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Re: Xconq for Windows XP?

>Hi- I enjoyed playing Xconq on my old Mac a few years
>a go and would like to play it on my new Windows XP
>system. I've downloaded and opened a file, but can't
>get the program to run. I'm not a programmer or
>familiar w/ DOS. How do I start the program?

Sorry, there is no easy out-of-the-box way to do it right now, but here you go:

First, have to get a fresh checkout of the xconq CVS repository. So if you
don't know what WinCVS is or how to run it, you are out of luck.

Then you have to get a recent Windows build of the app itself, which you
should put in the top (xconq) directory of the CVS checkout. There is one
on this webpage:

Third, you need to install TCL8.3 from

Here are some more detailed instructions that I posted recently to this
list. You will find a lot of questions about this (and my answers) in the
list archive.


If you are using Visual C you should follow the excellent instructions
recently posted to this list by Stanley Sutton ("Please check these
instructions for MSC_README"). They contain just about everything you need
to know, and they work. The only step that is missing is that you also have
to add tcl83.lib and tk83.lib from the ActiveState files to the WconqTCL
project before you build it. Don't worry about the patches that are
described - they have all been checked in by now. Just check out a fresh
copy of the CVS sources before you start.

If you are using Cygwin there are some old instructions that Stan wrote in
the CVS sources. However, things have changed. An updated version of the
Cygwin build instructions may be available soon.

If you don't want to build Xconq  yourself you can download fresh Windows
and Mac binaries from this page:


Neither the Visual C build nor the Cygwin build will run out of the box.
You have to configure things manually first. By this I mean you have to
move files around. Here is what you need to do:

1. Get a fresh copy of the xconq CVS sources.
2. Move the compiled app to the top (xconq) directory.
3. Also put tcl83.dll and tk83.dll from there.
4. Make a directory named "lib" at the top of the volume (e.g. "C:\lib").
5. Put the tcl8.3 and tk8.3 directories from ActiveState inside the "lib" dir.

There may be other places where you can put tcl8.3 and tk8.3 depending on
how your system is configured, but the top level "lib" directory will
always work. Putting them in xconq/lib works for Mac Tcl app, but not for
the Windows app. If you are using Cygwin you should put them in a directory
named xconq/share.

If you have problems running the app you should look for a file named
"Xconq.Warnings" in the same directory as Xconq.exe. It will tell you what
files Xconq failed to find, and where it was looking for the missing files.
Putting copies of the files wherever Xconq think they should be usually
solves the problem.

Please note: I have not tested xconq myself on Windows XP. It does run fine
on Windows 98 and 2000.


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