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disable escaping in xalan:nodeset()


This is actually a question related to the one I posted yesterday
regarding reading records from database in XSLT. But it's a different
problem so I decided to post as a different topic so people can search

I'm having trouble to make xalan:nodeset() work because the value
I passed to xalan:nodeset is escaped. So, all the tags (< and >) are
escaped to &lt; and &gt; and the xalan:nodeset cannot recognize them.

Here is what I did. In mystylesheet,

   <xsl:variable name='record' select=

The xmldb:getXmlRecord(String key) is a java method used to get the key
from the xml file, access the mysql database, get the value from the key
and return the string. So, the output of xmldb:getXmlRecord(@name) is a
xml file string with format like:


And what I want is to read the whole record. But since the output
escapes all the < and >, I cannot make xalan:nodeset() work.

Can anyone help me on this?

Thanks in advance.


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