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Re: using sgmltools-lite-3.0.0.

On Thu, 13 Jul 2000, Marc Andre Selig wrote:

> Lambert van Eijck writes in message
> <>:
> >     raise IOError, "Couldn't resolve pubid [%s]" % id
> This probably means that your catalogue files could not be found.
> >  The strange thing is that /etc now contains a __file__ sgml
> > and not the directory. I'm now in doubt what to do with -for instance-
> > buildcat.
> >
> > Can anyone help me with this?
> > I haven't found any README's on a new structure in /etc.
> This file is not supposed to exist, you are still supposed to have a
> directory /etc/sgml.  What does the file contain?

The aliases.

> The Makefile for sgmltools-lite-3.0.0 contains a bug which will install
> the aliases file as /etc/sgml (instead of *in* /etc/sgml) if /etc/sgml
> does not already exist.  You might want to try and create the directory
> /etc/sgml *before* installing sgmltools, which will work around that
> bug.

Okay, I just did exactly what you wrote, but still I get the same error
message. The 'make' took only a few seconds this time, so I wondered
whether the 'make clean' was done properly. I found that the 
'sgmltools-lite-3.0.0/python' directory is not cleaned. This (I guess) is
what is saving me time, but now I also suspect the scripts (since the same
problem/error is still there) in this directory. 

Could this be true?
Do you have anymore ideas what I can do?

> The bug is fixed in the current CVS version of sgmltools-lite.  Once
> Cees gives his ok, I will put out an interim release of sgmltools-lite
> which contains several other improvements and some more documentation.
> Or maybe he does it himself. ;)  If you are using standard Red Hat Linux
> or a compatible distribution, there are also some RPM files available
> for one-step installation.

I had a corrupted rpm-database, so I moved to compiling tarballs. Now the
database is corrupted __and__ out of date ;).  

Thanks sofar,


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