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Re: pthread Win32 - runtime lib VC++ setting


vc wrote:

Hi all,

I'm working on Win2k with VC++ 7.1 (VS .NET beta).
I have to port a Unix app on Windows, so I'm using the pthread lib for
Win32 (

I've downloaded the sources, as I want to build them myself, and
looking at the VC++ settings, I discovered that in Debug
configuration, the /MDd flag is used (which means: "multithread- and
DLL-specific versions of the run-time") and in Release configuration
the /MT flag is used (even if the release version of the /MDd flag is

1) Why is not used in the project settings the same flag for both
configuration(i.e /MDd - debug; /MD - release or /MTd - debug; /MT -
release)? Is there a reason, or it was just by mistake?
Note: MS recommended for DLLs to use /MD (/MDd)

Re the /MT flag, I can't say now because I don't really know.

2) If for this is actually no reason, is it ok if I build the sources
using the /MD flag for release?

3) I donwloaded the sources from and there is a
pthreads-snap-2002-11-04 directory. Is this a release version? Is it
ok if I'm using this version, or this is just a version between 2

Since you wan't to build the library yourself, you should get the source via anonymous CVS (see the web page for details - It has the latest bug fixes, and currently bug fixes are the only changes from the latest versions available from ftp. I will update the ftp versions ASAP.

4) When I downloaded just binaries some time ago, there were 3
versions of the binaries: VC, VSE, VCE. The sources that I downloaded
now seems to be for the VC version. Am I correct? (because this is the
version that interests me)

See the FAQ file, answer to Q2. For VC you don't need to do anything because it is the default. The others can be used if you add the appropriate compile flags when you build your application code, and when you build the library if you don't use the prebuilt dlls.

Thanks a lot in advance,


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