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[RFC V2] Systemtap translator support for kernel hardware breakpoints

The previous version of patches courted a very informative discussion on what we could do with hardware breakpoints using systemtap. I'm attaching a new set of patches to enable systemtap translator supported for hardware breakpoints on x86 / x86_64. The basic constructs intorduced earlier still stand :


The patch is based on the mainline kernel. The above constructs do not depend on dwarf, and hence can be used even on kernels lacking debuginfo.

Patches :
hwbkpt.patch : Code changes for systemtap translator.
hwbkpt-misc.patch : Manpage updates, NEWS, testcase.

Changes from earlier version :
1. The script approximates user-specified lengths to the next largest request the architecture can support, in case the length is found to be invalid. An error is reported only if the length is too large for the architecture to support. (The earlier response was to flag an error and ignore the probe for all non-supported lengths.)

2. The script translation fails if the number of hardware breakpoint probes exceeds the number of debug registers for a given architecture.

3. For now, probing of a kernel function's local variables is not possible. Also, with export of kallsyms_lookup_name(), systemtap generated module can directly decode symbol address at run-time. IMO, use of dwarf routines seems an overkill for now.

What remains to be done (TODO):
1. Enabling systemtap hardware breakpoint probes for other architectures (powerpc/S390, etc) (The kernel hardware breakpoint API for these is not frozen as yet)
2. New construct : probe{}, which gets triggered each time a write on ADDRESS actually updates its value.
3. Dynamic enabling / disabling a hardware breakpoint handler from a kprobe context. (This will in turn allow one to set breakpoints on local variables of kernel functions)
4. Updation of systemtap language reference with the above constructs.( hwbkpt-misc.patch updates man pages only)

Awaiting feedback,

Prerna Saxena

Linux Technology Centre,
IBM Systems and Technology Lab,
Bangalore, India
Signed-off-by: Prerna Saxena <>

Index: systemtap/tapsets.cxx
--- systemtap.orig/tapsets.cxx
+++ systemtap/tapsets.cxx
@@ -5319,7 +5319,373 @@ kprobe_builder::build(systemtap_session 
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  Hardware breakpoint based probes.
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+static const string TOK_HWBKPT("data");
+static const string TOK_HWBKPT_WRITE("write");
+static const string TOK_HWBKPT_RW("rw");
+static const string TOK_LENGTH("length");
+#define HWBKPT_READ 0
+#define HWBKPT_WRITE 1
+#define HWBKPT_RW 2
+struct hwbkpt_derived_probe: public derived_probe
+  hwbkpt_derived_probe (probe *base,
+                        probe_point *location,
+                        uint64_t addr,
+			string symname,
+			unsigned int len,
+			bool has_only_read_access,
+			bool has_only_write_access,
+			bool has_rw_access
+                        );
+  Dwarf_Addr hwbkpt_addr;
+  string symbol_name;
+  unsigned int hwbkpt_access,hwbkpt_len;
+  void printsig (std::ostream &o) const;
+  void join_group (systemtap_session& s);
+struct hwbkpt_derived_probe_group: public derived_probe_group
+  unsigned int max_hwbkpt_probes_by_arch;
+  vector<hwbkpt_derived_probe*> hwbkpt_probes_vector;
+  typedef vector<hwbkpt_derived_probe*>::iterator h_p_v_iterator;
+  void enroll (hwbkpt_derived_probe* probe, systemtap_session& s);
+  void emit_module_decls (systemtap_session& s);
+  void emit_module_init (systemtap_session& s);
+  void emit_module_exit (systemtap_session& s);
+hwbkpt_derived_probe::hwbkpt_derived_probe (probe *base,
+					    probe_point *location,
+					    uint64_t addr,
+					    string symname,
+					    unsigned int len,
+					    bool has_only_read_access,
+					    bool has_only_write_access,
+					    bool has_rw_access
+					    ):
+  derived_probe (base, location),
+  hwbkpt_addr (addr),
+  symbol_name (symname),
+  hwbkpt_len (len)
+  this->tok = base->tok;
+  vector<probe_point::component*> comps;
+  comps.push_back (new probe_point::component(TOK_KERNEL));
+  if (hwbkpt_addr)
+	  comps.push_back (new probe_point::component (TOK_HWBKPT, new literal_number(hwbkpt_addr)));
+  else
+	if (symbol_name.size())
+	  comps.push_back (new probe_point::component (TOK_HWBKPT, new literal_string(symbol_name)));
+  comps.push_back (new probe_point::component (TOK_LENGTH, new literal_number(hwbkpt_len)));
+  if (has_only_read_access)
+	this->hwbkpt_access = HWBKPT_READ ;
+//TODO add code for comps.push_back for read, since this flag is not for x86
+  else
+	{
+	  if (has_only_write_access)
+		{
+		  this->hwbkpt_access = HWBKPT_WRITE ;
+	  	  comps.push_back (new probe_point::component(TOK_HWBKPT_WRITE));
+		}
+	  else
+		{
+		  this->hwbkpt_access = HWBKPT_RW ;
+	  	  comps.push_back (new probe_point::component(TOK_HWBKPT_RW));
+		}
+	}
+  this->sole_location()->components = comps;
+void hwbkpt_derived_probe::printsig (ostream& o) const
+  sole_location()->print (o);
+  printsig_nested (o);
+void hwbkpt_derived_probe::join_group (systemtap_session& s)
+  if (! s.hwbkpt_derived_probes) {
+        s.hwbkpt_derived_probes = new hwbkpt_derived_probe_group ();
+	if (s.architecture == "i386" || s.architecture == "x86_64" )
+			s.hwbkpt_derived_probes->max_hwbkpt_probes_by_arch = 4;
+	else {
+			s.hwbkpt_derived_probes->max_hwbkpt_probes_by_arch = 0;
+			throw semantic_error ("Hardware Breakpoints not supported on arch " + s.architecture);
+		}
+	}
+  s.hwbkpt_derived_probes->enroll (this, s);
+void hwbkpt_derived_probe_group::enroll (hwbkpt_derived_probe* p, systemtap_session& s)
+  if (hwbkpt_probes_vector.size() < max_hwbkpt_probes_by_arch )
+	hwbkpt_probes_vector.push_back (p);
+  else  {
+	  std::stringstream hwbkpt_err_msg;
+	  hwbkpt_err_msg << "No of Hardware breakpoint probes in script exceeds the number of hardware breakpoints that the architecture can support : max " << max_hwbkpt_probes_by_arch << " on " << s.architecture ;
+	  throw semantic_error (hwbkpt_err_msg.str());
+	}
+hwbkpt_derived_probe_group::emit_module_decls (systemtap_session& s)
+  if (hwbkpt_probes_vector.empty()) return;
+  s.op->newline() << "/* ---- hwbkpt-based probes ---- */";
+  // Warn of misconfigured kernels
+  s.op->newline() << "#ifndef CONFIG_HAVE_HW_BREAKPOINT";
+  s.op->newline() << "#error \"Need CONFIG_HAVE_HW_BREAKPOINT!\"";
+  s.op->newline() << "#endif";
+  s.op->newline() << "#include <linux/perf_event.h>";
+  s.op->newline() << "#include <linux/hw_breakpoint.h>";
+  s.op->newline();
+// Define macros for access type
+  s.op->newline() << "#define HWBKPT_READ 0";
+  s.op->newline() << "#define HWBKPT_WRITE 1";
+  s.op->newline() << "#define HWBKPT_RW 2";
+  // Forward declare the master entry functions
+  s.op->newline() << "static int enter_hwbkpt_probe (struct perf_event *bp,";
+  s.op->line() << " int nmi,";
+  s.op->line() << " struct perf_sample_data *data,";
+  s.op->line() << " struct pt_regs *regs);";
+  // Emit the actual probe list.
+  s.op->newline() << "static struct perf_event_attr ";
+  s.op->newline() << "stap_hwbkpt_probe_array[" << hwbkpt_probes_vector.size() << "];";
+  s.op->newline() << "static struct perf_event **";
+  s.op->newline() << "stap_hwbkpt_ret_array[" << hwbkpt_probes_vector.size() << "];";
+  s.op->newline() << "static struct stap_hwbkpt_probe {";
+  s.op->newline() << "int registered_p:1;";
+// registered_p =  0 signifies a probe that failed registration
+// registered_p =  1 signifies a probe that got registered successfully
+  // Probe point & Symbol Names are mostly small and uniform enough
+  // to justify putting char[MAX]'s into  the array instead of
+  // relocated char*'s.
+  size_t pp_name_max = 0 , symbol_name_max = 0;
+  size_t pp_name_tot = 0 , symbol_name_tot = 0;
+  for (unsigned int it = 0; it < hwbkpt_probes_vector.size(); it++)
+    {
+      hwbkpt_derived_probe* p =;
+#define DOIT(var,expr) do {                             \
+        size_t var##_size = (expr) + 1;                 \
+        var##_max = max (var##_max, var##_size);        \
+        var##_tot += var##_size; } while (0)
+      DOIT(pp_name, lex_cast_qstring(*p->sole_location()).size());
+      DOIT(symbol_name, p->symbol_name.size());
+#undef DOIT
+    }
+#define CALCIT(var)                                                     \
+  s.op->newline() << "const char " << #var << "[" << var##_name_max << "] ;";
+  CALCIT(pp);
+  CALCIT(symbol);
+#undef CALCIT
+  s.op->newline() << "const unsigned long address;";
+  s.op->newline() << "uint8_t atype;";
+  s.op->newline() << "uint8_t len;";
+  s.op->newline() << "void (* const ph) (struct context*);";
+  s.op->newline() << "} stap_hwbkpt_probes[] = {";
+  s.op->indent(1);
+  for (unsigned int it = 0; it < hwbkpt_probes_vector.size(); it++)
+    {
+      hwbkpt_derived_probe* p =;
+      s.op->newline() << "{";
+//      s.op->line() << " .registered_p=1,";
+      if (p->symbol_name.size())
+      s.op->line() << " .address=(unsigned long)0x0" << "ULL,";
+      else
+      s.op->line() << " .address=(unsigned long)0x" << hex << p->hwbkpt_addr << dec << "ULL,";
+      s.op->line() << " .atype=" << p->hwbkpt_access << ",";
+      s.op->line() << " .len=" << p->hwbkpt_len << ",";
+      s.op->line() << " .pp=" << lex_cast_qstring (*p->sole_location()) << ",";
+      s.op->line() << " .symbol=\"" << p->symbol_name << "\",";
+      s.op->line() << " .ph=&" << p->name << "";
+      s.op->line() << " },";
+    }
+  s.op->newline() << "};";
+  // Emit the hwbkpt callback function
+  s.op->newline() ;
+  s.op->newline() << "static int enter_hwbkpt_probe (struct perf_event *bp,";
+  s.op->line() << " int nmi,";
+  s.op->line() << " struct perf_sample_data *data,";
+  s.op->line() << " struct pt_regs *regs) {";
+  s.op->newline() << "unsigned int i;";
+  s.op->newline() << "if (bp->attr.type != PERF_TYPE_BREAKPOINT )";
+  s.op->newline() << "return -1;";
+  s.op->newline() << "for ( i=0; i<" << hwbkpt_probes_vector.size() << "; i++) {";
+  s.op->newline() << "struct perf_event_attr *hp = & stap_hwbkpt_probe_array[i];";
+  s.op->newline() << "if (bp->attr.bp_addr==hp->bp_addr && bp->attr.bp_type==hp->bp_type && bp->attr.bp_len==hp->bp_len ) {";
+  s.op->newline() << "struct stap_hwbkpt_probe *sdp = &stap_hwbkpt_probes[i];";
+  common_probe_entryfn_prologue (s.op, "STAP_SESSION_RUNNING", "sdp->pp");
+  s.op->newline() << "c->regs = regs;";
+  s.op->newline() << "(*sdp->ph) (c);";
+  common_probe_entryfn_epilogue (s.op);
+  s.op->newline() << "return 0;";
+  s.op->newline() << "}";
+  s.op->newline(-1) << "}";
+  s.op->newline() << "return 0;";
+  s.op->newline() << "}";
+hwbkpt_derived_probe_group::emit_module_init (systemtap_session& s)
+  s.op->newline() << "for (i=0; i<" << hwbkpt_probes_vector.size() << "; i++) {";
+  s.op->newline(1) << "struct stap_hwbkpt_probe *sdp = & stap_hwbkpt_probes[i];";
+  s.op->newline() << "struct perf_event_attr *hp = & stap_hwbkpt_probe_array[i];";
+  s.op->newline() << "void *addr = (void *) sdp->address;";
+  s.op->newline() << "const char *hwbkpt_symbol_name = addr ? NULL : sdp->symbol;";
+  s.op->newline() << "	hw_breakpoint_init(hp);";
+  s.op->newline() << "	if (addr) ";
+  s.op->newline() << "	    hp->bp_addr = (unsigned long) addr;";
+  s.op->newline() << "	else { ";
+  s.op->newline() << "	   hp->bp_addr = kallsyms_lookup_name(hwbkpt_symbol_name);";
+  s.op->newline() << "	if (!hp->bp_addr) { ";
+  s.op->newline() << " 	_stp_warn(\"Probe %s registration skipped : invalid symbol %s \",sdp->pp,hwbkpt_symbol_name);";
+  s.op->newline() << "	sdp->registered_p = 0;";
+  s.op->newline() << "	stap_hwbkpt_ret_array[i] = ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);";
+  s.op->newline() << "		} ";
+  s.op->newline() << "	} ";
+  s.op->newline() << "#ifdef CONFIG_X86";
+  s.op->newline() << "  switch(sdp->len) {";
+  s.op->newline() << "	case 1:";
+  s.op->newline() << "    hp->bp_len = HW_BREAKPOINT_LEN_1;";
+  s.op->newline() << "    break;";
+  s.op->newline() << "	case 2:";
+  s.op->newline() << "    hp->bp_len = HW_BREAKPOINT_LEN_2;";
+  s.op->newline() << "    break;";
+  s.op->newline() << "	case 3:";
+  s.op->newline() << "	case 4:";
+  s.op->newline() << "    hp->bp_len = HW_BREAKPOINT_LEN_4;";
+  s.op->newline() << "    break;";
+  s.op->newline() << "#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64";
+  s.op->newline() << "	case 5:";
+  s.op->newline() << "	case 6:";
+  s.op->newline() << "	case 7:";
+  s.op->newline() << "	case 8:";
+  s.op->newline() << "    hp->bp_len = HW_BREAKPOINT_LEN_8;";
+  s.op->newline() << "    break;";
+  s.op->newline() << "#endif /*CONFIG_X86_64*/";
+  s.op->newline() << "	default:";
+  s.op->newline() << " 	_stp_warn(\"Probe %s registration skipped : unsupported length. Supported lengths for x86 are 1,2,4 {8 for x86_84 only} \",sdp->pp);";
+  s.op->newline() << "	sdp->registered_p = 0;";
+  s.op->newline() << "	stap_hwbkpt_ret_array[i] = ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);";
+  s.op->newline() << "	}";
+  s.op->newline() << "  switch(sdp->atype)";
+  s.op->newline() << "	{";
+  s.op->newline() << "    case HWBKPT_READ:";
+  s.op->newline() << "  	_stp_warn(\"Probe %s registration skipped : READ-ONLY hardware breakpoints not supported on x86\",sdp->pp);";
+  s.op->newline() << "		sdp->registered_p = 0;";
+  s.op->newline() << "		stap_hwbkpt_ret_array[i] = ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);";
+  s.op->newline() << "		break;";
+  s.op->newline() << "    case HWBKPT_WRITE:";
+  s.op->newline() << "		hp->bp_type = HW_BREAKPOINT_W;";
+  s.op->newline() << "		break;";
+  s.op->newline() << "    case HWBKPT_RW:";
+  s.op->newline() << "		hp->bp_type = HW_BREAKPOINT_R | HW_BREAKPOINT_W;";
+  s.op->newline() << "		break;";
+  s.op->newline() << "  }";
+  s.op->newline() << "#endif /*CONFIG_X86*/";
+  s.op->newline() << "probe_point = sdp->pp;"; // for error messages
+  s.op->newline() << "if ( !IS_ERR(stap_hwbkpt_ret_array[i]) ) {";
+  s.op->newline() << " stap_hwbkpt_ret_array[i] = register_wide_hw_breakpoint( hp, (void *)&enter_hwbkpt_probe );";
+  s.op->newline() << " if (IS_ERR(stap_hwbkpt_ret_array[i])) {";
+  s.op->newline() << "     rc = PTR_ERR(stap_hwbkpt_ret_array[i]);";
+  s.op->newline() << "      sdp->registered_p = 0;";
+  s.op->newline(1) << "	    _stp_warn(\" Hwbkpt Probe %s : Registration error rc= %d, Addr = %p, name = %s\", probe_point, rc, addr, hwbkpt_symbol_name);";
+  s.op->newline(-1) << "  }";
+  s.op->newline() << "    else sdp->registered_p = 1;";
+  s.op->newline() << "}";
+  s.op->newline(-1) << "}"; // for loop
+hwbkpt_derived_probe_group::emit_module_exit (systemtap_session& s)
+  //Unregister hwbkpt probes.
+  s.op->newline() << "for (i=0; i<" << hwbkpt_probes_vector.size() << "; i++) {";
+  s.op->newline(1) << "struct stap_hwbkpt_probe *sdp = & stap_hwbkpt_probes[i];";
+  s.op->newline() << " if ( IS_ERR(stap_hwbkpt_ret_array[i]) ) continue;";
+//  s.op->newline() << " if ( sdp->registered_p == 0 ) continue;";
+  s.op->newline() << " unregister_wide_hw_breakpoint(stap_hwbkpt_ret_array[i]);";
+  s.op->newline() << "sdp->registered_p = 0;";
+  s.op->newline(-1) << "}";
+struct hwbkpt_builder: public derived_probe_builder
+  hwbkpt_builder() {}
+  virtual void build(systemtap_session & sess,
+		     probe * base,
+		     probe_point * location,
+		     literal_map_t const & parameters,
+		     vector<derived_probe *> & finished_results);
+hwbkpt_builder::build(systemtap_session & sess,
+		      probe * base,
+		      probe_point * location,
+		      literal_map_t const & parameters,
+		      vector<derived_probe *> & finished_results)
+  string symbol_str_val;
+  int64_t hwbkpt_address, len;
+  bool has_addr, has_symbol_str, has_write, has_rw, has_len;
+  has_addr = get_param (parameters, TOK_HWBKPT, hwbkpt_address);
+  has_symbol_str = get_param (parameters, TOK_HWBKPT, symbol_str_val);
+  has_len = get_param (parameters, TOK_LENGTH, len);
+  has_write = (parameters.find(TOK_HWBKPT_WRITE) != parameters.end());
+  has_rw = (parameters.find(TOK_HWBKPT_RW) != parameters.end());
+  if (!has_len)
+	len = 1;
+  if (has_addr)
+      finished_results.push_back (new hwbkpt_derived_probe (base,
+							    location,
+							    hwbkpt_address,
+							    "",len,0,
+							    has_write,
+							    has_rw));
+  else // has symbol_str
+      finished_results.push_back (new hwbkpt_derived_probe (base,
+							    location,
+							    0,
+							    symbol_str_val,len,0,
+							    has_write,
+							    has_rw));
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // statically inserted kernel-tracepoint derived probes
@@ -5811,7 +6177,7 @@ tracepoint_derived_probe_group::emit_mod
       s.op->line() << ") {";
-      common_probe_entryfn_prologue (s.op, "STAP_SESSION_RUNNING", 
+      common_probe_entryfn_prologue (s.op, "STAP_SESSION_RUNNING",
                                      lex_cast_qstring (*p->sole_location()));
       s.op->newline() << "c->marker_name = "
                       << lex_cast_qstring (p->tracepoint_name)
@@ -6140,7 +6506,6 @@ tracepoint_builder::init_dw(systemtap_se
   return true;
 tracepoint_builder::build(systemtap_session& s,
                           probe *base, probe_point *location,
@@ -6158,7 +6523,6 @@ tracepoint_builder::build(systemtap_sess
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 //  Standard tapset registry.
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -6205,6 +6569,21 @@ register_standard_tapsets(systemtap_sess
      ->bind_num(TOK_MAXACTIVE)->bind(new kprobe_builder());
       ->bind(TOK_ABSOLUTE)->bind(new kprobe_builder());
+  //Hwbkpt based probe
+  s.pattern_root->bind(TOK_KERNEL)->bind_num(TOK_HWBKPT)
+	->bind(TOK_HWBKPT_WRITE)->bind(new hwbkpt_builder());
+  s.pattern_root->bind(TOK_KERNEL)->bind_str(TOK_HWBKPT)
+	->bind(TOK_HWBKPT_WRITE)->bind(new hwbkpt_builder());
+  s.pattern_root->bind(TOK_KERNEL)->bind_num(TOK_HWBKPT)
+	->bind(TOK_HWBKPT_RW)->bind(new hwbkpt_builder());
+  s.pattern_root->bind(TOK_KERNEL)->bind_str(TOK_HWBKPT)
+	->bind(TOK_HWBKPT_RW)->bind(new hwbkpt_builder());
+  s.pattern_root->bind(TOK_KERNEL)->bind_num(TOK_HWBKPT)
+	->bind_num(TOK_LENGTH)->bind(TOK_HWBKPT_WRITE)->bind(new hwbkpt_builder());
+  s.pattern_root->bind(TOK_KERNEL)->bind_num(TOK_HWBKPT)
+	->bind_num(TOK_LENGTH)->bind(TOK_HWBKPT_RW)->bind(new hwbkpt_builder());
+  // length supported with address only, not symbol names
@@ -6231,6 +6610,7 @@ all_session_groups(systemtap_session& s)
+  DOONE(hwbkpt);
Index: systemtap/session.h
--- systemtap.orig/session.h
+++ systemtap/session.h
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ struct derived_probe;
 struct be_derived_probe_group;
 struct dwarf_derived_probe_group;
 struct kprobe_derived_probe_group;
+struct hwbkpt_derived_probe_group;
 struct uprobe_derived_probe_group;
 struct utrace_derived_probe_group;
 struct itrace_derived_probe_group;
@@ -175,6 +176,7 @@ struct systemtap_session
   be_derived_probe_group* be_derived_probes;
   dwarf_derived_probe_group* dwarf_derived_probes;
   kprobe_derived_probe_group* kprobe_derived_probes;
+  hwbkpt_derived_probe_group* hwbkpt_derived_probes;
   uprobe_derived_probe_group* uprobe_derived_probes;
   utrace_derived_probe_group* utrace_derived_probes;
   itrace_derived_probe_group* itrace_derived_probes;
Index: systemtap/elaborate.cxx
--- systemtap.orig/elaborate.cxx
+++ systemtap/elaborate.cxx
@@ -1523,6 +1523,7 @@ systemtap_session::systemtap_session ():
+  hwbkpt_derived_probes(0),
Signed-off-by: Prerna Saxena <>

Index: systemtap/
--- systemtap.orig/
+++ systemtap/
@@ -660,6 +660,55 @@ and a string of name=value pairs for all
 is available in
 .BR $$vars " or " $$parms .
+This family of probes is used to set hardware watchpoints for a given
+ (global) kernel symbol. The probes take three components as inputs :
+1. The
+.BR virtual address / name
+of the kernel symbol to be traced is supplied as argument to this class
+of probes. ( Probes for only data segment variables are supported. Probing
+local variables of a function cannot be done.)
+2. Nature of access to be probed :
+.I .write
+probe gets triggered when a write happens at the specified address/symbol
+.I rw
+probe is triggered when either a read or write happens.
+.BR .length
+Users have the option of specifying the address interval to be probed
+using "length" constructs. The user-specified length gets approximated
+to the closest possible address length that the architecture can
+support. If the specified length exceeds the limits imposed by
+architecture, an error message is flagged and probe registration fails.
+Wherever 'length' is not specified, the translator requests a hardware
+breakpoint probe of length 1. It should be noted that the "length"
+construct is not valid with symbol names.
+Following constructs are supported :
+This set of probes make use of the debug registers of the processor,
+which is a scarce resource. (4 on x86 , 1 on powerpc ) The script
+translation fails if a user sets more hardware breakpoint probes than
+the limits set by architecture. For example,a pass-2 error is flagged
+when an input script requests 5 hardware breakpoint probes on an x86
+system while x86 architecture supports a maximum of 4 breakpoints.
+Users are cautioned to set probes judiciously.
 Here are some example probe points, defining the associated events.
@@ -696,6 +745,9 @@ refers to the statement of line 2917 wit
 refers to the statement at line bio_init+3 within "fs/bio.c".
+refers to a hardware preakpoint of type "write" set on pid_max
 refers to the group of probe aliases with any name in the third position
Index: systemtap/testsuite/buildok/hwbkpt.stp
--- /dev/null
+++ systemtap/testsuite/buildok/hwbkpt.stp
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+#! stap -wp4
+probe"pid_max").write {}
+probe"pid_max").rw {}
Index: systemtap/NEWS
--- systemtap.orig/NEWS
+++ systemtap/NEWS
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+- New : systemtap now supports probes for Hardware Breakpoints. For syntax details, see man page for stapprobes.
 * What's new in version 1.1
 - New tracepoint based tapset for memory subsystem.

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