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Re: More Combat Options

On Tue, 2004-05-11 at 14:21, Elijah Meeks wrote:

> > In the short term, I may add more flexibility to the
> > way capture 
> > can work in model 0, 
> Flexibility?  How so?  You mean like with the cow-pie
> thread or otherwise?

Well, I was thinking in terms of something like
'occupant-allows-capture', which would default to 100% to mimic existing
behavior. If an occupant had it set to 0% for a given transport, then
that occupant would have to be killed first before the transport could
be captured.

Currently, 'protection' is looked at as not only a combat hit chance
modifier, but as a capture chance modifier. As has been pointed out on
the list before, using 'protection' to prevent capture may be acceptable
in some cases; I think Eric Moore (?) even provided a patch for the
standard game that used protection in this manner. Of course, it has the
side effect of not allowing the actual transport to be hit.

What I would like to be able to do is have the transport be able to be
hit per usual, but not captured until its defenders are routed. I don't
see a way within the existing model 0 framework to accomplish this, but
perhaps I am missing something....

Basically, the need that drives this is:
Suppose a land combat unit is hunkered down in some fortifications. The
fortifications should provide extra protection to the unit (and not vice
versa). The fortifications should not be able to be captured unless the
occupant has been destroyed or driven out. The fortifications should be
able to be hit and take damage (without the occupant somehow modifying
their hit chance).

In other words, protection from capture and protection from being hit
should be decoupled, and treated like the two separate ideas that they
really are.


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