Version 8.3.0 (2008-11-29) Additions and changes * [1]AsciiDoc new tables is a complete redesign of the tables syntax and generation. The new syntax and features are a huge improvement over the old tables. The old tables syntax has been deprecated but is currently still processed. * [2]Lists can now be styled like other block elements. This allows a single list syntax for glossary, qanda (Question and Answer) and bibliography lists instead of having to remember a different syntax for each type. * Inline passthroughs macros have been improved and block passthrough macros added. Attribute substitution can be optionally specified when the macro is called. * The passthrough block has a fully transparent passthrough delimited block block style called pass. * The asciimath and latexmath [3]passthrough macros along with asciimath and latexmath [4]passthrough blocks provide a (backend dependent) mechanism for rendering mathematical formulas. There are [5]LaTeX Math, [6]AsciiMathML and [7]LaTeXMathML examples on the AsciiDoc website. * Reimplemented and cleaned up filter processing based on a patch submitted by Kelly Anderson. Uses the newer subprocess module instead of the deprecated popen2 module. Now works in Win32 command shell. * Addition FAQs, more documentation updates. * Arbitrary HTML/XML entities can be entered in AsciiDoc source. * Did away with the need for the shaded-literallayout.patch (thanks to Henrik Maier for this patch). * Implemented page break block macro. * Added line breaks and ruler processing instructions to DocBook outputs (thanks to Henrik Maier for this patch). * Added deg (degree) and wj (word joiner) entity attributes (thanks to Henrik Maier). * Tweaked DocBook indexterm2 macro to avoid white space preceding the term when used in table cells (thanks to Henrik Maier for this patch). * Title elements now process the options attribute like other block elements. * Added `single quoted' element. * Spaces on both sides of a -- em-dash are translated to thin space characters. * Improved detection and reporting of malformed attribute lists. * The list compact style is now a list option. * Added strong labeled list option which makes the labels bold (HTML outputs only). * Dropped unsupported linuxdoc backend. * Dropped deprecated xhtml-deprecated (version 6) backend. * Added breakable and unbreakable attribute options to tables to control table breaking across page boundaries (DocBook XSL/FO outputs). By and in collaboration with Henrik Maier. * Added pgwide attribute option to tables to table, block image, horizontal labeled lists. Specifies that the element should be rendered across the full text width of the page irrespective of the current indentation (DocBook XSL/FO outputs). Thanks to Henrik Maier for this patch. * Vim syntax highlighter: spaces before/after bullets no longer highlighted (which is ugly if using a theme that highlights with underlines). Thanks to Donald Chai for this patch. * Added a2x(1) --fop option. * Added a2x(1) --no-xmllint option. * Highlighted labelled list terms with the navy color in XHTML outputs. * Use w3m(1) as default a2x(1) text format generator (fallback to lynx(1)). * Changed callout formats in html4 and xhtml11 outputs to angle brackets to match source highlighter rendering. * Macros now inject user defined -option attributes into markup. * Added IRC URLs to AsciiDoc inline macros. * Added depth attribute to include::[] system macro. * Added footnoteref inline macro. * Added stylesheet XHTML attribute to specify additional custom CSS stylesheet. * If a paragraph style is specified it will be added to the XHTML class attribute and DocBook role attribute. * Replacements can be set in a document using the reserved AttributeEntry name replacement. * The prefix for auto-generated section name IDs can be set with the idprefix attribute. Bug fixes * Escaped quote skipped over leading and trailing quote instead of just the leading quote. * Fixed bug that was causing false negative safe mode warnings (patch submitted by Julien Palmas). * Placed priority of AttributeEntry, AttributeList and BlockTitle above Title. This ensures an AttributeEntry, AttributeList or BlockTitle followed by a same length leading ListingBlock delimiter is not mistaken for a two-line title. * Vim syntax highlighter: fixed multi-line quoted text. * Contstrained quote termination after non-space character enforced. * Vim syntax highlighter: unterminated quoted text is no longer highlighted. * Vim syntax highlighter: passthroughs now exactly match AsciiDoc semantics. * Vim syntax highlighter: escaped quoted text, attribute references and inline macros are not highlighted. * Vim syntax highlighter: TODO's highlighted in CommentBlocks (thanks to Scott Wall); non-greedy $$...$$. * Vim syntax highlighter: Comment lines mistaken for vertical list labels (thanks to Scott Wall). * Vim syntax highlighter: Single unmatched $$ mistakenly highlighted remaining text (patch contributed by Scott Wall). * Callouts now work in source highlighted listing generated by dblatex. * Fixed exception that occured if undefined attribute was present in filter command. * AttributeList block can now follow a paragraph without intervening blank line. * The include macro tabsize attribute is no longer propagated to nested includes. Omissions The following features were implemented but then but removed from this release: * pi, cdata and comment passthrough macros and passthrough block styles (creeping featurism, use pass macros instead). * Generic tag inline macro (creeping featurism, use pass macros instead). 1.1. Compatibility issues Version 8.3.0 has a number of backward incompatibilities with respect to the previous 8.2.7 release: * The old table syntax is still processed but a DEPRECATED warning is issued. * Entity references have to be escaped with a backslash. * You have to explicitly precede horizontal style labeled lists with the [horizontal] style attribute -- by default all labeled lists are rendered vertically. * The list compact style has been dropped and is now a list option (use options="compact" in attribute lists). * AsciiDoc version 6 sytnax no longer supported. * Linuxdoc been removed from the distribution. * The unsupported experimental latex backend has not been tested on this release. * The introduction of single-quote quoting requires that double-quote quoting is escaped with two backslashes.