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kprobes + nptl01 (test in ltp testsuite) problem


 Ive been using the kprobes on X86 m/c and found the following problem with
the following kprobe and the testsuite.

1. A probe is placed for the sys_gettimeofday with the pre/post/fault handlers
  defined (k-test.c is attached).

2. The nptl01 test from the ltp testuite is executed and the system gets into an
infinite loop (nptl01.c is attached).

Ive attached the log file that contains the output that was seen when
the above test is performed (kprobe-nptl.log), the log file is
stripped for the purpose of attaching.

Please provide me some information regarding the above failure.

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 #include <linux/module.h>\par #include <linux/init.h>\par #include <linux/kprobes.h>\par #include <linux/kallsyms.h>\par #include <linux/utsname.h>\par #include <asm/uaccess.h>\par \par static struct kprobe k_004_kpr;\par \par void k_004_CPY_FROM_USER(struct file *file, char *buf, int len)\par \{\par \par char x = 'a';\par \par if (put_user(x, buf)) \{\par printk("put_user : -EFAULT\\n");\par \}\par \par printk("CPY_FROM_USER\\n");\par \}\par \par static void __exit k_004_exit_probe(void)\par \{\par printk("\\nModule exiting from sys_gettimeofday \\n");\par unregister_kprobe(&k_004_kpr);\par \}\par \par static int k_004_before_hook(struct kprobe *k_004_kpr, struct pt_regs *p)\par \{\par int len = 500;\par struct file *file = NULL;\par \par printk("\\nBefore hook in sys_gettimeofday");\par printk("\\nThis is the Kprobe pre \\n"\par "handler for instruction at" "%p\\n", k_004_kpr->addr);\par printk("Stack Dump:\\n");\par dump_stack();\par printk("The Registers are:\\n");\par k_004_CPY_FROM_USER(file, NULL, len);\par return 0;\par \}\par \par static int k_004_after_hook(struct kprobe *k_004_kpr,\par struct pt_regs *p, unsigned long flags)\par \{\par printk("\\nAfter hook in sys_gettimeofday");\par printk("\\nThis is the Kprobe post \\n"\par "handler for instruction at" " %p\\n", k_004_kpr->addr);\par printk("Stack Dump:\\n");\par dump_stack();\par printk("The Registers are:\\n");\par return 0;\par \}\par \par int k_004_fault_probe(struct kprobe *p, struct pt_regs *regs, int trapnr)\par \{\par printk("\\nThis is the Kprobe fault \\n"\par "handler for sys_gettimeodday\\n");\par printk("fault_handler:p->addr=0x%p\\n", p->addr);\par printk("Stack Dump:\\n");\par dump_stack();\par printk("The Registers are:\\n");\par return 0;\par \}\par \par static int __init k_004_init_probe(void)\par \{\par printk("\\nInserting the kprobes for sys_gettimeofday\\n");\par \par /* Registering a kprobe */\par k_004_kpr.pre_handler = (kprobe_pre_handler_t) k_004_before_hook;\par k_004_kpr.post_handler = (kprobe_post_handler_t) k_004_after_hook;\par k_004_kpr.fault_handler = (kprobe_fault_handler_t) k_004_fault_probe;\par #if 0\par k_004_kpr.addr =\par (kprobe_opcode_t *) kallsyms_lookup_name("sys_gettimeofday");\par if (k_004_kpr.addr == NULL) \{\par printk("kallsyms_lookup_name could not find address "\par "for the specified symbol name\\n");\par return 1;\par \}\par #endif\par k_004_kpr.symbol_name = "sys_gettimeofday";\par if( register_kprobe(&k_004_kpr) <0 ) \{\par printk("k-004.c: register_kprobe is failed\\n");\par return -1;\par \}\par \par printk("register_kprobe is successful\\n");\par printk("\\nAddress where the kprobe is \\n"\par "going to be inserted - %p\\n", k_004_kpr.addr);\par register_kprobe(&k_004_kpr);\par return 0;\par \}\par \par module_init(k_004_init_probe);\par module_exit(k_004_exit_probe);\par \par MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Kprobes test module");\par MODULE_LICENSE("GPL");\par }

Attachment: nptl01.c
Description: Text document

Attachment: kprobes-nptl.log
Description: Binary data

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