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RE: Which one to choose

> I saw today several times the owing construct:
> <xsl:variable name="foo" 
> select="document('http://remerver/file.xml')"/>
> <xsl:value-of select="$foo/path/to/some/nodes"/>
> Is it because the XSLT engused has some limitations? different
> interpretation of the recommendations?

No, it was just an example. I didn't want rovide examples of every
possible use of the document() function, so I picked the one that in my
opinion was the most useful you are going to be referring to a document
multiple times, it makes more sense to only call document() once and bind
the nset it returns to a variable, then refer to that variable.

Like any other function, it returns an object of one of the typeode-set,
number, boolean, string, result tree fragment. You know that it returns a
node-set, so you can use it anywhere wheru expect to see a node-set. So
it could be the first location step in an XPath expression. I am not aware
of any XSL process(aside from IE) that would have any trouble with that.

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