# $Id: sample.cygport,v 1.5 2006/11/20 05:48:58 yselkowitz Exp $ ORIG_PN="qhull" DESCRIPTION="Qhull implements the Quickhull algorithm for computing the convex hull" HOMEPAGE="http://www.qhull.org/" SRC_URI="http://www.qhull.org/download/${ORIG_PN}-${PV}-src.tgz" PKG_NAMES="${PN} lib${PN}-devel lib${PN}" PKG_HINTS="setup lib-devel lib" PKG_CONTENTS[0]='usr/bin/*.exe usr/share/' PKG_CONTENTS[1]='usr/include/ usr/lib/' PKG_CONTENTS[2]='usr/bin/cyg*' # We do not use the standard src_compile and src_test. src_compile() { cd ${S} lndirs cd ${B}/src cygmake } src_test() { : } src_install() { cd ${B}/src dobin qconvex.exe qdelaunay.exe qhalf.exe qhull.exe qvoronoi.exe rbox.exe dobin cygqhull.dll dolib libqhull.dll.a libqhull.a insinto /usr/include/${ORIG_PN} doins ${S}/src/*.h cd ${S} newman html/rbox.man rbox.1 newman html/qhull.man qhull.1 dodoc *.txt dodoc src/Changes.txt dodoc index.htm insinto /usr/share/doc/${ORIG_PN}-${PV}/html doins html/*htm insinto /usr/share/doc/${ORIG_PN}-${PV}/src doins src/*htm }