Version 8.2.3 (2007-09-12) Additions and changes * Added VMiklos's permalink patch for auto-generated section IDs (enabled by default by the sectids attribute). * Added [1]FAQ to website. * Changed format of {localdate} attribute to ISO 8601 (%Y-%m-%d). * Added abc2ly --beams=None option to make conform to ABC's notion of beams. * XHTML level 2 section headings are now styled with an underlining border. * XHTML links to AsciiDoc title elements are now implemented with title ID attributes (previously separate element targets were generated. * Multi-word first, middle and last names can be entered in the header author line using the underscore as a word separator. * The nested inline macros restriction has now been lifted, for example you can now include links and inline images inside footnotes. * Help topic names can be shortened (so long as they are not ambiguous). For example asciidoc -hm will print the AsciiDoc man page. * Added {two_colons} and {two_semicolons} attributes for escaping labeled list ambiguity. * If quirks mode is disabled the XHTML Mime Type is set to the recommended application/xhtml+xml (rather than text/html). Bug fixes * Author information is now correctly set when using attribute entries in the header instead of an author line (previously the author attribute was not being calculated correctly and there were attribute substitution problems).