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systemtap java hotspot backtrace support


Attached is a systemtap helper script to go with the other tapsets
(hotspot.stp and hotspot_jni.stp) in icedtea. (And some build/configury
patches to slot it in the build).

At the moment on x86_64 it is blocked on systemtap bug #11034, but when
that is solved I like to check this in as a first step (it works fine on
i386 with either client or server and a smaller version - with
some of the frames smarts removes works fine on x86_64). You will need
the latest systemtap from git for the moment though, since it relies on
some recent bug/feature fixes on git trunk.

With this you can get java backtraces, with or without full method
signatures and with or without native frames in between, from any
hotspot probe context. You can directly print the stack to the trace
log, or collect it as a space separated string to inspect (and if needed
tweak some parameters to say how many frames you want and whether or not
to include method signatures and/or native frames). There is
documentation in the jstack.stp script about the various jstack()
function variants.

There are a couple of points that can use improvements (suggestions how
to do it very welcome):

- Collecting of frames isn't as useful as it looks since they are
  limited by MAXSTRINGLEN.
- The server (c2) compiler can trash the frame pointer, so we try to
  catch up by inspecting the stack. This mostly works, but can miss a
  frame. It would be nice to be able to retrieve the register map for
  the frame somehow.
- Similar to the above, we collect "native frames", while it would be
  nice to somehow collect the "virtual frames" (so inlined code expands
  to the corresponding java frames again).
- We are using the server dwarf info to extract all structure
  info, this is actually wrong, we should use the client when
  the client is probed (but the key structures are the same).
- The @casts in the actual jstack_call() function look somewhat ugly
  because they need to explicitly reference the absolute path.
- Related to the above, $vars cannot be used in stap functions (unlike
  @cast), which means we need to extract some info in a global probe
  (hotspot.vm_init_ended). Some way to associate an helper function with
  the probed module would be really nice.
  This creates two major limitations:
  - When starting to trace after this global probe has triggered
    jstack() just doesn't work.
  - Only one java process at a time can be traced since multiple
    global variables will conflict otherwise (this impacts tracing
    eclipse and netbeans, which start in "stages" running multiple
    java processes).
- For native frames it helps to add -d .../.../ also to see
  the core library jni helper functions. Would be nice to somehow
  include this (and maybe other libraries under jre/lib) automatically.

If anybody uses the jstack script please let me know how it works out.
And if you hit any of the above limitations or have ideas how to resolve
them, please also let me know.


/* jstack systemtap tapset, for extracting hotspot java backtraces.
   Copyright (C) 2009, Red Hat Inc.

This file is part of IcedTea.

IcedTea is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.

IcedTea is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with IcedTea; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301 USA.

 Provides helper functions to log and print hotspot java based backtraces.
 jstack() provides up to 32 pure java frames from the current probe point
 (space separated). jstack_print() does the same, but logs each frame
 immediately. jstack_full() provides up to 32 "mixed" frames, including
 full method signatures plus native code frames. print_jstack_full() does
 the same, but prints eachs frame to the log immediately. To request
 more or less frames use the jstack_n(), jstack_full_n(), print_jstack_n()
 and print_jstack_full_n() variants. And to have full controll over the
 amount of information included in each frame use the jstack_call()

 Currently only works with full path in process probes below.
 When things don't seem to work look if the correct
 jre/lib/[arch]/[client|server]/ is used
 and exists under @ABS_JAVA_HOME_DIR@/.
 This version of hotspot.stp has been configured to instrument the for arch @INSTALL_ARCH_DIR@ installed at:

global Universe_methodKlassObj;
global Universe_collectedHeap;
global HeapWordSize;
global CodeCache_heap;

global sp_register;
global fp_register;
global pc_register;
global ptr_size;

global constantPoolOopDesc_size;
global HeapBlock_Header_size;
global oopDesc_size;

global vm_inited;

/* We need to collect some global symbol addresses that cannot be resolved
   in a bare function and vm_init_end seems a good place to use. */
probe hotspot.vm_init_end
  // The parent/type oop for a methodOop.
  Universe_methodKlassObj = $_methodKlassObj;

  // For compressed oops.
  // Universe_heap_base = $_heap_base;

   * The Universe class holds some of the interesting statics for
   * introspection into HotSpot. The CollectedHeap
   * (Universe::_collectedHeap) is an abstraction of a java heap for Hotspot
   * it contains a _reserved MemRegion which represents a contigous
   * region of the address space consisting of HeapWords (which just
   * have one field member char *i).
   * Note that we access it through its "short name" _collectedHeap.
  Universe_collectedHeap = $_collectedHeap;
  HeapWordSize = $HeapWordSize;

   * The CodeCache class contains the static CodeHeap _heap that
   * is malloced at the start of the vm run and holds all generated
   * code. If the program counter is between the low and high memory
   * marks of the CodeHeap then it is generated code. Note that the
   * interpreter CodeBlob itself is also generated at runtime.
   * The code heap is made up of segments which are described in the
   * CodeHeap _segmap. Each segment is of size _segment_size, which
   * must be an exact power of 2 (_log2_segment_size). For each segment
   * the _segmap has an unsigned char which is 0xFF if the segment
   * isn't used, 0 if the segment is the start of a block and N
   * (Where in is 1 till 0xFE) to indicate the segment belongs to
   * the segment at index - N (which can be recursive if a block
   * contains more than 0xFE segments).
  CodeCache_heap = $_heap;

  // Should really check arch of user space (for 32bit jvm on 64bit kernel).
  %( arch == "i386" %?
     sp_register = "esp";
     fp_register = "ebp";
     pc_register = "eip";
     ptr_size = 4;
     constantPoolOopDesc_size = 32; // Should use dwarf @size
  %: %(arch == "x86_64" %?
     sp_register = "rsp";
     fp_register = "rbp";
     pc_register = "rip";
     ptr_size = 8; // XXX - might be probing 32-on-64 jvm.
     constantPoolOopDesc_size = 56; // Should use dwarf @size
  %: **ERROR** unknown architecture
  %) %)

  // Really should get from dwarf: @size("HeapBlock::Header"), @size("oopDesc")
  HeapBlock_Header_size = 2 * ptr_size;
  oopDesc_size = 2 * ptr_size;

  vm_inited = 1;

function jstack:string()
  // java backtraces can be a lot bigger, but we risk going over MAXACTION.
  // 32 frames only gives us ~32 actions per frame (with MAXACTION == 1024).
  max_depth = 32;

  return jstack_n(max_depth);

function jstack_n:string(max_depth:long)
  // Whether to log the method signatures.
  log_sig = 0;

  // Set to zero to only print pure java frames
  log_native = 0;

  // whether to print or just return the frames as space separated string
  print_frames = 0;

  return jstack_call(max_depth, log_sig, log_native, print_frames);

function print_jstack()
  // java backtraces can be a lot bigger, but we risk going over MAXACTION.
  // 32 frames only gives us ~32 actions per frame (with MAXACTION == 1024).
  max_depth = 32;

  return print_jstack_n(max_depth);

function print_jstack_n:string(max_depth:long)
  // Whether to log the method signatures.
  log_sig = 0;

  // Set to zero to only print pure java frames
  log_native = 0;

  // whether to print or just return the frames as space separated string
  print_frames = 1;

  jstack_call(max_depth, log_sig, log_native, print_frames);

function jstack_full:string()
  // java backtraces can be a lot bigger, but we risk going over MAXACTION.
  // 32 frames only gives us ~32 actions per frame (with MAXACTION == 1024).
  max_depth = 32;

  return jstack_full_n(max_depth);

function jstack_full_n:string(max_depth:long)
  // Whether to log the method signatures.
  log_sig = 1;

  // Set to zero to only print pure java frames
  log_native = 1;

  // whether to print or just return the frames as space separated string
  print_frames = 0;

  return jstack_call(max_depth, log_sig, log_native, print_frames);

function print_jstack_full()
  // java backtraces can be a lot bigger, but we risk going over MAXACTION.
  // 32 frames only gives us ~32 actions per frame (with MAXACTION == 1024).
  max_depth = 32;

  return print_jstack_full_n(max_depth);

function print_jstack_full_n:string(max_depth:long)
  // Whether to log the method signatures.
  log_sig = 1;

  // Set to zero to only print pure java frames
  log_native = 1;

  // whether to print or just return the frames as space separated string
  print_frames = 1;

  jstack_call(max_depth, log_sig, log_native, print_frames);

function jstack_call:string(max_depth:long, log_sig:long, log_native:long,
  if (! vm_inited)
      frame = "<vm-not-inited>";
      if (print_frames)
          return "";
        return frame;

  // Extract heap and code bounds.
  heap_start = @cast(Universe_collectedHeap,
  heap_size = HeapWordSize * @cast(Universe_collectedHeap,
  heap_end = heap_start + heap_size;

  CodeCache_low = @cast(CodeCache_heap, "CodeHeap",
  CodeCache_high =  @cast(CodeCache_heap, "CodeHeap",

  CodeHeap_log2_segment_size = @cast(CodeCache_heap,
  CodeCache_segmap_low = @cast(CodeCache_heap,

  // Might want to sanity check above values.

  // Loop through all the frames. The program counter is the starting
  // point to find the CodeBlob corresponding to the current frame. In
  // most cases the frame pointer will help us detect the class/method
  // and next pc value. But we need the stack pointer to help us out
  // to "recover" the previous fp in case we hit a code blob that didn't
  // preserve it.
  frames = "";
  sp = register(sp_register);
  fp = register(fp_register);
  pc = register(pc_register);
  depth = 0;
  while (pc != 0 && depth < max_depth)
      frame = "";

      // Assume things are fine unless indicated otherwise.
      trust_fp = 1;

      // Generated code? (Interpreter and stub methods are also generated)
      if (CodeCache_low <= pc && pc < CodeCache_high)
          // Find the start of the code segment and code block that
          // this pc is in.
          segments = 0;
          segment = (pc - CodeCache_low) >> CodeHeap_log2_segment_size;
          tag = user_char(CodeCache_segmap_low + segment) & 0xFF;
	  while (tag > 0 && segments < 16)
              segment = segment - tag;
              tag = user_char(CodeCache_segmap_low + segment) & 0xFF;
          block = CodeCache_low + (segment << CodeHeap_log2_segment_size);

          // Do some sanity checking.
          used = @cast(block, "HeapBlock",
          if (used != 1)
              // Something very odd has happened.
              frame = sprintf("0x%x <?unused-code-block?>", pc);
              blob_name = "unused";
              trust_fp = 0;
              frame_size = 0;
	      // We don't like spaces in frames (makes it hard to return
              // a space separated frame list). So make sure they are
              // replaced by underscores when used in frames.
              blob = block + HeapBlock_Header_size;
              blob_name_ptr = @cast(blob, "CodeBlob",
              blob_name = ((blob_name_ptr == 0) ? "<unknown-code-blob>"
                           : user_string(blob_name_ptr));

	  // For compiled code the methodOop is part of the code blob.
          // For the interpreter (and other code blobs) it is on the
          // stack relative to the frame pointer.
          if (blob_name == "nmethod")
            methodOopPtr = @cast(blob, "nmethod",
            methodOopPtr = user_long(fp + (-3 * ptr_size))

          // Start optimistic. A methodOop is only valid if it was
          // heap allocated. And if the "type class" oop equals the
          // Universe::methodKlassObj.
          isMethodOop = 1;
          if (heap_start > methodOopPtr || methodOopPtr >= heap_end)
            isMethodOop = 0
              methodOopKlass = @cast(methodOopPtr, "methodOopDesc",
              isMethodOop = (methodOopKlass == Universe_methodKlassObj);

          if (isMethodOop)
              // The java class is the holder of the constants (strings)
              // that describe the method and signature. This constant pool
              // contains symbolic information that describe the properties
              // of the class. The indexes for methods and signaturates in
              // the constant pool are symbolOopDescs that contain utf8
              // strings (plus lenghts). (We could also sanity check that
              // the tag value is correct [CONSTANT_String = 8]).
              // Note that the class name uses '/' instead of '.' as
              // package name separator and that the method signature is
              // encoded as a method descriptor string. Both of which we
              // don't demangle here.
              constantPoolOopDesc = @cast(methodOopPtr, "methodOopDesc",
              constantPoolOop_base = constantPoolOopDesc + constantPoolOopDesc_size;

              klassPtr = @cast(constantPoolOopDesc, "constantPoolOopDesc",
              klassSymbol = @cast(klassPtr + oopDesc_size, "Klass",
              klassName = &@cast(klassSymbol, "symbolOopDesc",
              klassLength = @cast(klassSymbol, "symbolOopDesc",

              methodIndex = @cast(methodOopPtr, "methodOopDesc",
              methodOopDesc = user_long(constantPoolOop_base + (methodIndex * ptr_size));
              methodName = &@cast(methodOopDesc, "symbolOopDesc",
              methodLength = @cast(methodOopDesc, "symbolOopDesc",

              if (log_sig)
                  sigIndex = @cast(methodOopPtr, "methodOopDesc",
                  sigOopDesc = user_long(constantPoolOop_base
                                         + (sigIndex * ptr_size));
                  sigName = &@cast(sigOopDesc, "symbolOopDesc",
                  sigLength = @cast(sigOopDesc, "symbolOopDesc",
                  sig = user_string_n(sigName, sigLength);
                sig = "";

              code_name = (log_native
                           ? sprintf("<%s@0x%x>",
                                     str_replace(blob_name, " ", "_"), pc)
                           : "");

              frame = sprintf("%s.%s%s%s",
                              user_string_n(klassName, klassLength),
                              user_string_n(methodName, methodLength),
                              sig, code_name);
              // This is probably just an internal function, not a java
              // method, just print the blob_name and continue.
              // fp is probably still trusted.
              if (log_native)
                frame = sprintf("<%s@0x%x>",
                                str_replace(blob_name, " ", "_"), pc);

          // We cannot trust the frame pointer of compiled methods.
          // The server (c2) jit compiler uses the fp register.
          // We do know the method frame size on the stack. But
          // this seems to be useful only as a hint of the minimum
          // stack being used.
          if (blob_name == "nmethod")
              trust_fp = 0;
              frame_size = @cast(blob, "CodeBlob",
          // "Normal" hotspot code. Just print what usymname() gets us.
          // All such code is compiled with -fno-omit-frame-pointer so
          // we can use that to get at the next frame.
          // Theoretically there could be libraries or jni code not
          // compiled with -fno-omit-frame-pointer, then we should really
          // use the dwarf unwinder or some stack crawling heuristics.
          if (log_native)
            frame = usymname(pc);

        // Get next frame by assuming frame pointers are being used.
        // (which is not always true for c2 (server) compiled nmethods).
        old_fp = fp;
        old_sp = sp

        sp = fp;
        fp = user_long(sp);
        pc = user_long(fp + ptr_size);

        // Do we need to double check? We do not want to do this
        // unless necessary. We have to assume most code is "sane"
        // and has fp setup correctly because we do not have good
        // heuristics that cover all cases (native code, interpreted
        // code, client code, codeblob stubs). So we only check and try
        // to adapt for nmethods. Scanning the stack for plausible
        // looking fp and pc values might make us skip a frame.
        if (!trust_fp)
            max_stack_scan = 96; // Arbitrary limit

            // Note that first while iteration actually checks that
            // the fp and pc from trusting the old fp might be correct
            // (it often is if the nmethod come from the client compiler).
            // The only validly looking pc values that we know of are in
            // the CodeCache (so, we might be skipping native frames).
            // The nmethod has a frame_size which gives a hint as to
            // how much stack we have to skip at least.
            i = 1;
            while (i < max_stack_scan
                   && (CodeCache_low > pc
                       || pc >= CodeCache_high
                       || fp <= old_fp))
                sp = old_sp + ((frame_size + i) * ptr_size);
                fp = user_long(sp);
                pc = user_long(fp + ptr_size);
            if (i == max_stack_scan)
                if (! print_frames)
                  frames = frames . " <stack_lost>"
                pc = 0;

      if (frame != "")
          if (! print_frames)
              space = (depth != 0) ? " " : "";
              frames = frames . space . frame;
            log (frame);

  if (depth == max_depth)
      frame = "<stack_truncated>";
      if (! print_frames)
        frames = frames . " " . frame
        log (frame);

  return frames;
diff -r 610a316e54d2
--- a/	Wed Nov 25 11:41:02 2009 +0000
+++ b/	Mon Nov 30 19:33:11 2009 +0100
@@ -123,6 +123,7 @@ \
 	tapset/ \
 	tapset/ \
+	tapset/ \
 	scripts/jni_create_stap.c \
@@ -1176,7 +1177,9 @@
 	    $(BUILD_OUTPUT_DIR)/j2sdk-image/tapset/hotspot.stp; \
 	  cp $(abs_top_builddir)/tapset/hotspot_jni.stp \
 	    $(BUILD_OUTPUT_DIR)/j2sdk-image/tapset/hotspot_jni.stp; \
-	fi
+	fi; \
+	cp $(abs_top_builddir)/tapset/jstack.stp \
+	  $(BUILD_OUTPUT_DIR)/j2sdk-image/tapset/jstack.stp
 	cp $(abs_top_builddir)/nss.cfg \
@@ -1273,7 +1276,9 @@
 	    $(BUILD_OUTPUT_DIR)/j2sdk-image/tapset/hotspot.stp; \
 	  cp $(abs_top_builddir)/tapset/hotspot_jni.stp \
 	    $(BUILD_OUTPUT_DIR)/j2sdk-image/tapset/hotspot_jni.stp; \
-	fi
+	fi; \
+	cp $(abs_top_builddir)/tapset/jstack.stp \
+	  $(BUILD_OUTPUT_DIR)/j2sdk-image/tapset/jstack.stp
 	cp $(abs_top_builddir)/nss.cfg \
diff -r 610a316e54d2
--- a/	Wed Nov 25 11:41:02 2009 +0000
+++ b/	Mon Nov 30 19:33:11 2009 +0100
@@ -389,6 +389,7 @@
+  AC_CONFIG_FILES([tapset/jstack.stp])
 dnl Check for libpng headers and libraries.

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