1. Version 8.2.6 (2008-04-29) See the [1]AsciiDoc Mercurial repository for a full list of changes. Additions and changes * Enhancements to the Vim AsciiDoc syntax highlighter, for example, quoted text is now highlighted in titles and macro captions. * If you define the data-uri intrinsic attribute images referenced by image macros will be embedded in XHTML using the [2]data: URI scheme. NOTE: Microsoft browser support for the data: URI scheme is currently limited to MSIE 8 beta 1. * Added toc-title attribute to allow custom table of contents titles. * Added references to Alex Efros's AsciiDoc Cheatsheet to AsciiDoc website. * asciidoc(1) and a2x(1) man pages formatted to conform to man-pages(7) recommendations. * Old code-filter syntax (pre-8.1.0) is no longer recognized so that malformed two-line level 2 titles are no longer confused with code-filter block delimiters. * Added -> <- => <= arrow replacements from the Arrows block of Unicode. * Added DocBook refentry lang attribute -- patch contributed by VMiklos. * AttributeEntry names can now be numeric ("named macro targets"). * Hide Table of Contents title if Table of Contents empty -- patch contributed by Alex Efros. * Various XHTML CSS tweaks. * Code cleanup: + Replaced realpath() with Python 2.2 os.path.realpath() library function. + Replaced old string library functions with string methods. + Use file generators instead of readlines(). + Renamed entities that shadowed builtins. + Standardized string quoting. + Dropped readlines() function. Bug fixes * Fixed broken CSS for decimal ordered lists nested in alpha ordered list, thanks to Alex Efros. * A missing closing block delimiter now reports the opening delimiter line number instead of the end of file line number. * Fixed an error generated by the asciidoc -e option when there are no block definitions -- patch contributed by Alejandro Mery. * Handle both \r\n (as well as \n) line separators that may be * Numbered attribute names no longer interfere with positional attribute list values.