NAME="colm" VERSION= RELEASE=1 inherit vim HOMEPAGE="" SRC_URI="${NAME}/${NAME}-${VERSION}.tar.gz" PATCH_URI="colm-no_undefined.patch" CATEGORY="Devel" SUMMARY="A program transformation language" DESCRIPTION="Colm is a programming language designed for the analysis and transformation of computer languages. Colm is influenced primarily by TXL. It is in the family of program transformation languages." PKG_NAMES="colm libcolm0.13.0.6 libcolm-devel" colm_CONTENTS="usr/bin/*.exe usr/share" libcolm0_13_0_6_SUMMARY="${SUMMARY} (runtime)" libcolm0_13_0_6_CONTENTS="usr/bin/cygcolm-0-13-0-6.dll" libcolm_devel_SUMMARY="${SUMMARY} (devel)" libcolm_devel_CONTENTS="usr/include usr/lib" DIFF_EXCLUDES="defs.h" src_compile() { cd ${S} cygautoreconf lndirs cd ${B} cygconf cygmake } src_install() { cd ${B} cyginstall cd ${S} viminto syntax dovim colm.vim rm -f ${D}/usr/share/doc/colm/colm.vim }