2003-09-08 Justin Forest * include/winuser.h (PM_QS_INPUT, PM_QS_POSTMESSAGE, PM_QS_PAINT, PM_QS_SENDMESSAGE): Add defines. 2003-09-08 Filip Navara * include/wingdi.h (GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_H, GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_V, GRADIENT_FILL_TRIANGLE, GRADIENT_FILL_OP_FLAG): Add defines. 2003-09-05 Earnie Boyd * include/w32api.h (_NT5, etc): Reverse the changes of 2003-07-01. * include/winbase.h (_NT5, etc): Ditto. 2003-09-02 Bart Oldeman * lib/snmpapi.def (LIBRARY) Add library name. Remove '\r', throughout. * lib/wsnmp32.def: Remove '\r', throughout. * lib/igmpagnt.def: Likewise. 2003-08-29 Steve Cleary * include/winuser.h (QS_ALLPOSTMESSAGE, QS_RAWINPUT): Add defines. (QS_INPUT, QS_ALLINPUT, QS_ALLEVENTS): Adjust by OR'ing with QS_RAWINPUT for _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0501. (MWMO_*): Add flags. * include/wincrypt.h (MS_ENHANCED_PROV[AW], MS_STRONG_PROV[AW], MS_DEF_RSA_SIG_PROV[AW], MS_DEF_RSA_SCHANNEL_PROV[AW], MS_DEF_DSS_PROV[AW], MS_DEF_DSS_DH_PROV[AW], MS_ENH_DSS_DH_PROV[AW], MS_DEF_DH_SCHANNEL_PROV[AW], MS_SCARD_PROV[AW]): Add definitions. 2003-08-26 Danny Smith * lib/test.c: Add vfw.h to includes. * include/mmsystem.h: Add #ifndef guard to definition of mmioFOURCC macro. * include/vfw.h: Protect __OBJC__ from COM declarations. 2003-08-26 Filip Navara * include/vfw.h: New file. 2003-08-26 Filip Navara * include/ddk/winddk.h (RTL_REGISTRY_*): Add defines. (IoSetCompletionRoutine): Cast _CompletionRoutine arg to PIO_COMPLETION_ROUTINE. 2003-08-26 Danny Smith * lib/test.c: Add snmp.h, winsnmp.h amd mgmtapi.h to includes. 2003-08-26 Filip Navara * include/snmp.h: New file. * include/winsnmp.h: New file. * include/mgmtapi.h: New file. * lib/snmpapi.def: New file. * lib/wsnmp32.def: New file. * lib/igmpagnt.def: New file. * lib/mgmtapi.def (SnmpMgrCtl) Add stub. (SnmpMgrGetTrapEx): Ditto. (SnmpMgrMIB2Disk): Remove. (dbginit): Remove. 2003-08-25 Steven Edwards * include/ddk/ntifs.h: Change all C++ style comments to C. * include/GL/gl.h: Ditto. 2003-08-25 Martin Fuchs * include/shlobj.h (SFGAO_GHOSTED): Correct. (SFGAO_HIDDEN): Add define. 2003-08-25 Filip Navara * include/commctrl.h (ILCF_*): Add defines. (ILD_*): Ditto. (HDS_*); Ditto. (IPN_FIRST, IPN_LAST): Cast to UINT. (SBN_FIRST, SBN_LAST): Add defines. (PGN_*): Ditto. (HDF_JUSTIFYMASK): Fix typo. (HDM_*): Add defines. (HICF_*): Ditto. (I_INDENTCALLBACK,I_IMAGENONE): Ditto. (TBSTATE_MARKED): Add define. (TBSTYLE_EX_*): Add defines. (TBCDRF_*): Ditto. (IDB_HIST_SMALL_COLOR,IDB_HIST_LARGE_COLOR): Ditto. (TB_*): Ditto. (TBN_*): Ditto. (TBNRF_*): Ditto. (TTF_*): Ditto. (TBCD_*): Ditto. (TBDDRET_*): Ditto. (TBIMHT_*): Ditto. (TTM_*): Ditto. (UDM_*): Ditto. (TBIF_BYINDEX): Define as hex constant. (CDIS_*): Add defines. (CDDS_SUBITEM): Add define. (LVIF_*): Add defines. (LVM_*): Ditto. (LVGIT_UNFOLDED): Add define. (TVM_): Add defines. (TVE_EXPANDPARTIAL): Add define. (TVGN_LASTVISIBLE): Ditto. (TVN_*): Add defines. (TVNRET_*): Add defines. (TCIF_STATE): Add define. (NM_TOOLTIPSCREATED): Ditto. (CCM_*): Add defines. (INFOTIPSIZE): Add numeric value. (ODT_LISTVIEW): Ditto. (MCM_GETMAXTODAYWIDTH): Ditto. (MCHT_*): Add defines. (UDM_SETRANGE32,UDM_GETRANGE32): Define in terms of WM_USER. (PGF_*): Add defines. (PGM_*): Ditto. (TBINSERTMARK): Add structure. (LPIMAGEINFO) Add typedef. (LPHDHITTESTINFO): Ditto. (NMLVGETINFOTIP[AW]: Add structures. (NMTBCUSTOMDRAW): Add structure. (TTTOOLINFOA_V*_SIZE): Add macros. (TTTOOLINFOW_V1_SIZE): Ditto. (IMAGELISTDRAWPARAMS): Add new members for WXP. (LVITEM[AW]: Ditto. (TCITEM[AW]):Ditto. (CCSIZEOF_STRUCT): Correct macro definition. (ListView_*): Add new macros. (HIMAGELIST): Correct typedef. (HTREEITEM): Ditto. 2003-08-25 Danny Smith * commctrl.h (TC_HITTESTINFO): Remove. Add defines for TCHITTESTINFO for backward compatibility. (TC_ITEM[AW]): Rename to TCITEM[AW]. Add defines for backward compatibility. 2003-08-24 Danny Smith * include/objidl.h (COBJMACROS): Define macros only if using C interace. * include/unknwn.h: Ditto. * include/comcat.h: Ditto. 2003-08-24 Filip Navara * include/prsht.h (PSH_WIZARDHASFINISH, PSH_WIZARD_LITE, PSH_NOCONTEXTHELP): Define. (PSH_WIZARD97): Fix definition for _WIN32_IE >= 0x500. * include/winuser.h (DFCS_TRANSPARENT, DFCS_HOT): Define. (LPDLGTEMPLATE[AW]): Add typedefs. 2003-08-22 Filip Navara * include/aclapi.h (BuildImpersonateExplicitAccessWithName[AW]): Add prototypes. BuildImpersonateTrustee[AW]): Add prototypes. GetMultipleTrustee[AW]): Add prototypes. GetMultipleTrusteeOperation[AW]): Add prototypes. 2003-08-22 Danny Smith * include/winnt.h (IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_XBOX): Add define. 2003-08-22 Mihai Preda * include/shlobj.h (IPersistFolder::GetClassID): Correct declaration. (CMF_*) Add missing defines. 2003-08-22 Danny Smith * include/winuser.h (DC_BUTTONS): Add define. 2003-08-22 Andrew Greenwood * include/winuser.h (DC_GRADIENT): Add define. 2003-08-22 Martin Fuchs * include/commctrl.h (BTNS_*): Define BTNS_* as successors to the older TBSTYLE_* constants. 2003-08-18 Danny Smith * include/commctrl.h (TB_*) Group defines together. 2003-08-18 Martin Fuchs * include/winuser.h (ICON_SMALL2): Define. * include/commctrl.h (TB_SETBUTTONWIDTH, TB_SETDRAWTEXTFLAGS): Define. * include/shlobj.h (SHDRAGIMAGE): Define structure. (IDragSourceHelper) Define interface. (IDropTargetHelper): Likewise. (IExtractIcon): Unicode it. (ICommDlgBrowser): Use IShellView type as param in OnDefaultCommand, OnStateChange and IncludeObject methods. 2003-08-17 Martin Fuchs * include/commctrl.h (TreeView_GetScrollTime, TreeView_SetScrollTime): Define macros. * include/winuser.h (GetShellWindow): Add prototype. * include/objidl.h (STGMEDIUM): Correct lpszFileName type. 2003-08-15 Martin Fuchs * include/shguid.h (CLSID_DragDropHelper, IID_IDropTargetHelper, IID_IDragSourceHelper): Declare. * lib/shell32.c (CLSID_DragDropHelper, IID_IDropTargetHelper, IID_IDragSourceHelper): Define. 2003-08-15 Andrew Greenwood * include/wingdi.h (DEVMODE[AW]) Correct structure definition. * include/ddk/ntapi.h (LPC_TYPE): Add LPC_CONNECTION_REFUSED. * include/ddk/winddk.h (IRP_*): Add constants as anonymous enum. 2003-08-10 Danny Smith * lib/uuid.c (CGID_Explorer, CGID_ShellDocView, CGID_ShellServiceObject): Remove definitions. * lib/shell32.c (CGID_ShellServiceObject): Add definition. 2003-08-10 Danny Smith * include/shlobj.h (SHELLSTATE): Add structure. (SHGetSetSettings): Add prototype. (SHGetSettings): Add prototype. * lib/shell32.def (SHGetSetSettings): Add stub. 2003-08-10 Phil Krylov * include/commctrl.h (HDM_ORDERTOINDEX): Add define. (Header_OrderToIndex): Add macro. (Header_GetOrderArray): Add macro. * include/commdlg.h (FR_MATCHALEFHAMZA, FR_MATCHDIAC, FR_MATCHKASHIDA): Add defines. 2003-08-10 Martin Fuchs * include/commctrl.h (TVM_GETSCROLLTIME, TVM_SETSCROLLTIME): Add defines. 2003-08-01 Danny Smith * include/shlobj.h (SHELLFLAGSTATE): Add structure. (SHGetInstanceExplorer): Correct return type. (SHGetFolderPath[AW]): Likewise. Thanks to Magnus Olsen for report. 2003-08-01 Danny Smith * lib/test.c: Include winldap.h, ntldap.h, winber.h. 2003-08-01 Filip Navara * include/winldap.h: New file. * include/ntldap.h: New file. * include/winber.h: New file. * lib/winldap32.def: New file. 2003-08-01 Danny Smith * include/ddk/atm.h: Remove stray '.'; 2003-08-01 Gisle Vanem * include/ddk/winddk.h; Remove trailing ';' from macros, throughout. Add () around defines with cast returns, throughout. 2003-07-31 Martin Fuchs * include/shlobj.h (SFGAO_COMPRESSED): Add define. (SFGAOF, SHGDNF): Add typedef's. (SHCONTF): Extend enum. 2003-07-31 Danny Smith * include/shellapi.h: Include all structs within pshpack2.h/ poppack.h block. 2003-07-26 Danny Smith * include/winuser.h (ASFW_ANY, LSFW_LOCK, LSFW_UNLOCK, LWA_COLORKEY, LWA_ALPHA): Guard with _WIN32_WINNT, _WIN32_WINDOWS, not WINVER. (AllowSetForegroundWindow,LockSetForegroundWindow, SetLayeredWindowAttributes): Likewise. (GetLayeredWindowAttributes,UpdateLayeredWindow): Add prototypes. * lib/user32.def (GetLayeredWindowAttributes,UpdateLayeredWindow): Add stubs. 2003-07-26 Eric R. Krause * include/objidl.h (IMalloc): Fix typo. 2003-07-24 Danny Smith * include/dkk/ntifs.h: Fix typo in guard for #pragma GCC system_header. 2003-07-22 Danny Smith * include/objidl.h (PropVariant): Add CHAR cVal field to union. (FMTID_SummaryInformation, FMTID_DocSummaryInformation, FMTID_UserDefinedProperties): Declare. 2003-07-22 Danny Smith * include/winbase.h (GetModuleHandleEx[AW]): Add prototypes. 2003-07-22 Danny Smith * include/winbase.h (DUPLICATE_CLOSE_SOURCE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS): Remove defines. (HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, HANDLE_FLAG_PROTECT_FROM_CLOSE): Sync with ddk/ntapi.h defines. (SEM_*) : Likewise. * include/winnt.h (COMPRESSION_*, ACCESS_*, SYSTEM_*): Sync with ddk/ntifs.h defines. (FILE_*): Likewise. (MEM_IMAGE, SEC_*): Likewise. (DUPLICATE_CLOSE_SOURCE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS, DUPLICATE_SAME_ATTRIBUTES): Sync with ddk/winddk.h defines. (TOKEN_*): Sync with ddk/ntifs.h defines. * include/ddk/ntapi.h: Add comments noting definitions in winbase.h. * include/ddk/ntifs.h: Add comments noting definitions in winnt.h. * include/ddk/winddk.h: Add comments noting definitions in winnt.h. 2003-07-18 Danny Smith * include/winnt.h (FILE_*): Sync with ddk/winddk.h. * include/winioctl.h (FILE_*): Sync with ddk/winddk.h. 2003-07-17 Pierre Humblet * include/mmsystem.h (TIME_KILL_SYNCHRONOUS): Add define. 2003-07-17 Danny Smith Clean up warnings in ddk. * include/ddk/atm.h (_ATM_AAL_OOB_INFO): Add _ANONYMOUS_UNION, conditional on __cplusplus. * include/ddk/scsi.h: Add _ANONYMOUS_UNION and _ANONYMOUS_STRUCT defines, throughout. (_CDB): Add _ANONYMOUS_UNION, conditional on __cplusplus. * include/ddk/cfg.h (_PNP_VETO_TYPE): Remove extra comma. * include/ddk/cfgmgr32.h: Change C++ comment style to ISO C. * include/ddk/ddkmapi.h (_DDLOCKOUT): Add _ANONYMOUS_UNION defines. * include/ddk/hidpi.h: Add _ANONYMOUS_UNION and _ANONYMOUS_STRUCT defines, throughout. * include/ddk/ndis.h: Add _ANONYMOUS_UNION and _ANONYMOUS_STRUCT defines, throughout. Remove trailing semicolon from *_S 'structure' macro expansion, throughout. Remove trailing semicolon from DECLARE_UNKNOWN_STRUCT macro expansion. * include/ddk/ndiswan.h (_NDIS_WAN_COMPRESS_INFO): Add _ANONYMOUS_UNION. * include/ddk/ntapi.h (_PROCESS_DEVICEMAP_INFORMATION, _PROCESS_SESSION_INFORMATION): Add _ANONYMOUS_UNION. * include/ddk/ntddcdrm.h (CDROM_TOC_CD_TEXT_DATA_BLOCK): Add _ANONYMOUS_UNION. * include/ddk/ntdddisk.h: Add _ANONYMOUS_UNION, throughout. * include/ddk/ntddmou.h: Add _ANONYMOUS_UNION, throughout. * include/ddk/ntifs.h: Add _ANONYMOUS_UNION, throughout. (ZwQueryObject): Change 2nd param to OBJECT_INFORMATION_CLASS, to match proto in ntapi.h. (ZwSetInformationObject): Likewise. * include/ddk/srb.h (SCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK): Add _ANONYMOUS_UNION. (SCSI_ADAPTER_CONTROL_TYPE): Add __extension__. * include/ddk/tdikrnl.h (TDI20_CLIENT_INTERFACE_INFO): Add _ANONYMOUS_UNION and _ANONYMOUS_STRUCT. * include/ddk/usb.h (USB): Add _ANONYMOUS_UNION. * include/ddk/usbcamdi.h (USBCAMD_CamControlFlags): Remove last comma. * include/ddk/video.h (STATUS_BLOCK): Add _ANONYMOUS_UNION. * include/ddk/winddk.h (DECLARE_INTERNAL_OBJECT): Remove trailing semicolon when expanding macro. (GENERAL_LOOKASIDE_S): Likewise. Add _ANONYMOUS_UNION and _ANONYMOUS_STRUCT, throughout. Change inline to __inline, throughout. * include/ddk/winnt4.h: Change inline to __inline, throughout. 2003-07-13 Casper S. Hornstrup * include/ddk/ntifs.h (KeInsertQueueApc): Make return type BOOLEAN. Name parameter 4 PriorityBoost and make it of type KPRIORITY. * include/ddk/winddk.h (_KPCR): Put IDT field on next line. * include/ddk/winddk.h (_IO_STATUS_BLOCK, _IRP, _OWNER_ENTRY, _ERESOURCE, _IMAGE_INFO, _CREATE_DISK, _DISK_SIGNATURE, _KPCR_TIB): Apply _ANONYMOUS_UNION to anonymous unions and _ANONYMOUS_STRUCT to anonymous structs. 2003-07-12 Danny Smith * include/winnt.h (PVOID): Move to before HANDLE typedef. * include/winuser.h (mouse_event): Correct type of fifth param, Thanks to: Andrew Jones 2003-07-11 Earnie Boyd * include/winnt.h (HANDLE): Define based on STRICT filter. (THREAD_BASE_PRIORITY_MIN): Use parens around negative value. (THREAD_BASE_PRIOIRTY_IDLE): Ditto. 2003-07-08 Danny Smith * include/commctrl.h (NMTVDISPINFO[AW]): Replace obsolete struct names _TV_DISPINFO[AW] and typedefs. Add defines for backward compatability. Thanks to Magnus Olsen for report. 2003-07-03 Earnie Boyd * config.guess, config.sub: Update with new versions from ftp.gnu.org. 2003-07-03 Luke Dunstan * include/commdlg.h (CommDlg_OpenSave_*): Add parentheses around macro arguments. Thanks to Tom Bishop . * include/winuser.h (MONITOR_DEFAULTTONULL, MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST, MONITORINFOF_PRIMARY): Add defines. (TPM_RECURSE): Add guard for Win98/Win2K. Thanks to Magnus Olsen . 2003-07-01 Earnie Boyd * include/basetyps.h (small, hyper): Change to __small and __hyper to avoid user namespace conflicts. 2003-07-01 Earnie Boyd * include/w32api.h (_NT4, _W98, _WME, _NT5, _W2000, _WXP, _W2003, _IE3, _IE4, _IE5, _IE6): Add definitions. * include/winbase.h (GetLongPathName[AW]): Add guard for OS >= NT5 or >= Win98. Change existing guards to use the above macro names as appropriate. * include/basetyps.h (__int32, __int16, __int8, small, hyper): Define. Note: Also added to mingw/include/_mingw.h. 2003-06-28 Steven Edwards * include/shlwapi.h (UrlGetLocationA, UrlGetLocationW, PathFindSuffixArrayA, PathFindSuffixArrayW, PathFindExtensionA, PathFindExtensionW, StrStrW StrStrA): Change unicode-macro'd LP[C]TSTR return values to explicit type. 2003-06-26 Mattia Barbon * include/richedit.h (PARAFORMAT2): Add definition. * include/richedit.h (PFA_*, PFE_*, PFM_*): Add some missing constants. 2003-06-17 Danny Smith * include/shellapi.h (SHQUERYRBINFO): Add structure, (SHQueryRecycleBin[AW]. SHEmptyRecycleBin[AW]):Add prototypes. (SHERB_NOCONFIRMATION, SHERB_NOPROGRESSUI, SHERB_NOSOUND): Add defines. Thanks to Brett Hart 2003-06-17 Danny Smith * include/winbase.h (GlobalCompact, GlobalFix, GlobalFlags, GlobalUnfix, GlobalUnWire, GlobalWire, LocalCompact, LocalFlags, LocalShrink, LockSegment, UnlockSegment): Add comment that these are obsolete no-ops. 2003-06-17 Bang Jun-Young * include/winbase.h (GetProcessWorkingSetSize, GlobalCompact, LocalAlloc, LocalCompact, LocalReAlloc, LocalShrink, SignalObjectAndWait, WriteProcessMemory): Correct prototypes. 2003-06-18 Steven Edwards * include/winuser.h (TPM_RECURSE): Add define. 2003-06-06 Danny Smith * lib/test.c: #include . 2003-06-06 James E. Lucas * include/powerprof.h: New file. * lib/powerprof.def: New file. 2003-06-06 Danny Smith * include/winnt (SLIST_HEADER): Add C90 anonymous struct protection. 2003-06-05 Luke Dunstan * include/winuser.h (WNDCLASS[AW], WNDCLASSEX[AW]): Change type of hInstance members to HINSTANCE. Thanks to: Brenden T. 2003-06-05 Bart Oldeman * include/lmaccess.h (UF_MNS_LOGON_ACCOUNT): Add define. * include/wingdi.h (LPRGBTRIPLE, LPRGBQUAD): Add typedefs. 2003-06-02 Danny Smith * include/ddk/ntpoapi.h (POWER_INFORMATION_LEVEL): Remove. * include/winnt.h (POWER_INFORMATION_LEVEL): Add. * include/ddk/winddk.h (SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY,SLIST_HEADER): Remove. * include/ddk/ndis.h (NdisAllocateSpinLock): Add missing '\'. 2003-05-30 Mattia Barbon * lib/oleacc.def: New file. * include/winable.h: New file. * include/oleacc.h: Add extern "C" guard. (NAVDIR_*, ROLE_*, STATE_*): Add missing constants. (AccessibleChildren, AccessibleObjectFromEvent, AccessibleObjectFromPoint, AccessibleObjectFromWindow, CreateStdAccessibleProxy[AW], GetOleaccVersionInfo, GetRoleText[AW], GetStateText[AW], LresultFromObject, ObjectFromLresult, WindowFromAccessibleObject): Add prototypes and UNICODE mappings. * include/winuser.h (NotifyWinEvent): Add prototype. (OBJID_WINDOW, OBJID_SYSMENU, OBJID_TITLEBAR, OBJID_MENU, OBJID_CLIENT, OBJID_VSCROLL, OBJID_HSCROLL, OBJID_SIZEGRIP, OBJID_CARET, OBJID_CURSOR, OBJID_ALERT, OBJID_SOUND): Move from here to... * include/winable.h (OBJID_WINDOW, OBJID_SYSMENU, OBJID_TITLEBAR, OBJID_MENU, OBJID_CLIENT, OBJID_VSCROLL, OBJID_HSCROLL, OBJID_SIZEGRIP, OBJID_CARET, OBJID_CURSOR, OBJID_ALERT, OBJID_SOUND): Here, as per documentation. * lib/test.c: Include winable.h. * lib/user32.def (NotifyWinEvent): Add missing export. 2003-05-30 Bang Jun-Young * include/winbase.h (HeapCompact): Correct prototype. * include/winnt.h (SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY, SLIST_ENTRY, SLIST_HEADER): Add. 2003-05-27 Andrew C. Stadt * include/winuser.h (LWA_COLORKEY, LWA_ALPHA): Add defines. 2003-05-25 Bill C. Riemers * include/winuser.h (EnumDisplayDevicesW): Fix typo. 2003-05-23 Danny Smith * include/winuser.h (EnumDisplayDevices[AW]): Add prototypes. * include/wingdi.h (DISPLAY_DEVICE): UNICODE it. 2003-05-23 Andrew Dunbar * include/wingdi.h (GCP_RESULTS[AW]) Correct type of lpGlyphs field to LPWSTR. 2003-05-21 Danny Smith * include/wincrypt.h (PLAINTEXTKEYBLOB, OPAQUEKEYBLOB, PUBLICKEYBLOBEX, SYMMETRICWRAPKEYBLOB) Add defines. (PP_*): Add defines. (CryptContextAddRef): Add prototype. Thanks to: Shura Zam 2003-05-18 Manu B * include/commctrl.h (TVSORTCB): Rename old TV_SORTCB structure. 2003-05-18 Bang Jun-Young * include/winbase.h (CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE, DEBUG_PROCESS, DEBUG_ONLY_THIS_PROCESS, CREATE_SUSPENDED, DETACHED_PROCESS, CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS, HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS, REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS, CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP, CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT, CREATE_SEPARATE_WOW_VDM, CREATE_SHARED_WOW_VDM, CREATE_FORCEDOS, CREATE_NO_WINDOW): Convert to hexadecimal form for better readability. (BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, CREATE_BREAKAWAY_FROM_JOB, CREATE_WITH_USERPROFILE): Add. 2003-05-15 Danny Smith * include/ddk/ndis.h (NDIS30_MINIPORT_CHARACTERISTICS_S): Unname anonymous unions if NONAMELESSUNION not defined. 2003-05-14 Bang Jun-Young * include/winbase.h (GMEM_VALID_FLAGS): Add. 2003-05-13 Danny Smith * include/prsht.h (PROPSHEETHEADER[AW]: Mark anonymous unions as GCC extension. 2003-05-13 Danny Smith * include/oleidl.h (LPENUMOLEDOCUMENTVIEWS): Remove typedef. (IEnumOleDocumentViews): Remove commented out DECLARE_ENUMERATOR. * include/docobj.h (LPENUMOLEDOCUMENTVIEWS): Add typedef (previously commented out). (IEnumOleDocumentViews): Add definition using DECLARE_ENUMERATOR. 2003-05-12 Earnie Boyd * include/commctrl.h: (MCSC_BACKGROUND, MCSC_TEXT, MCSC_TITLEBK, MCSC_TITLETEXT, MCSC_MONTHBK, MCSCTRAILTEXT): Define. Thanks to: Robert Wishlaw 2003-05-12 Danny Smith * include/olectl.h (IOleControl,IOleControlSite,ISimpleFrameSite, IErrorLog,IPropertyBag,IPersistPropertyBag,IPersistStreamInit, IPersistMemory,IPropertyNotifySink,IProvideClassInfo, IProvideClassInfo2,IConnectionPointContainer, IEnumConnectionPoints,IConnectionPoint,IEnumConnections, IClassFactory2,ISpecifyPropertyPages,IPerPropertyBrowsing, IPropertyPageSite,IPropertyPage,IPropertyPage2,IFont,IFontDisp, IPicture,IPictureDisp): Move from here to... * include/ocidl.h (IOleControl,IOleControlSite,ISimpleFrameSite, IErrorLog,IPropertyBag,IPersistPropertyBag,IPersistStreamInit, IPersistMemory,IPropertyNotifySink,IProvideClassInfo, IProvideClassInfo2,IConnectionPointContainer, IEnumConnectionPoints,IConnectionPoint,IEnumConnections, IClassFactory2,ISpecifyPropertyPages,IPerPropertyBrowsing, IPropertyPageSite,IPropertyPage,IPropertyPage2,IFont,IFontDisp, IPicture,IPictureDisp): Here, as per documentation. 2003-05-12 Mattia Barbon * include/oleauto.h (VarR8FromDec, VarDecFromR8): Add prototypes. * include/winbase.h (TerminateJobObject, AssignProcessToJobObject): Likewise. * include/servprov.h: New header. * lib/test.c: Include servprov.h. 2003-05-10 Danny Smith * include/shlguid.h (CGID_ShellServiceObject): Declare. * lib/uuid.c (CGID_ShellServiceObject): Define guid. Thanks to Chris Sutcliffe * include/winuser.h (SetLayeredWindowAttributes): Add prototype. * lib/user32.def (SetLayeredWindowAttributes): Add stub. * lib/uuid.c (CGID_Explorer, CGID_ShellDocView): Define guids. 2003-05-05 Danny Smith * include/commctrl.h (STATUSCLASSNAME, TOOLBARCLASSNAME, TOOLTIPS_CLASS, TRACKBAR_CLASS, UPDOWN_CLASS, PROGRESS_CLASS, HOTKEY_CLASS): Remove dupicate defines for UNICODE case. 2003-05-02 Steven Edwards * include/richedit.h (EM_FINDTEXTEXW, EM_FINDTEXTW, EM_GETAUTOURLDETECT, EM_GETBIDIOPTIONS, EM_GETEDITSTYLE, EM_GETIMECOLOR, EM_GETIMEOPTIONS, EM_GETPUNCTUATION, EM_GETWORDWRAPMODE, EM_RECONVERSION, EM_SETBIDIOPTIONS, EM_SETEDITSTYLE, EM_SETIMECOLOR, EM_SETIMEOPTIONS, EM_SETPALETTE, EM_SETPUNCTUATION, EM_SETTEXTEX, EM_SETWORDWRAPMODE, RICHEDIT_CLASS10A): Add defines. 2003-05-02 Francois Ferrand * include/commctrl.h (TBM_*): Add missing trackbar defines. 2003-05-02 Danny Smith * include/cplext.h (CPLPAGE_MOUSE_WHEEL, CPLPAGE_DISPLAY_BACKGROUND): Add defines. 2003-04-30 Danny Smith * include/wingdi.h (DC_PEN, DC_BRUSH): Add defines. (SetDCPenColor, SetDCBrushColor): Add prototypes. * lib/gdi32.def (SetDCPenColor, SetDCBrushColor): Add stubs. 2003-04-26 Bang Jun-Young * include/winioctl.h (DEVICE_TYPE_FROM_CTL_CODE): Add macro. 2003-04-26 Danny Smith * include/oaidl.h (ITypeMarshal): Add interface. 2003-04-26 Danny Smith * include/winioctl.h: Clean up formatting. (RETRIEVAL_POINTERS_BUFFER): Add fields to Extents[1] struct. (CREATE_DISK): Add _ANONYMOUS_UNION macro. (DISK_CACHE_INFORMATION): Likewise. (DISK_DETECTION_INFO): Likewise. (DISK_PARTITION_INFO): Likewise. (PARTITION_INFORMATION_EX): Likewise. (DRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION_EX): Likewise. 2003-04-26 Casper S. Hornstrup * include/winbase.h (DeleteVolumeMountPoint[AW], FindFirstVolumeMountPoint[AW], FindNextVolumeMountPoint[AW], FindVolumeMountPointClose, GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint[AW], GetVolumePathName[AW], GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeName[AW], SetVolumeMountPoint[AW]): Add prototypes. * include/winioctl.h (IOCTL_DISK_GET_PARTITION_INFO_EX, IOCTL_DISK_SET_PARTITION_INFO_EX, IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_LAYOUT_EX, IOCTL_DISK_SET_DRIVE_LAYOUT_EX, IOCTL_DISK_CREATE_DISK, IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO, IOCTL_DISK_PERFORMANCE_OFF, IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY_EX, IOCTL_DISK_GROW_PARTITION, IOCTL_DISK_GET_CACHE_INFORMATION, IOCTL_DISK_SET_CACHE_INFORMATION, IOCTL_DISK_DELETE_DRIVE_LAYOUT, IOCTL_DISK_UPDATE_PROPERTIES, FSCTL_GET_VOLUME_BITMAP, FSCTL_GET_RETRIEVAL_POINTERS, FSCTL_MOVE_FILE): Define. (CREATE_DISK_GPT, CREATE_DISK_MBR, CREATE_DISK, DISK_CACHE_INFORMATION, DETECTION_TYPE, DISK_INT13_INFO, DISK_EX_INT13_INFO, DISK_DETECTION_INFO, DISK_GEOMETRY_EX, DISK_GROW_PARTITION, DISK_PARTITION_INFO, DISKQUOTA_USER_INFORMATION, GET_LENGTH_INFORMATION, DISK_EXTENT, VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS, DRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION_GPT, DRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION_MBR, PARTITION_INFORMATION_MBR, PARTITION_INFORMATION_GPT, PARTITION_INFORMATION_EX, DRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION_EX, MOVE_FILE_DATA, RETRIEVAL_POINTERS_BUFFER, STARTING_LCN_INPUT_BUFFER, STARTING_VCN_INPUT_BUFFER, VOLUME_BITMAP_BUFFER): Add structs. (PARTITION_STYLE, DISK_CACHE_RETENTION_PRIORITY): Add enums. (MEDIA_TYPE): Add F3_120M_512, F3_640_512, F5_640_512, F5_720_512, F3_1Pt2_512, F3_1Pt23_1024, F5_1Pt23_1024, F3_128Mb_512, F3_230Mb_512, F8_256_128, F3_200Mb_512, F3_240M_512, and F3_32M_512. * lib/kernel32.def (GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeName[AW]): Add stubs. 2003-04-16 Earnie Boyd * include/wingdi.h (DM_SPECVERSION): Define. Thanks to Sinitsyn Valentime * include/rpcdce.h (UuidCreateSequential): Properly guard with appropriate _WIN32_WINNT values. 2003-04-15 Chris January * include/rpcdce.h: Add declaration for UuidCreateSequential. * lib/rpcrt4.def: Add entry for UuidCreateSequential. 2003-04-14 Phil Krylov * include/winuser.h (VK_*): Add missing defines. 2003-04-14 Vincent BĂ©ron * include/commctrl.h (NMUPDOWN, LPNMUPDOWN): Use currently documented typedefs for struct _NM_UPDOWN. Add defines for backward comapatibility. * include/commdlg.h (OFN_ENABLESIZING): Add define. * include/wininet.h (IRF_*): Add missing defines. 2003-04-14 Bang Jun-Young * lib/ntdll.def (Csr*, Dbg*, Ki*, Ldr*, Rtl*): Add W2K exports. 2003-04-11 Earnie Boyd * include/sspi.h: Add comment for FreeCredentialsHandle. 2003-04-07 Marcel Telka * include/ddk/winddk.h (KIRQL): Typedef as UCHAR, not ULONG. 2003-03-30 Hans E. Molin * include/olectl.h (OleLoadPicturePath): Correct prototype. 2003-03-30 Danny Smith * lib/uuid.c (IID_IHTML*): Move definitions to... * lib/mshtml-uuid.c: New file. * lib/Makefile.in: Add mshtml-uuid.o to libuuid.a 2003-03-30 Michael Sazonov * lib/uuid.c (IID_IHTML*): Add new GUID definitions. * include/mshtml.h (IHTMLElementCollection, IHTMLLinkElement, IHTMLImgElement): Add interface definitions. 2003-03-29 Danny Smith * include/commctrl.h (ANIMATE_CLASS,HOTKEY_CLASS,PROGRESS_CLASS, STATUSCLASSNAME,TOOLBARCLASSNAME,TOOLTIPS_CLASS,TRACKBAR_CLASS, UPDOWN_CLASS,WC_COMBOBOXEX,WC_HEADER,WC_IPADDRESS,WC_LISTVIEW, WC_TABCONTROL,WC_TREEVIEW): Move UNICODE mappings out of RC_INVOKED guard. (WC_PAGESCROLLER,WC_NATIVEFONTCTL,WC_BUTTON,WC_STATIC,WC_EDIT, WC_LISTBOX,WC_COMBOBOX,WC_SCROLLBAR): Add defines. 2003-03-28 Bang Jun-Young * include/winnt.h (WAITORTIMERCALLBACKFUNC): Add typedef. 2003-03-27 Danny Smith * include/secext.h (GetComputerObjectName[AW],GetUserNameEx[AW], TranslateName[AW]): Add prototypes. * lib/sec32.def (GetComputerObjectName[AW],GetUserNameEx[AW], TranslateName[AW]): Add stubs. * lib/test.c: Include secext.h. 2003-03-27 Vladimir Michl * include/ddk/ndis.h (NdisAllocateSpinLock,NdisFreeSpinLock, NdisAcquireSpinLock,NdisReleaseSpinLock,NdisDprAcquireSpinLock, NdisDprReleaseSpinLock): Change macro argument from SpinLock to _SpinLock.