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Re: feature request

> xsl:output permits me to specify the doctype-public and
> doctype-system, but it doesn't allow me to specify
> any internal dtd additions (I'm particularly thinking of 
> entity additions).
> Because of this I need to kludge it with 
> <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">
> to get the entity in

But your output won't contain any entity references unless you have
even more such kludges, so removing this one kludge wouldn't help much
would it?

If you need a local subset it is probably more convenient in xsl to
instead have a top level dtd file that you specify in doctype-system
that has anyother local modifications and then brings in in your
`public' DTD as an external entity.

If you don't mind using an extension element you can write out this file
using xt:output or similiar, if its contents depend on the source

So rather than

<!DOCTYPE xxx SYSTEM "a.dtd" [
<!ELEMENT new ....>


<!DOCTYPE xxx SYSTEM "new-a.dtd">

and write out new-a.dtd to look like
<!ELEMENT new ....>
<!ENTITY % original-a SYSTEM "a.dtd">


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