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[Systemtap][RFC] sample test script and tapset for markers


Here is a tapset and sample script for markers.
This tapset partially covers LTTng markers(with our additional
patches for markers which I attached to the previous mails).

In this marker tapset, I used the marker.* namespace for


2nd symbol means subsystem and 3nd or later symbols are
depends on the subsystem.

As you can see in sample.stp, we can easily specify
the events occurred on each subsystem.

Thank you,

Masami Hiramatsu

Software Engineer
Hitachi Computer Products (America) Inc.
Software Solutions Division


// kernel marker tapset
// This file is part of systemtap, and is free software.  You can
// redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
// Public License (GPL); either version 2, or (at your option) any
// later version.

 * Each marker has "name" variable which stores marker name.

 * marker.irq.* - IRQ related markers

 * probe marker.irq.hardirq.entry
 *  Fires just before handing a hard interrupt.
 * Context:
 *  A hard interrupt occurs.
 * Arguments:
 *  irq_id - the id of hard irq.
 *  kernel_mode - boolean indicating whether the interrupt occured
 *                in kernel mode.
probe marker.irq.hardirq.entry
	= kernel.mark("kernel_irq_entry")
	name = "kernel_irq_entry"
	irq_id = $arg1
	kernel_mode = $arg2

 * probe marker.irq.hardirq.exit
 *  Fires after handling a hard interrupt.
 * Context:
 *  A hard interrupt was handled.
 * Arguments:
 *  irq_id - the id of hard irq.
 *  retval - return value of handle_IRQ_event().
probe marker.irq.hardirq.exit
	= kernel.mark("kernel_irq_exit")
	name = "kernel_irq_exit"
	irq_id = $arg1
	retval = $arg2

 * probe marker.irq.softirq.enter
 *  Fires before calling softirq handler.
 * Context:
 *  Softirq handler will be invoked.
 * Arguments:
 *  softirq_id - the id of softirq.
 *  func - the pointer of softirq handler.
 * Note:
 *  On specific architecture(ex. ia64) the "func" is not the address of
 * the actuall function. You might need to derefer *func for getting
 * actuall adress.
probe marker.irq.softirq.entry
	= kernel.mark("kernel_softirq_entry")
	name = "kernel_softirq_entry"
	softirq_id = $arg1
	func = $arg2

 * probe marker.irq.softirq.exit
 *  Fires after calling softirq handler.
 * Context:
 *  Softirq handler was handled.
 * Arguments:
 *  softirq_id - the id of softirq.
probe marker.irq.softirq.exit
	= kernel.mark("kernel_softirq_exit")
	name = "kernel_softirq_exit"
	softirq_id = $arg1

 * probe marker.irq.tasklet_low.enter
 *  Fires before calling tasklet_low handler.
 * Context:
 *  Tasklet(low) handler will be invoked.
 * Arguments:
 *  func - the pointer of tasklet_low handler.
 *  data - the data passed to the handler.
 * Note:
 *  On specific architecture(ex. ia64) the "func" is not the address of
 * the actuall function. You might need to derefer *func for getting
 * actuall adress.
probe marker.irq.tasklet_low.entry
	= kernel.mark("kernel_tasklet_low_entry")
	name = "kernel_tasklet_low_entry"
	func = $arg1
	data = $arg2

 * probe marker.irq.tasklet_low.exit
 *  Fires after calling tasklet_low handler.
 * Context:
 *  Tasklet(low) handler was handled.
 * Arguments:
 *  func - the pointer of tasklet_low handler.
 *  data - the data passed to the handler.
 * Note:
 *  On specific architecture(ex. ia64) the "func" is not the address of
 * the actuall function. You might need to derefer *func for getting
 * actuall adress.
probe marker.irq.tasklet_low.exit
	= kernel.mark("kernel_tasklet_low_exit")
	name = "kernel_tasklet_low_exit"
	func = $arg1
	data = $arg2

 * probe marker.irq.tasklet_high.enter
 *  Fires before calling tasklet_high handler.
 * Context:
 *  Tasklet(high) handler will be invoked.
 * Arguments:
 *  func - the pointer of tasklet_high handler.
 *  data - the data passed to the handler.
 * Note:
 *  On specific architecture(ex. ia64) the "func" is not the address of
 * the actuall function. You might need to derefer *func for getting
 * actuall adress.
probe marker.irq.tasklet_high.entry
	= kernel.mark("kernel_tasklet_high_entry")
	name = "kernel_tasklet_high_entry"
	func = $arg1
	data = $arg2

 * probe marker.irq.tasklet_high.exit
 *  Fires after calling tasklet_high handler.
 * Context:
 *  Tasklet(high) handler was handled.
 * Arguments:
 *  func - the pointer of tasklet_high handler.
 *  data - the data passed to the handler.
 * Note:
 *  On specific architecture(ex. ia64) the "func" is not the address of
 * the actuall function. You might need to derefer *func for getting
 * actuall adress.
probe marker.irq.tasklet_high.exit
	= kernel.mark("kernel_tasklet_high_exit")
	name = "kernel_tasklet_high_exit"
	func = $arg1
	data = $arg2

 * marker.process.* - Process related markers

 * probe
 *  Fires when task_struct is released.
 * Context:
 *  A process is released.
 * Arguments:
 *  pid - released process pid.
	= kernel.mark("kernel_process_free")
	name = "kernel_process_free"
	pid = $arg1

 * probe marker.process.wait
 *  Fires when do_wait() is called.
 * Context:
 *  Current process waits another process.
 * Arguments:
 *  pid - waiting target pid.
probe marker.process.wait
	= kernel.mark("kernel_process_wait")
	name = "kernel_process_wait"
	pid = $arg1

 * probe marker.process.exit
 *  Fires when do_exit() is called.
 * Context:
 *  A process exits.
 * Arguments:
 *  pid - exit process pid.
probe marker.process.exit
	= kernel.mark("kernel_process_exit")
	name = "kernel_process_exit"
	pid = $arg1

 * probe marker.process.fork
 *  Fires when a process forked/cloned.
 * Context:
 *  A process forked/cloned.
 * Arguments:
 *  pid - parent pid.
 *  parent_pid - same as above "pid".
 *  child_pid - forked child pid.
 *  child_tgid - forked child thread group id.
probe marker.process.fork
	= kernel.mark("kernel_process_fork")
	name = "kernel_process_fork"
	pid = $arg1
	parent_pid = $arg1
	child_pid = $arg2
	child_tgid = $arg3

 * marker.scheduler.* - scheduler related markers

probe __marker.scheduler.wakeup = kernel.mark("kernel_sched_wakeup")
	name = "kernel_sched_wakeup"
probe __marker.scheduler.wakeup_new = kernel.mark("kernel_sched_wakeup_new")
	name = "kernel_sched_wakeup_new"

 * probe marker.scheduler.wakeup
 *  Fires a process wakeup.
 * Context:
 *  A process wakeup.
 * Arguments:
 *  pid - wakeup process pid.
 *  state - process task state.
 *  cpu_id - the id of cpu where the process wakeup.
probe marker.scheduler.wakeup
	= __marker.scheduler.wakeup,
	pid = $arg1
	state = $arg2
	cpu_id = $arg3

 * probe marker.scheduler.switch
 *  Fires scheduler switches tasks.
 * Context:
 *  A process is switching to another process.
 * Arguments:
 *  prev_pid - the pid of the process from which next task is switched.
 *  next_pid - the pid of the process to which previous task switches.
 *  prev_state - task state of previous process
 *  prev_prio - task priority of previous process
 *  next_prio - task priority of next process
probe marker.scheduler.switch
	= kernel.mark("kernel_sched_switch")
	name = "kernel_sched_switch"
	prev_pid = $arg1
	next_pid = $arg2
	prev_state = $arg3
	prev_prio = $arg4
	next_prio = $arg5
# sample script for kernel marker

# Counter

global num

# Probes

# Interrupts
probe marker.irq.* {
	num[name] <<< 1

# Scheduler
probe marker.scheduler.* {
	num[name] <<< 1

# Process

probe marker.process.* {
	num[name] <<< 1

# begin/end

probe begin {
	printf("[STP] --- start ---\n")

probe end {
	printf("[STP] --- end ---\n")

	foreach (n+ in num) {
		printf("%s is hit %d times\n", n, @count(num[n]))

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