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Re: MAXACTION exceeded error while using systemtap

Badari Pulavarty wrote:


I am trying to collect pagecache usage info using systemtap
and I get following error, while reporting. What should I do fix it ?


.... mapping = 0xffff8100b1de8a50 nrpages = 3 mapping = 0xffff8100b1dfaa50 nrpages = 2 mapping = 0xffff8100b1d03260 nrpages = 1 mapping = 0xffff8100b1d04e48 nrpages = 3 mapping = 0xffff8100b1e0ee48 nrpages = 1 mapping = 0xffff8100b1e12658 nrpages = 1 mapping = 0xffff8100b1e18a50 nrpages = 2 mapping = 0xffff8100b1e1ce48 nrpages = 1 mapping = 0xffff8100b1e2d658 nrpages = 2 mapping = 0xffff8100b1e34a50 nrpages = 1 mapping = 0xffff8100b1e40a50 nrpages = 3 mapping = 0xffff8100b1e4a658 nrpages = 1 mapping = 0xffff8100b1e9ca50 nrpages = 1 mapping = 0xffff8100b1d6ba50 nrpages = 3 mapping = 0xffff8100b1eb2a50 nrpages = 3 mapping = 0xffff8100b1db3a50 nrpages = 2 mapping = 0xffff8100b1ec2a50 nrpages = 1 mapping = 0xffff8100b1eeb658 nrpages = 1 ERROR: MAXACTION exceeded near embedded-code at /usr/local/share/systemtap/tapset/logging.stp:9:29


#! stap

global page_cache_pages
global pageadd, pagedel

function _(n) { return string(n) }

probe kernel.function("add_to_page_cache") {
	page_cache_pages[$mapping] = $mapping->nrpages;

probe kernel.function("__remove_from_page_cache") {
	page_cache_pages[$page->mapping] = $page->mapping->nrpages;

function report () {
foreach (mapping in page_cache_pages) {
print("mapping = " . hexstring(mapping) . " nrpages = " . _(page_cache_pages[mapping]) . "\n")
print("Totals PageAdd = " . _(pageadd) .
" PageDel = " . _(pagedel) . "\n")
delete page_cache_pages

probe end {

Try to reset MAXACTION once in a while with this

function reset_maxaction () %{
       if (CONTEXT && CONTEXT->actioncount)

OR try to start your script with -DMAXACTION=<somehugenumber>

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