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Re: Kernel hang with latest snapshot

David Boreham wrote:

Li Guanglei wrote:

Sorry. It should be: stap -e "probe addevent.netdev.receive {}" -D ASCII_TRACE

Also crashes.

So, I've been doing some debugging the old fashioned way.
I commented out code until the crashing didn't happen, then
uncommented code until it came back. Using that technique
I've isolated the crash to this function:


BTW I previously determined that the crash is NOT caused by events that occur when a probe is hit. I did this by copying the code for the probe and then commenting out the underlying C logging payload. I still see the crashes. So it's something in the initialization phase that's causing the crash. This theory tends to be supported by the fact that any LKET probe will crash my systems, even syscalls that I'm pretty sure are never called.

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