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Re: Customization of LKET

Li Guanglei ??:
Frank Ch. Eigler ??:

lket_trace_extra is actually a wrapper around printf
> [...]
> I am thinking of revert my changes of lket_trace_extra() to
> translator.

I though of another way of allowing the user add arbitrary extra trace data using just printf. It has the same convenience as deprecated lket_trace_extra(), no flag/%2n is needed, no changes to translator is needed, and user can call printf() multiple times. I implemented it and tested it for a while, and it worked fine for me.

And I think we can also add a function register_user_event() whose signature is:
function register_user_event(grpid:long, hookid:long, fmt:string,
Then event register provides a way to tell the post-processing app the data/name of the extra trace data

The following shows an example of the above:

probe addevent.regevt
    register_user_event(GROUP_NETDEV, HOOKID_NETDEV_RECEIVE,
	"STRING:INT8:INT16", "sample string:sample id1:sample id2")

probe addevent.netdev.receive
    printf("%0s%1b%2b", "sample str", 11, 112)

Basically, this new way of user customizable tracing is done by a function named update_record() which will is called in a epilogue mode alias so it will be the last one to be called and it will update the total length of the trace data according to _stp_pbuf_len[cpu], including those logged by _lket_trace() and printf(). Every trace record has the format of:

total_len, sys_len(without user trace data), groupid, hookid, ...

it shows that the size of context will increase from 6608 to 51408 if MAXSTRINGLEN is defined as 1024. Seems acceptable, right?

I want also delete backtrace() function now. If a user want to print backtrace, he can just use printf and backtrace() function, e.g:
printf("%1b%0s", 11, backtrace())

Any comments?

- Guanglei

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