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Other format: [Raw text]

Re: Civ game

It is a awful patch, but this patch will make some strings clickable.

--- tkconq.tcl.orig	Thu Sep 19 08:26:24 2002
+++ tkconq.tcl	Thu Sep 19 08:26:34 2002
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
 wm title . "Xconq Main Window"
 wm withdraw .
+#lappend auto_path BWidget-1.4.1
+#package require BWidget                                                             
 # Asking for a specific color sometimes loses...
 #set progress_bar_color black
@@ -3502,6 +3505,7 @@
     label .research.current -width 25 -height 2 -font $textfont
     pack .research.current -side top
+    frame .research.t
     listbox .research.topics -selectmode browse -width 25 \
 	    -yscrollcommand ".research.yscroll set" -relief sunken -borderwidth 2
     # Whether this scrollbar is actually needed depends on how many
@@ -3510,8 +3514,9 @@
     # is a user preference.
     scrollbar .research.yscroll -orient vert \
 	    -command ".research.topics yview"
-    pack .research.yscroll -side right -fill y
-    pack .research.topics -side top
+    pack .research.yscroll -side right -fill y -in .research.t
+    pack .research.topics -side top -in .research.t
+    pack .research.t
     button .research.ok -text "Research" -command ok_research
     pack .research.ok -side left -padx 5 -pady 5
@@ -4140,11 +4145,17 @@
     bind <ButtonRelease-1> { select_help_topic }
-    text -width 60 -height 30 -font $textfont -wrap word \
+    text -width 60 -height 20 -font $textfont -wrap word \
 	    -yscrollcommand { set }
     scrollbar -command { yview }
+    #Tree -padx 2 -height 10
     pack -side left -fill both -expand true
     pack -side right -fill y
+    #pack -before -side bottom -fill x
     pack -side right -fill both -expand true
     set bgcolor [ cget -background ]
@@ -4197,8 +4208,63 @@
     } delete body.first body.last insert end "$contents" body
+    if { $nclass == "u" } { 
+    	set rxp "Required advances to build: "
+	set len [string length $rxp]
+	set xy [ search $rxp 0.0 end]+28chars
+	set le [ search . $xy]
+	set te ""
+	set cnt 0
+	while { $te != $le } {
+		set te [ search , $xy $le]
+		if { $te == "" } { set te $le }
+ tag add tag$cnt $xy $te
+ tag configure tag$cnt -relief raised -borderwidth 1
+		set moji [ get $xy $te]
+ tag bind tag$cnt <Button-1> "help_goto $moji"
+		set cnt $cnt+1
+		set xy $te+1chars
+	}
+    }
+    if { $nclass == "a" } {
+	set cnt 0
+	foreach rxp { "Prerequisite advances: " "Enables: " } {
+		set tmp [ search $rxp 0.0 end]
+		if { $tmp != "" } {
+			set len [string length $rxp]
+			set tmp $tmp+${len}chars
+			set xy [ search " vs " $tmp]+4chars
+			set le [ search . $xy]
+			set te ""
+        		while { $te != $le } {
+                		set te [ search , $xy $le]
+                		if { $te == "" } { set te $le }
+         tag add tagg$cnt $xy $te
+         tag configure tagg$cnt -relief raised -borderwidth 1
+                		set moji [ get $xy $te]
+         tag bind tagg$cnt <Button-1> "help_goto $moji"
+                		set cnt $cnt+1
+                		set xy $te+2chars
+        		}		
+		}
+    	}
+    } yview moveto 0 configure -state disabled
+ delete [ nodes root]
+    #if { $nclass == "a"} {
+    # bindText <ButtonPress-1> "help_goto [ selection get]"
+# insert end root Steel -text Steel -open 1
+# insert end Steel Metallurgy  -text Metallurgy -open 1
+# insert end Metallurgy Gunpowder -text Gunpowder
+# insert end Metallurgy "The University" -text "The University" 
+# insert end Steel Industrialization -text Industrialization
+#    }
 proc scrolled_listbox { f args } {

MA Dunzi <>

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