C 65 64 0A 00

It mixes up with Japanese & English words and end with "0A".
You mean that it is a bug or something like it?

No. I was wondering if a Japanese character contained 0A as one of its bytes. The newline
character as a single-byte character at the end of your string is fine. I suppose I could have looked it up to see if 0A is a valid MSB or LSB of a multibyte character. In any case, the code would not be prepared for this.

The printf code is implemented by libc/stdio/vfprintf.c. There is a code sequence there as follows:

for (;;) {
cp = fmt;
#ifdef _MB_CAPABLE
while ((n = _mbtowc_r (data, &wc, fmt, MB_CUR_MAX, &state)) > 0) {
if (wc == '%')
fmt += n;
while (*fmt != '\0' && *fmt != '%')
fmt += 1;
if ((m = fmt - cp) != 0) {
PRINT (cp, m);
ret += m;

Note the _MB_CAPABLE section. If you have configured newlib with --enable-newlib-mb, then that is called to determined where the single-byte format characters are vs bytes in the middle of a multibyte string. Multiple characters up to the next single-byte format specifier ('%') or the nul terminator are output via the PRINT macro.
This ends up calling __sfvwrite().

Now, you can do some tests to verify that calling mbtowc (just omit the data parameter in the above _mbtowc_r call) with your string is returning the correct output. You can also debug your application and break at __sfvwrite_r() (fvwrite.c) which is ultimately called by the PRINT macro above. Look at the input struct uio to verify your data is there and the length is set correctly. You can then follow along in the function to see if any errors occur before the data gets shipped out to the write syscall. You can also break in the write syscall itself to see what is finally being sent. Finally, you can try an fwrite of the string directly to see if that works which verifies printf is doing something funny.

I am assuming you are simply calling printf("your_string_here").

If not, please note here how you are calling printf and verify that you have <stdio.h> included.

-- Jeff J.
I do not use the wprintf but printf. I also use the C++ language which
print out words with cout.

So I hope the printf and cout will work well with Japanese.

thank you all very much.

best regards

2009/5/27 IWAMURO Motonori <>:
Hmmm, when you use wide character I/O function (like "wprintf"):
- case1: missing setlocale?
- case2: missing settings of LANG environment variable?
- case3: MB <-> WC converter is broken?
- case4: write the literal L"...Japanese Character..." in the source
directly? (and gcc can't convert MB to WC)

2009/5/26 Qiang Wang <>:
hi, thanks for your answer.
I use arm-elf-gcc and run the newlib in the arm target board.
I print out the string through the serial cable.
If I use my printf_me, the Japanese will be printed very well.
I have found that printf in newlib will cut the MSB of the byte.
I even modify some MACRO and re-compile the newlib to support wide
character string.
But I can not get the Japanese work print .

best regards

2009/5/25 IWAMURO Motonori <>:

Which is the version of Cygwin 1.5 or 1.7?
What is the terminal emulator that you are using?
What is the encoding of the source? (UTF-8, Shift_JIS (CP932), or EUC-JP?)

2009/5/25 Qiang Wang <>:
hi, all
I try to print out the Japanese word with printf or cout.
But the Japanese string have been converted into other words.
So how can I print out the word.

thank you very much.

best reguards

-- IWAMURO Motnori <>

-- IWAMURO Motnori <>

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