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Re: [PATCH v2 0/3] Perf support to SDT markers


On 10/07/2013 09:17 PM, Frank Ch. Eigler wrote:
Hemant Kumar <> writes:

A simple example to show this follows.
- Create a file with .d extension and mention the probe names in it with
provider name and marker name.
- Now create the probes.h and probes.o file :
$ dtrace -C -h -s probes.d -o probes.h
$ dtrace -C -G -s probes.d -o probes.o
It may be worthwhile to document an even-simpler case:

- no .d file
- no invocation of the dtrace python script
- no generated .h or .o file
- in the C file, just add:

   #include <sys/sdt.h>

   void main () {
        /* ... */
        /* ... */

- gcc file.c
- stap -l 'process("./a.out").mark("*")' to list

- FChE

Will add this example to the doc too.


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