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Linking pthread.dll to another dll


I'm porting a shared library from Unix to NT, and I'm using pthread.dll for
the multithreaded support.
I'm having trouble using errno and the lib. Using the debugger, I can see
that errno seems to be a function (huh? why does errno = x; work???). In my
source, errno is a variable. Obiviously, errno doesn't change after a call
to a pthread function.

What can I do to make errno work? And, how is errno implemented in the
pthread dll? Is it some C++ syntax or something? My source is Ansi C.

I'm using MSVC 6.0 from the command line, and I'm using this line to link my

cl /Fehic.dll /LDd /Zi /MTd $(OBJ) \
   hic.def \
   pthread.lib \
   thread.lib \
   ws2_32.lib \
   nt-support.lib \
   mvxutil.lib \

I've tried to use the way pthread.dll is linked, however, I get an
unresolved symbol "errno" when I try that. Should I include some file to
make it work?
Please note there's nothing in the online help about errno being a function
or something.

Erik Hensema

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