1. Version 8.5.2 (2009-12-09) Additions and changes * Added Italian language configuration file (contributed by Fabio Inguaggiato). * Added header table style. See: [1]http://groups.google.com/group/asciidoc/browse_frm/thread/a23fea 28394c8ca9 * Pass icons, data-uri, imagesdir, iconsdir attributes to asciidoc table style filter so that images are rendered in table cells. * Pass trace and verbose attributes to asciidoc table style filter so diagnostic information is printed from table cell source. * The eval system attribute can be nested inside other system attributes. * HTML outputs: Table and figure caption punctuation set to more usual syntax. * docbook backend: footnotes can now contain embedded images. See [2]http://groups.google.com/group/asciidoc/browse_frm/thread/50b28f 6941de111a * CSS tweaks so that tables processed by DocBook XSL Stylesheets have the default asciidoc xhtml11 backend styling. See [3]http://groups.google.com/group/asciidoc/browse_frm/thread/dfe520 4d5b2c9685 * Block titles take precedence over section titles to avoid titled delimited blocks being mistaken for two line section titles (see [4]http://groups.google.com/group/asciidoc/browse_frm/thread/f0b6f9 989f828c3). * Section title trace displays level and title text. * FAQ additions. * Added {zwsp} (zero width space) attribute. * Undefined paragraph styles are reported (previously threw a runtime error). * Eliminated empty preamble generation. * Floating titles now processed in all contexts. * Implemented auto-lettered appendix names and updated example documents. * Section numbering can be disabled in HTML outputs with a :numbered!: AttributeEntry. * xhtml11: Nicer default quote block styling. * Exclude floating titles from xhtml11 table of contents. Patch submitted by Mark Burton (see [5]http://groups.google.com/group/asciidoc/browse_frm/thread/14aefc 1cb6bd85f5). * Enhanced doc/article-docinfo.xml example docinfo file. * Vim syntax highlighter improvements. Bug fixes * FIXED: Absolute imagesdir and iconsdir attribute path names do not work with the xhtml11 data-uri encoding. See [6]http://groups.google.com/group/asciidoc/browse_frm/thread/cb8b76 94bbc82a6 * FIXED: Regression issue with inline data-uri images. See [7]http://groups.google.com/group/asciidoc/browse_frm/thread/cb8b76 94bbc82a6 * FIXED: An unexpected error occurred when processing a table containing CSV data if the cols attribute was not explicitly specified. See [8]http://groups.google.com/group/asciidoc/browse_frm/thread/4b0f36 4b477ec165 __________________________________________________________________ 2. Version 8.5.1 (2009-10-31) Additions and changes * If an AsciiDoc document file begins with a UTF-8 BOM (byte order mark) then it is passed transparently through to the output file. The BOM is stripped from included files. See [9]http://groups.google.com/group/asciidoc/browse_frm/thread/e5e618 23ff4203cd * Added AsciiDoc role attribute to quoted text. Sets class attribute in HTML outputs; role attribute in DocBook outputs. See: [10]http://groups.google.com/group/asciidoc/browse_frm/thread/2aa3e 5711d243045 * Conditional attribute syntax extended: they now accept multiple ORed or ANDed attribute names. * The xhtml11 backend dynamically processes footnotes using JavaScript. * Tidied up and namespaced xhtml11 JavaScript. * Superceded javascripts/toc.js with javascripts/asciidoc-xhtml11.js. * Added disable-javascript attribute (xhtml11 backend). * Styled HTML footnotes. * Added links to HTML footnote refs. * Added title attribute to inline image macros to display popup "tooltip" (HTML outputs only). * Single-quoted attribute values are substituted in block macros (just like the AttributeList element). * For consistency changed underscores to dashes in attribute names. Public attributes with underscores retained for compatibility. * Added Brazilian Portuguese language configuration file (contributed by Thiago Farina). * Added leveloffset attribute to make it easier to combine documents. Bug fixes * FIXED: a2x: --dblatex-opts is now processed last so asciidoc-dblatex.xsl params can be overridden. Patch submitted by Mark Fernandes (see [11]http://groups.google.com/group/asciidoc/browse_frm/thread/5215c 99dcc865e7d). * FIXED: An error occurred if a directory in current path with same name as executable. 2.1. Regression issues There's been quite a bit of tiding up to the xhtml11 JavaScript. The most obvious change is that the toc.js script has been superceded by asciidoc-xhtml11.js so if you're linking you'll need get a copy of the new file from the distribution javascripts directory. If you use customised xhtml11 configuration file [header] and [footer] sections and you want them to use the new footnotes feature then you've got a bit more work to do: 1. The onload event expression changed. 2. The new
div envelopes document content. 3. You need to add
div to the [footnotes] section for footnotes to work. 4. Drop the ifdef::toc[] macro that surround JavaScript inclusion. Take a look at the [header] and [footer] changes in the xhtml11.conf diff to see what's going on: [12]http://hg.sharesource.org/asciidoc/diff/55a5999bfd04/xhtml11.conf __________________________________________________________________ 3. Version 8.5.0 (2009-10-04) Additions and changes * Implemented a float attribute for tables and block images (HTML outputs only). * Added unfloat::[] block macro to cancel floating. * Added table align attribute to (HTML outputs only). * The image align attribute now works with HTML backends. * Renamed table cell align attribute to halign so it doesn't clash with the new table align attribute. * Added breakable and unbreakable options to AsciiDoc example and block image elements. * [miscellaneous] section entries now update properly when set from a document AttributeEntry. * [miscellaneous] section pagewidth entry accepts fractional values. * Fractional column widths are now calculated correctly when using fractional pageunits (DocBook tables). * Use DocBook XSL table width processing instructions. * asciidoc KeyboardInterrupt exits with error code 1. * Added set system attribute to allow attributes to be set from configuration file templates. * Allow constrained quotes to be bounded on the left by a colons and semicolons, see [13]http://groups.google.com/group/asciidoc/browse_frm/thread/b276a 927fdc87995 * Titled listing and literal blocks (DocBook outputs) no longer default to examples. See [14]http://groups.google.com/group/asciidoc/browse_frm/thread/f4df7 c9eec01a9bd * Updated language file table, figure and example captions to accommodate new auto-numbering in html4 and xhtml11 backends. * Titled source highlight filter listings generated by docbook backend are now rendered as examples. See [15]http://groups.google.com/group/asciidoc/browse_frm/thread/f4df7 c9eec01a9bd * Implemented counter system attribute. * Use counter system attributes to number titled tables and block images in HTML backends. * Added program name suffix to console messages. * Added substitution to the AttributeEntry passthrough syntax, this replaces the now unnecessary attributeentry-subs attribute. * Allow passthrough inline macro syntax to be used in AttributeEntrys. * Reinstated 8.4.4 default lang attribute behavior. See [16]http://groups.google.com/group/asciidoc/browse_frm/thread/d2992 4043e21cb6a. * Added max-width attribute to the xhtml11 backend to set maximum display width. See [17]http://groups.google.com/group/asciidoc/browse_frm/thread/74d9a 542b79ccd50. * Added a2x.py, a rewritten and much enhanced version of the old a2x bash script. * The new a2x can output EPUB formatted documents. * Added --safe option and deprecated --unsafe option. Patch submitted by Todd Zullinger. See [18]http://groups.google.com/group/asciidoc/browse_frm/thread/ea3a8 ea399ae5d2a and [19]http://groups.google.com/group/asciidoc/browse_frm/thread/69b31 83fdab7c6a5 * Added CHECK and TEST todo highlight words to Vim syntax highlighter. * Line breaks, page breaks, and horizontal rulers are now processed by dblatex, thanks to a patch submitted by Mark Fernandes ([20]http://groups.google.com/group/asciidoc/browse_frm/thread/a254 cf949ea7c6c5). * Allow footnote macros hard up against the preceding word so the rendered footnote mark can be placed against the noted text without an intervening space (patch submitted by Stas Bushuev, [21]http://groups.google.com/group/asciidoc/browse_frm/thread/e1dcb 7ee0efc17b5). * Normalized path in safe_filename function (submitted by Todd Zullinger, [22]http://groups.google.com/group/asciidoc/browse_frm/thread/69b31 83fdab7c6a5). * The Asciidoc numbered and toc attributes cause DocBook outputs to include asciidoc-numbered and asciidoc-toc processing instructions, these are used by DocBook XSL to include section numbering and table of contents (like Asciidoc HTML backends). For backward compatibility both numbered and toc attributes are defined by default when the docbook backend is used. See [23]http://groups.google.com/group/asciidoc/browse_frm/thread/1bada d21ff9447ac. * data-uri attribute is now evaluated dynamically and can be set in document body (previously could only be set from command-line). * Added sys3 and eval3 system attributes to passthrough generated output, this fixes the data-uri inline image problem: [24]http://groups.google.com/group/asciidoc/browse_frm/thread/a42db 6bc54c2c537. * Missing language file generates a warning instead of an error. * Updated Spanish language file (updates contributed by Gustavo Andrés Gómez Farhat). Bug fixes * FIXED: Options in an AttributeList option attribute are merged with (rather than replace) configuration file options. * FIXED: Comment blocks and comment block macros no longer consume preceding block titles and attribute lists. * FIXED: examples/website/layout1.conf and examples/website/layout2.conf TOC problem. Submitted by Mark (burtoogle). See [25]http://groups.google.com/group/asciidoc/browse_frm/thread/b9c63 be67dd1d11c * FIXED: Only the first occurrence of passthrough macro was substituted. Patch submitted by Peter Johnson. See [26]http://groups.google.com/group/asciidoc/browse_frm/thread/1269d c2feb1a482c * FIXED: asciidoc now runs on Jython 2.5.0. * FIXED: Wordpress margins and pads in a number of block elements ([27]http://groups.google.com/group/asciidoc/browse_frm/thread/36ff 073c79cbc20a). 3.1. Regression issues * Tables generated by dblatex occupy 100% of the available space regardless of the width attribute setting. To restore width behavior change the pageunits miscellaneous parameter to pt. You can do this from the command-line with the -a pageunits=pt option. See [28]DocBook table widths.