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RE: Following-sibling axis - original tree or current result-set?


Thanks!  That works but I hate the idea of having the criteria for selecting
"small" ( contains(@name, 'small') ) in multiple places - since if I decided
to now get "big" instead of small, I have to change every occurence.
Instead I'd rather get the proper set and then work within that without
duplicating the set requirements...  



-----Original Message-----
From: David Carlisle []
Sent: Friday, November 03, 2000 4:56 PM
Subject: Re: Following-sibling axis - original tree or current

what you said:

> And given the following XSL which is attempting to output only the "small
> items" elements (elements with "small" in the name) in rows of 3 columns
> each:

what you did
And given the following XSL which is attempting to output elements which
are in positions 1 mod 3 and contain small in the name.

    <xsl:for-each select="//items/item[ (position() mod 3= 1) and
contains(@name, 'small') ]">

That filters out every third element, and then selects from those
ones that are small.

You want, I think to filter out the small  ones, then select every third
of those

    <xsl:for-each select="//items/item[contains(@name, 'small') ]
                                             [ position() mod 3= 1 ]      ">

and here you want

        <xsl:for-each select=". |
following-sibling::image[contains(@name,'small')[position() &lt; 3


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