game out of sync

Alan Kenwright
Sat Jul 22 06:34:00 GMT 2000

I'm fairly new to this, so apologies if this is naive....

I've been trying to play Xconq-7.3.3 over a LAN between two machines
both running RedHat6.2 (one is a 50MHz 486 and the other is a Sparc-2,
so they're both a bit slow).  After a relatively small number of turns
(like 10) playing the Introductory game, I start getting error messages
about "game is out of sync".  This does not happen if I just play on one
machine against an AI side.


Is this a known problem with network play - does anybody else see it?
Is there a way to re-sync a game once it has got out of sync?  (Should
there be?)
Should I try to save the game on both machines at the point where the
error occurs - is it possible to determine the problem from that?

Looks like a great game.....



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