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Re: mktime()

On Oct 4, 2011, at 4:15 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:

> against current CVS and a describing ChangeLog entry for the entire mktime

  Currently I'd like to submit only these 2 fixes. I have some time so I am slowly walking thru the issues as oppose to before where I wasn't fully aware of newlib's workings and applied a lump sum to get her up and running without understanding. They address the British Isles :) and the updating of struct tm after applying the timezone information.

A program? to demonstrate the later (okay was quick hack, so stop the laughing):
main (void) {
	struct tm pmt;
	setenv("TZ", "FKT4FKST,M9.2.6/24:00:00,M4.3.6/24:00:00", 1);

	printf("Jan 1st 1987 occurs on Thursday\n");
	time_t now = 536554799;
	memset(&pmt, 0, (9 * sizeof(int)));
	pmt.tm_min = (int)now / 60;
	pmt.tm_sec = (int)now - (pmt.tm_min * 60) - 14400;
	/* now Jan 1st of EPOCH */
	pmt.tm_mday = 1;
	pmt.tm_year = 1970 - 1900;
	pmt.tm_isdst = 0;
	printf("pmt has Jan the %dst 19%d occuring on %d(4-Thursday) with a yday of %d\n",
		   pmt.tm_mday, pmt.tm_year, pmt.tm_wday, pmt.tm_yday);

	now = 536554800;
	memset(&pmt, 0, (9 * sizeof(int)));
	pmt.tm_min = (int)now / 60;
	pmt.tm_sec = (int)now - (pmt.tm_min * 60) - 14400;
	pmt.tm_mday = 1;
	pmt.tm_year = 1970 - 1900;
	pmt.tm_isdst = 0;
	printf("pmt has Jan the %dnd 19%d occuring on %d(5-Friday) with a yday of %d\n",
		   pmt.tm_mday, pmt.tm_year, pmt.tm_wday, pmt.tm_yday);

	setenv("TZ", "EET-2EEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/0", 1);
	printf("Oct 25th 1987 occurs on Sunday (yday = 297)\n");

	now = 562111200;
	memset(&pmt, 0, (9 * sizeof(int)));
	pmt.tm_min = (int)now / 60;
	pmt.tm_sec = (int)now - (pmt.tm_min * 60) + 7200;
	pmt.tm_mday = 1;
	pmt.tm_year = 1970 - 1900;
	pmt.tm_isdst = 1;
	printf("pmt has Oct the %dth 19%d occuring on %d(6-Saturday) with a yday of %d\n",
		   pmt.tm_mday, pmt.tm_year, pmt.tm_wday, pmt.tm_yday);
	return 0;

Jan 1st 1987 occurs on Thursday
pmt has Jan the 1st 1987 occuring on 4(4-Thursday) with a yday of 0
pmt has Jan the 2nd 1987 occuring on 4(5-Friday) with a yday of 0
Oct 25th 1987 occurs on Sunday (yday = 297)
pmt has Oct the 24th 1987 occuring on 0(6-Saturday) with a yday of 297
Jan 1st 1987 occurs on Thursday
pmt has Jan the 1st 1987 occuring on 4(4-Thursday) with a yday of 0
pmt has Jan the 2nd 1987 occuring on 5(5-Friday) with a yday of 1
Oct 25th 1987 occurs on Sunday (yday = 297)
pmt has Oct the 24th 1987 occuring on 6(6-Saturday) with a yday of 296

Attachment: Change_Log.txt
Description: Text document

Attachment: mktm_r091311.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: mktime100611.patch
Description: Binary data


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