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FOP 0.15.0 Release


Please find below information concerning the latest FOP elease.
Hope this is useful.

Arved Sandstrom

FOP 0.15.0 is the latest release of the Apache XML formatting
object processor. It may be obtained from the FOP homepage at, under Download.

New features to this software since the last (0.14.0) release

- region-name support
- a new package for image support and analysis
- better svg support (linear gradients, radial gradients, css
style selectors, css colour names, patterns, path curves (except
arcs), text tspan and tref, text whitespace handling, text
outline and fill, switch, images (including external svg images)
references in external svg documents, svg elements (below topxi
element), symbol element)
- large test suite for svg
- support for property textdecoration (only value 'underline'
- support for type 1 fonts (in addition to Base 14)
- support for compile target jdk 1.1 only
- support for  partial borders in block, block-container,
table-row, table-column, and table-cell
- redesign of properties handling, support for computed, compound
and shorthand properties, supporting docs
- redesign of font handling for AWTRenderer
- support for leader-alignment,leader-pattern-width,
leader-pattern (dots,space)

A very stable group of core committers is being supported by an
increasing number of developers and vocal users. Many useful fixes
and suggestions have been submitted and incorporated into this
release. For further details please refer to the STATUS file in
the distribution.

Current efforts include improvements to tables and lists, and
support for columns and footnotes. FOP is well on track to
achieving at least Basic conformance to the XSL specification by
the end of the Candidate Recommendation phase.

 XSL-List info and archive:

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