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C99 anomolies... ?

As part of our internal testing I found a few bits of newlib that
don't seem to be "right" with C99, enough to cause problems with the
testing framework.  Comments?

llabs / lldiv

	Official as of C99, but in stdlib.h they're still #ifndef
	__STRICT_ANSI__.  There are #tests for C90 and C++11
	declarations elsewhere, is anyone working on #tests for C99?
	Or is newlib still officially just C90?


	 extern long double frexpl _PARAMS((long double value, int *));
	but the "value" part is problematic.  Should be:
	 extern long double frexpl _PARAMS((long double, int *));
	Looks like the only case of this in <math.h>


	any plans to add these?

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