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Re: pthread_cond_timedwait


The timeout parameter you pass to pthread_cond_timedwait() is a struct timespec type, which is defined in pthread.h, if HAVE_STRUCT_TIMESPEC is not defined at build time.

struct timespec {
        long tv_sec;
        long tv_nsec;

Just set the tv_nsec to the amount of nanoseconds required. The pthread source on Windows uses the following calculation to convert the above structure to milliseconds:

tmpAbsMilliseconds = (int64_t)abstime->tv_sec * MILLISEC_PER_SEC;
tmpAbsMilliseconds += ((int64_t)abstime->tv_nsec + (NANOSEC_PER_MILLISEC/2)) / NANOSEC_PER_MILLISEC;

Using the following defines:

  const int64_t NANOSEC_PER_MILLISEC = 1000000;
  const int64_t MILLISEC_PER_SEC = 1000;


Allan Comar wrote:
Hi all, I am needing something that I couldn't find in nowhere else, I am trying to use pthread_cond_timedwait but I want that the time that I need to wait is setted im milliseconds, I already could do in seconds and i am having a real hard time trying it in milliseconds. Any Ideas ? I am using MSVC6.0 with pthreads.


J. Senior Software Engineer, Tibco Software Ltd.
T. +44 (0) 1792 360773
M. +44 (0) 7788 971394

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