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RE: using xsl:document with 1.0 stylesheets

Michael Kay writes:
 > Saxon still returns "1.0" from system-property('xsl:version'), although it
 > implements (about 95% of) xsl:document. I reckoned I should only switch to
 > returning 1.1 when I felt Saxon could claim conformance with 1.1. Perhaps I
 > should really be returning 1.05.
er, yes

 > Better is to test element-available('xsl:document'), or to use xsl:fallback.
indeed, I just switched to that, and now it looks good. of course,
half the processors still cannot handle my daily files:

a) JD (or is it Crimson) cannot do relative URLs:
      <!DOCTYPE TEI.2   SYSTEM "../dtds/tei-oucs.dtd"
b) Sabltotron cannot do xsl:import
c) xsltproc barfs on
d) xalan goes java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
e) MS IE5 says "dunno what this variable is, go to hell"

etc etc

life goes on, eh.


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