# 1 "DynaLib.c" # 1 "" # 1 "" # 1 "DynaLib.c" # 1 "DynaLib.xs" # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/EXTERN.h" 1 # 7 "DynaLib.xs" 2 # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 1 # 37 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/config.h" 1 # 38 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 380 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" # 1 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 1 3 4 # 20 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/_ansi.h" 1 3 4 # 15 "/usr/include/_ansi.h" 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/newlib.h" 1 3 4 # 16 "/usr/include/_ansi.h" 2 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/sys/config.h" 1 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/machine/ieeefp.h" 1 3 4 # 5 "/usr/include/sys/config.h" 2 3 4 # 151 "/usr/include/sys/config.h" 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/cygwin/config.h" 1 3 4 # 152 "/usr/include/sys/config.h" 2 3 4 # 17 "/usr/include/_ansi.h" 2 3 4 # 21 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 2 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/machine/_types.h" 1 3 4 # 26 "/usr/include/machine/_types.h" 3 4 typedef signed char __int8_t ; typedef unsigned char __uint8_t ; # 36 "/usr/include/machine/_types.h" 3 4 typedef signed short __int16_t; typedef unsigned short __uint16_t; # 46 "/usr/include/machine/_types.h" 3 4 typedef __int16_t __int_least16_t; typedef __uint16_t __uint_least16_t; # 58 "/usr/include/machine/_types.h" 3 4 typedef signed int __int32_t; typedef unsigned int __uint32_t; # 76 "/usr/include/machine/_types.h" 3 4 typedef __int32_t __int_least32_t; typedef __uint32_t __uint_least32_t; # 99 "/usr/include/machine/_types.h" 3 4 typedef signed long long __int64_t; typedef unsigned long long __uint64_t; # 26 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 2 3 4 # 61 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/sys/_types.h" 1 3 4 # 12 "/usr/include/sys/_types.h" 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/sys/lock.h" 1 3 4 # 14 "/usr/include/sys/lock.h" 3 4 typedef void *_LOCK_T; # 44 "/usr/include/sys/lock.h" 3 4 void __cygwin_lock_init(_LOCK_T *); void __cygwin_lock_init_recursive(_LOCK_T *); void __cygwin_lock_fini(_LOCK_T *); void __cygwin_lock_lock(_LOCK_T *); int __cygwin_lock_trylock(_LOCK_T *); void __cygwin_lock_unlock(_LOCK_T *); # 13 "/usr/include/sys/_types.h" 2 3 4 typedef long _off_t; __extension__ typedef long long _off64_t; typedef int _ssize_t; # 1 "/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.3/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4 # 354 "/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.3/include/stddef.h" 3 4 typedef unsigned int wint_t; # 25 "/usr/include/sys/_types.h" 2 3 4 typedef struct { int __count; union { wint_t __wch; unsigned char __wchb[4]; } __value; } _mbstate_t; typedef _LOCK_T _flock_t; typedef void *_iconv_t; # 62 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 2 3 4 # 1 "/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.3/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4 # 151 "/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.3/include/stddef.h" 3 4 typedef int ptrdiff_t; # 213 "/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.3/include/stddef.h" 3 4 typedef unsigned int size_t; # 325 "/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.3/include/stddef.h" 3 4 typedef short unsigned int wchar_t; # 70 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 2 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/machine/types.h" 1 3 4 # 19 "/usr/include/machine/types.h" 3 4 typedef long int __off_t; typedef int __pid_t; __extension__ typedef long long int __loff_t; # 71 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 2 3 4 # 92 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4 typedef unsigned char u_char; typedef unsigned short u_short; typedef unsigned int u_int; typedef unsigned long u_long; typedef unsigned short ushort; typedef unsigned int uint; typedef unsigned long clock_t; typedef long time_t; struct timespec { time_t tv_sec; long tv_nsec; }; struct itimerspec { struct timespec it_interval; struct timespec it_value; }; typedef long daddr_t; typedef char * caddr_t; # 180 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4 typedef int pid_t; typedef _ssize_t ssize_t; # 203 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4 typedef unsigned short nlink_t; # 225 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4 typedef long fd_mask; typedef struct _types_fd_set { fd_mask fds_bits[(((64)+(((sizeof (fd_mask) * 8))-1))/((sizeof (fd_mask) * 8)))]; } _types_fd_set; # 261 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4 typedef unsigned long clockid_t; typedef unsigned long timer_t; typedef long useconds_t; # 1 "/usr/include/sys/features.h" 1 3 4 # 275 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 2 3 4 # 379 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/cygwin/types.h" 1 3 4 # 20 "/usr/include/cygwin/types.h" 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h" 1 3 4 # 21 "/usr/include/cygwin/types.h" 2 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 1 3 4 # 18 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4 typedef signed char int8_t; typedef short int16_t; typedef long int32_t; typedef long long int64_t; typedef unsigned char uint8_t; typedef unsigned short uint16_t; typedef unsigned long uint32_t; typedef unsigned long long uint64_t; typedef signed char int_least8_t; typedef short int_least16_t; typedef long int_least32_t; typedef long long int_least64_t; typedef unsigned char uint_least8_t; typedef unsigned short uint_least16_t; typedef unsigned long uint_least32_t; typedef unsigned long long uint_least64_t; typedef signed char int_fast8_t; typedef long int_fast16_t; typedef long int_fast32_t; typedef long long int_fast64_t; typedef unsigned char uint_fast8_t; typedef unsigned long uint_fast16_t; typedef unsigned long uint_fast32_t; typedef unsigned long long uint_fast64_t; typedef long intptr_t; typedef unsigned long uintptr_t; typedef long long intmax_t; typedef unsigned long long uintmax_t; # 22 "/usr/include/cygwin/types.h" 2 3 4 typedef struct timespec timespec_t; typedef struct timespec timestruc_t; typedef _off64_t off_t; typedef short __dev16_t; typedef unsigned long __dev32_t; typedef __dev32_t dev_t; typedef long blksize_t; typedef long __blkcnt32_t; typedef long long __blkcnt64_t; typedef __blkcnt64_t blkcnt_t; typedef unsigned long fsblkcnt_t; typedef unsigned long fsfilcnt_t; typedef unsigned short __uid16_t; typedef unsigned long __uid32_t; typedef __uid32_t uid_t; typedef unsigned short __gid16_t; typedef unsigned long __gid32_t; typedef __gid32_t gid_t; typedef unsigned long __ino32_t; typedef unsigned long long __ino64_t; typedef __ino64_t ino_t; # 115 "/usr/include/cygwin/types.h" 3 4 typedef unsigned long id_t; # 137 "/usr/include/cygwin/types.h" 3 4 struct flock { short l_type; short l_whence; off_t l_start; off_t l_len; pid_t l_pid; }; typedef long long key_t; typedef unsigned long vm_offset_t; typedef unsigned long vm_size_t; typedef void *vm_object_t; typedef unsigned char u_int8_t; typedef __uint16_t u_int16_t; typedef __uint32_t u_int32_t; typedef __uint64_t u_int64_t; typedef __int32_t register_t; typedef char *addr_t; typedef unsigned mode_t; typedef struct __pthread_t {char __dummy;} *pthread_t; typedef struct __pthread_mutex_t {char __dummy;} *pthread_mutex_t; typedef struct __pthread_key_t {char __dummy;} *pthread_key_t; typedef struct __pthread_attr_t {char __dummy;} *pthread_attr_t; typedef struct __pthread_mutexattr_t {char __dummy;} *pthread_mutexattr_t; typedef struct __pthread_condattr_t {char __dummy;} *pthread_condattr_t; typedef struct __pthread_cond_t {char __dummy;} *pthread_cond_t; typedef struct { pthread_mutex_t mutex; int state; } pthread_once_t; typedef struct __pthread_rwlock_t {char __dummy;} *pthread_rwlock_t; typedef struct __pthread_rwlockattr_t {char __dummy;} *pthread_rwlockattr_t; # 380 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 2 3 4 # 381 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 391 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" # 1 "/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.3/include/stdarg.h" 1 3 4 # 43 "/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.3/include/stdarg.h" 3 4 typedef __builtin_va_list __gnuc_va_list; # 105 "/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.3/include/stdarg.h" 3 4 typedef __gnuc_va_list va_list; # 392 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 411 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" # 1 "/usr/include/ctype.h" 1 3 4 # 10 "/usr/include/ctype.h" 3 4 int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) isalnum(int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) isalpha(int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) iscntrl(int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) isdigit(int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) isgraph(int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) islower(int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) isprint(int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) ispunct(int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) isspace(int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) isupper(int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) isxdigit(int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) tolower(int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) toupper(int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) isblank(int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) isascii(int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) toascii(int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _tolower(int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _toupper(int); # 44 "/usr/include/ctype.h" 3 4 extern const __attribute__((dllimport)) char _ctype_[]; # 412 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 423 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" # 1 "/usr/include/locale.h" 1 3 4 # 24 "/usr/include/locale.h" 3 4 struct lconv { char *decimal_point; char *thousands_sep; char *grouping; char *int_curr_symbol; char *currency_symbol; char *mon_decimal_point; char *mon_thousands_sep; char *mon_grouping; char *positive_sign; char *negative_sign; char int_frac_digits; char frac_digits; char p_cs_precedes; char p_sep_by_space; char n_cs_precedes; char n_sep_by_space; char p_sign_posn; char n_sign_posn; }; char *__attribute__((__cdecl__)) setlocale (int category, const char *locale); struct lconv *__attribute__((__cdecl__)) localeconv (void); struct _reent; char *__attribute__((__cdecl__)) _setlocale_r (struct _reent *, int category, const char *locale); struct lconv *__attribute__((__cdecl__)) _localeconv_r (struct _reent *); # 424 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 440 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" # 1 "/usr/include/setjmp.h" 1 3 4 # 10 "/usr/include/setjmp.h" 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/machine/setjmp.h" 1 3 4 # 216 "/usr/include/machine/setjmp.h" 3 4 typedef int jmp_buf[(13 * 4)]; # 1 "/usr/include/signal.h" 1 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/sys/signal.h" 1 3 4 # 18 "/usr/include/sys/signal.h" 3 4 typedef unsigned long sigset_t; # 107 "/usr/include/sys/signal.h" 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/cygwin/signal.h" 1 3 4 # 29 "/usr/include/cygwin/signal.h" 3 4 typedef union sigval { int sival_int; void *sival_ptr; } sigval_t; typedef struct sigevent { sigval_t sigev_value; int sigev_signo; int sigev_notify; void (*sigev_notify_function) (sigval_t); pthread_attr_t *sigev_notify_attributes; } sigevent_t; #pragma pack(push,4) typedef struct { int si_signo; int si_code; pid_t si_pid; uid_t si_uid; int si_errno; union { __uint32_t __pad[32]; union { struct { union { struct { timer_t si_tid; unsigned int si_overrun; }; sigval_t si_sigval; sigval_t si_value; }; }; }; struct { int si_status; clock_t si_utime; clock_t si_stime; }; void *si_addr; }; } siginfo_t; #pragma pack(pop) enum { SI_USER = 1, SI_ASYNCIO, SI_MESGQ, SI_TIMER, SI_QUEUE, SI_KERNEL, ILL_ILLOPC, ILL_ILLOPN, ILL_ILLADR, ILL_ILLTRP, ILL_PRVOPC, ILL_PRVREG, ILL_COPROC, ILL_BADSTK, FPE_INTDIV, FPE_INTOVF, FPE_FLTDIV, FPE_FLTOVF, FPE_FLTUND, FPE_FLTRES, FPE_FLTINV, FPE_FLTSUB, SEGV_MAPERR, SEGV_ACCERR, BUS_ADRALN, BUS_ADRERR, BUS_OBJERR, CLD_EXITED, CLD_KILLED, CLD_DUMPED, CLD_TRAPPED, CLD_STOPPED, CLD_CONTINUED }; enum { SIGEV_SIGNAL = 0, SIGEV_NONE, SIGEV_THREAD }; typedef void (*_sig_func_ptr)(int); struct sigaction { union { _sig_func_ptr sa_handler; void (*sa_sigaction) ( int, siginfo_t *, void * ); }; sigset_t sa_mask; int sa_flags; }; # 207 "/usr/include/cygwin/signal.h" 3 4 int sigwait (const sigset_t *, int *); int sigwaitinfo (const sigset_t *, siginfo_t *); int sighold (int); int sigqueue(pid_t, int, const union sigval); int siginterrupt (int, int); # 108 "/usr/include/sys/signal.h" 2 3 4 # 131 "/usr/include/sys/signal.h" 3 4 int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) sigprocmask (int how, const sigset_t *set, sigset_t *oset); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) pthread_sigmask (int how, const sigset_t *set, sigset_t *oset); # 145 "/usr/include/sys/signal.h" 3 4 int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) kill (int, int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) killpg (pid_t, int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) sigaction (int, const struct sigaction *, struct sigaction *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) sigaddset (sigset_t *, const int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) sigdelset (sigset_t *, const int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) sigismember (const sigset_t *, int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) sigfillset (sigset_t *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) sigemptyset (sigset_t *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) sigpending (sigset_t *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) sigsuspend (const sigset_t *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) sigpause (int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) pthread_kill (pthread_t thread, int sig); # 6 "/usr/include/signal.h" 2 3 4 typedef int sig_atomic_t; struct _reent; _sig_func_ptr __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _signal_r (struct _reent *, int, _sig_func_ptr); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _raise_r (struct _reent *, int); _sig_func_ptr __attribute__((__cdecl__)) signal (int, _sig_func_ptr); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) raise (int); # 224 "/usr/include/machine/setjmp.h" 2 3 4 typedef int sigjmp_buf[(13 * 4)+2]; # 11 "/usr/include/setjmp.h" 2 3 4 void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) longjmp (jmp_buf __jmpb, int __retval); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) setjmp (jmp_buf __jmpb); # 441 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 1 "/usr/include/sys/param.h" 1 3 4 # 14 "/usr/include/sys/param.h" 3 4 # 1 "/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.3/include/limits.h" 1 3 4 # 11 "/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.3/include/limits.h" 3 4 # 1 "/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.3/include/syslimits.h" 1 3 4 # 1 "/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.3/include/limits.h" 1 3 4 # 122 "/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.3/include/limits.h" 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/limits.h" 1 3 4 # 13 "/usr/include/limits.h" 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/features.h" 1 3 4 # 14 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 1 3 4 # 15 "/usr/include/features.h" 2 3 4 # 14 "/usr/include/limits.h" 2 3 4 # 123 "/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.3/include/limits.h" 2 3 4 # 8 "/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.3/include/syslimits.h" 2 3 4 # 12 "/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.3/include/limits.h" 2 3 4 # 15 "/usr/include/sys/param.h" 2 3 4 # 447 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 1 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 1 3 4 # 14 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4 # 1 "/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.3/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4 # 15 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 2 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/sys/reent.h" 1 3 4 # 19 "/usr/include/sys/reent.h" 3 4 typedef unsigned long __ULong; # 40 "/usr/include/sys/reent.h" 3 4 struct _Bigint { struct _Bigint *_next; int _k, _maxwds, _sign, _wds; __ULong _x[1]; }; struct __tm { int __tm_sec; int __tm_min; int __tm_hour; int __tm_mday; int __tm_mon; int __tm_year; int __tm_wday; int __tm_yday; int __tm_isdst; }; struct _on_exit_args { void * _fnargs[32]; void * _dso_handle[32]; __ULong _fntypes; __ULong _is_cxa; }; # 85 "/usr/include/sys/reent.h" 3 4 struct _atexit { struct _atexit *_next; int _ind; void (*_fns[32])(void); struct _on_exit_args _on_exit_args; }; # 101 "/usr/include/sys/reent.h" 3 4 struct __sbuf { unsigned char *_base; int _size; }; typedef long _fpos_t; typedef _off64_t _fpos64_t; # 166 "/usr/include/sys/reent.h" 3 4 struct __sFILE { unsigned char *_p; int _r; int _w; short _flags; short _file; struct __sbuf _bf; int _lbfsize; void * _cookie; _ssize_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) (*_read) (void * _cookie, char *_buf, int _n); _ssize_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) (*_write) (void * _cookie, const char *_buf, int _n); _fpos_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) (*_seek) (void * _cookie, _fpos_t _offset, int _whence); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) (*_close) (void * _cookie); struct __sbuf _ub; unsigned char *_up; int _ur; unsigned char _ubuf[3]; unsigned char _nbuf[1]; struct __sbuf _lb; int _blksize; int _offset; struct _reent *_data; _flock_t _lock; }; struct __sFILE64 { unsigned char *_p; int _r; int _w; short _flags; short _file; struct __sbuf _bf; int _lbfsize; struct _reent *_data; void * _cookie; _ssize_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) (*_read) (void * _cookie, char *_buf, int _n); _ssize_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) (*_write) (void * _cookie, const char *_buf, int _n); _fpos_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) (*_seek) (void * _cookie, _fpos_t _offset, int _whence); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) (*_close) (void * _cookie); struct __sbuf _ub; unsigned char *_up; int _ur; unsigned char _ubuf[3]; unsigned char _nbuf[1]; struct __sbuf _lb; int _blksize; int _flags2; _off64_t _offset; _fpos64_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) (*_seek64) (void * _cookie, _fpos64_t _offset, int _whence); _flock_t _lock; }; typedef struct __sFILE64 __FILE; struct _glue { struct _glue *_next; int _niobs; __FILE *_iobs; }; # 290 "/usr/include/sys/reent.h" 3 4 struct _rand48 { unsigned short _seed[3]; unsigned short _mult[3]; unsigned short _add; }; # 565 "/usr/include/sys/reent.h" 3 4 struct _reent { int _errno; __FILE *_stdin, *_stdout, *_stderr; int _inc; char _emergency[25]; int _current_category; const char *_current_locale; int __sdidinit; void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) (*__cleanup) (struct _reent *); struct _Bigint *_result; int _result_k; struct _Bigint *_p5s; struct _Bigint **_freelist; int _cvtlen; char *_cvtbuf; union { struct { unsigned int _unused_rand; char * _strtok_last; char _asctime_buf[26]; struct __tm _localtime_buf; int _gamma_signgam; __extension__ unsigned long long _rand_next; struct _rand48 _r48; _mbstate_t _mblen_state; _mbstate_t _mbtowc_state; _mbstate_t _wctomb_state; char _l64a_buf[8]; char _signal_buf[24]; int _getdate_err; _mbstate_t _mbrlen_state; _mbstate_t _mbrtowc_state; _mbstate_t _mbsrtowcs_state; _mbstate_t _wcrtomb_state; _mbstate_t _wcsrtombs_state; } _reent; struct { unsigned char * _nextf[30]; unsigned int _nmalloc[30]; } _unused; } _new; struct _atexit *_atexit; struct _atexit _atexit0; void (**(_sig_func))(int); struct _glue __sglue; __FILE __sf[3]; }; # 799 "/usr/include/sys/reent.h" 3 4 extern struct _reent *_impure_ptr ; extern struct _reent *const _global_impure_ptr ; void _reclaim_reent (struct _reent *); struct _reent * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __getreent (void); # 17 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 2 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/machine/stdlib.h" 1 3 4 # 18 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 2 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/alloca.h" 1 3 4 # 20 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 2 3 4 typedef struct { int quot; int rem; } div_t; typedef struct { long quot; long rem; } ldiv_t; typedef struct { long long int quot; long long int rem; } lldiv_t; # 53 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4 extern __attribute__((dllimport)) int __mb_cur_max; void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) abort (void) __attribute__ ((noreturn)); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) abs (int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) atexit (void (*__func)(void)); double __attribute__((__cdecl__)) atof (const char *__nptr); float __attribute__((__cdecl__)) atoff (const char *__nptr); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) atoi (const char *__nptr); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _atoi_r (struct _reent *, const char *__nptr); long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) atol (const char *__nptr); long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _atol_r (struct _reent *, const char *__nptr); void * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) bsearch (const void * __key, const void * __base, size_t __nmemb, size_t __size, int (* __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _compar) (const void *, const void *)); void * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) calloc (size_t __nmemb, size_t __size); div_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) div (int __numer, int __denom); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) exit (int __status) __attribute__ ((noreturn)); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) free (void *); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) getenv (const char *__string); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _getenv_r (struct _reent *, const char *__string); const char *__attribute__((__cdecl__)) getprogname (void); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _findenv (const char *, int *); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _findenv_r (struct _reent *, const char *, int *); long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) labs (long); ldiv_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) ldiv (long __numer, long __denom); void * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) malloc (size_t __size); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) mblen (const char *, size_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _mblen_r (struct _reent *, const char *, size_t, _mbstate_t *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) mbtowc (wchar_t *, const char *, size_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _mbtowc_r (struct _reent *, wchar_t *, const char *, size_t, _mbstate_t *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) wctomb (char *, wchar_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _wctomb_r (struct _reent *, char *, wchar_t, _mbstate_t *); size_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) mbstowcs (wchar_t *, const char *, size_t); size_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _mbstowcs_r (struct _reent *, wchar_t *, const char *, size_t, _mbstate_t *); size_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) wcstombs (char *, const wchar_t *, size_t); size_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _wcstombs_r (struct _reent *, char *, const wchar_t *, size_t, _mbstate_t *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) mkstemp (char *); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) mktemp (char *); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) qsort (void * __base, size_t __nmemb, size_t __size, int(*_compar)(const void *, const void *)); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) rand (void); void * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) realloc (void * __r, size_t __size); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) setprogname (const char *); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) srand (unsigned __seed); double __attribute__((__cdecl__)) strtod (const char *__n, char **__end_PTR); double __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _strtod_r (struct _reent *,const char *__n, char **__end_PTR); float __attribute__((__cdecl__)) strtof (const char *__n, char **__end_PTR); long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) strtol (const char *__n, char **__end_PTR, int __base); long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _strtol_r (struct _reent *,const char *__n, char **__end_PTR, int __base); unsigned long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) strtoul (const char *__n, char **__end_PTR, int __base); unsigned long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _strtoul_r (struct _reent *,const char *__n, char **__end_PTR, int __base); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) system (const char *__string); long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) a64l (const char *__input); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) l64a (long __input); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _l64a_r (struct _reent *,long __input); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) on_exit (void (*__func)(int, void *),void * __arg); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _Exit (int __status) __attribute__ ((noreturn)); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) putenv (char *__string); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _putenv_r (struct _reent *, char *__string); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) setenv (const char *__string, const char *__value, int __overwrite); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _setenv_r (struct _reent *, const char *__string, const char *__value, int __overwrite); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) gcvt (double,int,char *); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) gcvtf (float,int,char *); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) fcvt (double,int,int *,int *); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) fcvtf (float,int,int *,int *); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) ecvt (double,int,int *,int *); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) ecvtbuf (double, int, int*, int*, char *); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) fcvtbuf (double, int, int*, int*, char *); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) ecvtf (float,int,int *,int *); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) dtoa (double, int, int, int *, int*, char**); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) rand_r (unsigned *__seed); double __attribute__((__cdecl__)) drand48 (void); double __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _drand48_r (struct _reent *); double __attribute__((__cdecl__)) erand48 (unsigned short [3]); double __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _erand48_r (struct _reent *, unsigned short [3]); long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) jrand48 (unsigned short [3]); long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _jrand48_r (struct _reent *, unsigned short [3]); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) lcong48 (unsigned short [7]); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _lcong48_r (struct _reent *, unsigned short [7]); long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) lrand48 (void); long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _lrand48_r (struct _reent *); long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) mrand48 (void); long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _mrand48_r (struct _reent *); long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) nrand48 (unsigned short [3]); long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _nrand48_r (struct _reent *, unsigned short [3]); unsigned short * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) seed48 (unsigned short [3]); unsigned short * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _seed48_r (struct _reent *, unsigned short [3]); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) srand48 (long); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _srand48_r (struct _reent *, long); long long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) atoll (const char *__nptr); long long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _atoll_r (struct _reent *, const char *__nptr); long long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) llabs (long long); lldiv_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) lldiv (long long __numer, long long __denom); long long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) strtoll (const char *__n, char **__end_PTR, int __base); long long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _strtoll_r (struct _reent *, const char *__n, char **__end_PTR, int __base); unsigned long long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) strtoull (const char *__n, char **__end_PTR, int __base); unsigned long long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _strtoull_r (struct _reent *, const char *__n, char **__end_PTR, int __base); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) realpath (const char *, char *); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) unsetenv (const char *__string); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _unsetenv_r (struct _reent *, const char *__string); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) random (void); long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) srandom (unsigned __seed); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) ptsname (int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) grantpt (int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) unlockpt (int); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _dtoa_r (struct _reent *, double, int, int, int *, int*, char**); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _system_r (struct _reent *, const char *); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __eprintf (const char *, const char *, unsigned int, const char *); # 233 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4 # 452 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 1 "/usr/include/unistd.h" 1 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/sys/unistd.h" 1 3 4 # 13 "/usr/include/sys/unistd.h" 3 4 # 1 "/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.3/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4 # 14 "/usr/include/sys/unistd.h" 2 3 4 extern char **environ; void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _exit (int __status ) __attribute__ ((noreturn)); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) access (const char *__path, int __amode ); unsigned __attribute__((__cdecl__)) alarm (unsigned __secs ); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) chdir (const char *__path ); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) chmod (const char *__path, mode_t __mode ); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) chown (const char *__path, uid_t __owner, gid_t __group ); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) chroot (const char *__path ); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) close (int __fildes ); char __attribute__((__cdecl__)) *ctermid (char *__s ); char __attribute__((__cdecl__)) *cuserid (char *__s ); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) daemon (int nochdir, int noclose); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) dup (int __fildes ); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) dup2 (int __fildes, int __fildes2 ); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) endusershell (void); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) execl (const char *__path, const char *, ... ); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) execle (const char *__path, const char *, ... ); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) execlp (const char *__file, const char *, ... ); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) execv (const char *__path, char * const __argv[] ); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) execve (const char *__path, char * const __argv[], char * const __envp[] ); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) execvp (const char *__file, char * const __argv[] ); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) fchdir (int __fildes); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) fchmod (int __fildes, mode_t __mode ); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) fchown (int __fildes, uid_t __owner, gid_t __group ); pid_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) fork (void ); long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) fpathconf (int __fd, int __name ); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) fsync (int __fd); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) fdatasync (int __fd); char __attribute__((__cdecl__)) *getcwd (char *__buf, size_t __size ); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) getdomainname (char *__name, size_t __len); gid_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) getegid (void ); uid_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) geteuid (void ); gid_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) getgid (void ); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) getgroups (int __gidsetsize, gid_t __grouplist[] ); long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) gethostid (void); char __attribute__((__cdecl__)) *getlogin (void ); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) getlogin_r (char *name, size_t namesize); char __attribute__((__cdecl__)) *getpass (const char *__prompt); size_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) getpagesize (void); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) getpeereid (int, uid_t *, gid_t *); pid_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) getpgid (pid_t); pid_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) getpgrp (void ); pid_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) getpid (void ); pid_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) getppid (void ); pid_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) getsid (pid_t); uid_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) getuid (void ); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) getusershell (void); char __attribute__((__cdecl__)) *getwd (char *__buf ); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) iruserok (unsigned long raddr, int superuser, const char *ruser, const char *luser); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) isatty (int __fildes ); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) lchown (const char *__path, uid_t __owner, gid_t __group ); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) link (const char *__path1, const char *__path2 ); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) nice (int __nice_value ); off_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) lseek (int __fildes, off_t __offset, int __whence ); long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) pathconf (const char *__path, int __name ); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) pause (void ); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) pthread_atfork (void (*)(void), void (*)(void), void (*)(void)); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) pipe (int __fildes[2] ); ssize_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) pread (int __fd, void *__buf, size_t __nbytes, off_t __offset); ssize_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) pwrite (int __fd, const void *__buf, size_t __nbytes, off_t __offset); _ssize_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) read (int __fd, void *__buf, size_t __nbyte ); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) rresvport (int *__alport); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) revoke (char *__path); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) rmdir (const char *__path ); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) ruserok (const char *rhost, int superuser, const char *ruser, const char *luser); void * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) sbrk (ptrdiff_t __incr); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) setegid (gid_t __gid ); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) seteuid (uid_t __uid ); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) setgid (gid_t __gid ); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) setgroups (int ngroups, const gid_t *grouplist ); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) setpgid (pid_t __pid, pid_t __pgid ); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) setpgrp (void ); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) setregid (gid_t __rgid, gid_t __egid); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) setreuid (uid_t __ruid, uid_t __euid); pid_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) setsid (void ); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) setuid (uid_t __uid ); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) setusershell (void); unsigned __attribute__((__cdecl__)) sleep (unsigned int __seconds ); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) swab (const void *, void *, ssize_t); long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) sysconf (int __name ); pid_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) tcgetpgrp (int __fildes ); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) tcsetpgrp (int __fildes, pid_t __pgrp_id ); char __attribute__((__cdecl__)) *ttyname (int __fildes ); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) ttyname_r (int, char *, size_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) unlink (const char *__path ); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) vhangup (void ); _ssize_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) write (int __fd, const void *__buf, size_t __nbyte ); # 1 "/usr/include/getopt.h" 1 3 4 # 42 "/usr/include/getopt.h" 3 4 extern int __attribute__((dllimport)) opterr; extern int __attribute__((dllimport)) optind; extern int __attribute__((dllimport)) optopt; extern int __attribute__((dllimport)) optreset; extern char __attribute__((dllimport)) *optarg; int getopt (int, char * const *, const char *); # 160 "/usr/include/sys/unistd.h" 2 3 4 # 169 "/usr/include/sys/unistd.h" 3 4 pid_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) vfork (void ); extern char *suboptarg; int getsubopt(char **, char * const *, char **); # 195 "/usr/include/sys/unistd.h" 3 4 int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) ftruncate (int __fd, off_t __length); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) truncate (const char *, off_t __length); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) getdtablesize (void); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) setdtablesize (int); useconds_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) ualarm (useconds_t __useconds, useconds_t __interval); unsigned __attribute__((__cdecl__)) usleep (unsigned int __useconds); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) gethostname (char *__name, size_t __len); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) mktemp (char *); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) sync (void); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) readlink (const char *__path, char *__buf, int __buflen); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) symlink (const char *__name1, const char *__name2); # 5 "/usr/include/unistd.h" 2 3 4 # 457 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 475 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/embed.h" 1 # 476 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 1 "/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.3/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4 # 482 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 1 "/usr/include/string.h" 1 3 4 # 14 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4 # 1 "/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.3/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4 # 15 "/usr/include/string.h" 2 3 4 void * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) memchr (const void *, int, size_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) memcmp (const void *, const void *, size_t); void * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) memcpy (void *, const void *, size_t); void * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) memmove (void *, const void *, size_t); void * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) memset (void *, int, size_t); char *__attribute__((__cdecl__)) strcat (char *, const char *); char *__attribute__((__cdecl__)) strchr (const char *, int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) strcmp (const char *, const char *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) strcoll (const char *, const char *); char *__attribute__((__cdecl__)) strcpy (char *, const char *); size_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) strcspn (const char *, const char *); char *__attribute__((__cdecl__)) strerror (int); size_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) strlen (const char *); char *__attribute__((__cdecl__)) strncat (char *, const char *, size_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) strncmp (const char *, const char *, size_t); char *__attribute__((__cdecl__)) strncpy (char *, const char *, size_t); char *__attribute__((__cdecl__)) strpbrk (const char *, const char *); char *__attribute__((__cdecl__)) strrchr (const char *, int); size_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) strspn (const char *, const char *); char *__attribute__((__cdecl__)) strstr (const char *, const char *); char *__attribute__((__cdecl__)) strtok (char *, const char *); size_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) strxfrm (char *, const char *, size_t); char *__attribute__((__cdecl__)) strtok_r (char *, const char *, char **); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) bcmp (const void *, const void *, size_t); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) bcopy (const void *, void *, size_t); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) bzero (void *, size_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) ffs (int); char *__attribute__((__cdecl__)) index (const char *, int); void * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) memccpy (void *, const void *, int, size_t); void * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) mempcpy (void *, const void *, size_t); char *__attribute__((__cdecl__)) rindex (const char *, int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) strcasecmp (const char *, const char *); char *__attribute__((__cdecl__)) strdup (const char *); char *__attribute__((__cdecl__)) _strdup_r (struct _reent *, const char *); char *__attribute__((__cdecl__)) strndup (const char *, size_t); char *__attribute__((__cdecl__)) _strndup_r (struct _reent *, const char *, size_t); char *__attribute__((__cdecl__)) strerror_r (int, char *, size_t); size_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) strlcat (char *, const char *, size_t); size_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) strlcpy (char *, const char *, size_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) strncasecmp (const char *, const char *, size_t); size_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) strnlen (const char *, size_t); char *__attribute__((__cdecl__)) strsep (char **, const char *); char *__attribute__((__cdecl__)) strlwr (char *); char *__attribute__((__cdecl__)) strupr (char *); const char *__attribute__((__cdecl__)) strsignal (int __signo); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) strtosigno (const char *__name); # 96 "/usr/include/string.h" 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/sys/string.h" 1 3 4 # 97 "/usr/include/string.h" 2 3 4 # 489 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 637 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" # 1 "/usr/include/netinet/in.h" 1 3 4 # 14 "/usr/include/netinet/in.h" 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/cygwin/in.h" 1 3 4 # 25 "/usr/include/cygwin/in.h" 3 4 enum { IPPROTO_IP = 0, IPPROTO_ICMP = 1, IPPROTO_IGMP = 2, IPPROTO_IPIP = 4, IPPROTO_TCP = 6, IPPROTO_EGP = 8, IPPROTO_PUP = 12, IPPROTO_UDP = 17, IPPROTO_IDP = 22, IPPROTO_RAW = 255, IPPROTO_MAX }; # 52 "/usr/include/cygwin/in.h" 3 4 typedef uint16_t in_port_t; enum { IPPORT_ECHO = 7, IPPORT_DISCARD = 9, IPPORT_SYSTAT = 11, IPPORT_DAYTIME = 13, IPPORT_NETSTAT = 15, IPPORT_FTP = 21, IPPORT_TELNET = 23, IPPORT_SMTP = 25, IPPORT_TIMESERVER = 37, IPPORT_NAMESERVER = 42, IPPORT_WHOIS = 43, IPPORT_MTP = 57, IPPORT_TFTP = 69, IPPORT_RJE = 77, IPPORT_FINGER = 79, IPPORT_TTYLINK = 87, IPPORT_SUPDUP = 95, IPPORT_EXECSERVER = 512, IPPORT_LOGINSERVER = 513, IPPORT_CMDSERVER = 514, IPPORT_EFSSERVER = 520, IPPORT_BIFFUDP = 512, IPPORT_WHOSERVER = 513, IPPORT_ROUTESERVER = 520, IPPORT_RESERVED = 1024, IPPORT_USERRESERVED = 5000 }; typedef uint32_t in_addr_t; struct in_addr { unsigned int s_addr; }; struct ip_mreq { struct in_addr imr_multiaddr; struct in_addr imr_interface; }; struct sockaddr_in { short int sin_family; unsigned short int sin_port; struct in_addr sin_addr; unsigned char __pad[16 - sizeof(short int) - sizeof(unsigned short int) - sizeof(struct in_addr)]; }; # 175 "/usr/include/cygwin/in.h" 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/asm/byteorder.h" 1 3 4 # 34 "/usr/include/asm/byteorder.h" 3 4 extern unsigned long int ntohl(unsigned long int); extern unsigned short int ntohs(unsigned short int); extern unsigned long int htonl(unsigned long int); extern unsigned short int htons(unsigned short int); extern __inline__ unsigned long int __ntohl(unsigned long int); extern __inline__ unsigned short int __ntohs(unsigned short int); extern __inline__ unsigned long int __constant_ntohl(unsigned long int); extern __inline__ unsigned short int __constant_ntohs(unsigned short int); extern __inline__ unsigned long int __ntohl(unsigned long int x) { __asm__("xchgb %b0,%h0\n\t" "rorl $16,%0\n\t" "xchgb %b0,%h0" :"=q" (x) : "0" (x)); return x; } extern __inline__ unsigned short int __ntohs(unsigned short int x) { __asm__("xchgb %b0,%h0" : "=q" (x) : "0" (x)); return x; } # 176 "/usr/include/cygwin/in.h" 2 3 4 # 15 "/usr/include/netinet/in.h" 2 3 4 # 638 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 1 "/usr/include/arpa/inet.h" 1 3 4 # 22 "/usr/include/arpa/inet.h" 3 4 in_addr_t inet_addr (const char *); int inet_aton (const char *, struct in_addr *); in_addr_t inet_lnaof (struct in_addr); struct in_addr inet_makeaddr (unsigned long , unsigned long); in_addr_t inet_netof (struct in_addr); in_addr_t inet_network (const char *); char *inet_ntoa (struct in_addr); # 642 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 651 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" # 1 "/usr/include/sys/stat.h" 1 3 4 # 9 "/usr/include/sys/stat.h" 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/time.h" 1 3 4 # 18 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/machine/time.h" 1 3 4 # 19 "/usr/include/time.h" 2 3 4 # 27 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4 # 1 "/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.3/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4 # 28 "/usr/include/time.h" 2 3 4 struct tm { int tm_sec; int tm_min; int tm_hour; int tm_mday; int tm_mon; int tm_year; int tm_wday; int tm_yday; int tm_isdst; }; clock_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) clock (void); double __attribute__((__cdecl__)) difftime (time_t _time2, time_t _time1); time_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) mktime (struct tm *_timeptr); time_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) time (time_t *_timer); char *__attribute__((__cdecl__)) asctime (const struct tm *_tblock); char *__attribute__((__cdecl__)) ctime (const time_t *_time); struct tm *__attribute__((__cdecl__)) gmtime (const time_t *_timer); struct tm *__attribute__((__cdecl__)) localtime (const time_t *_timer); size_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) strftime (char *_s, size_t _maxsize, const char *_fmt, const struct tm *_t); char *__attribute__((__cdecl__)) asctime_r (const struct tm *, char *); char *__attribute__((__cdecl__)) ctime_r (const time_t *, char *); struct tm *__attribute__((__cdecl__)) gmtime_r (const time_t *, struct tm *); struct tm *__attribute__((__cdecl__)) localtime_r (const time_t *, struct tm *); char *__attribute__((__cdecl__)) strptime (const char *, const char *, struct tm *); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) tzset (void); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _tzset_r (struct _reent *); typedef struct __tzrule_struct { char ch; int m; int n; int d; int s; time_t change; long offset; } __tzrule_type; typedef struct __tzinfo_struct { int __tznorth; int __tzyear; __tzrule_type __tzrule[2]; } __tzinfo_type; __tzinfo_type *__attribute__((__cdecl__)) __gettzinfo (void); # 118 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4 extern __attribute__((dllimport)) long _timezone; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) int _daylight; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) char *_tzname[2]; # 137 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4 char *__attribute__((__cdecl__)) timezone (void); # 158 "/usr/include/time.h" 3 4 int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) clock_settime (clockid_t clock_id, const struct timespec *tp); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) clock_gettime (clockid_t clock_id, struct timespec *tp); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) clock_getres (clockid_t clock_id, struct timespec *res); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) timer_create (clockid_t clock_id, struct sigevent *evp, timer_t *timerid); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) timer_delete (timer_t timerid); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) timer_settime (timer_t timerid, int flags, const struct itimerspec *value, struct itimerspec *ovalue); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) timer_gettime (timer_t timerid, struct itimerspec *value); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) timer_getoverrun (timer_t timerid); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) nanosleep (const struct timespec *rqtp, struct timespec *rmtp); # 10 "/usr/include/sys/stat.h" 2 3 4 # 20 "/usr/include/sys/stat.h" 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/cygwin/stat.h" 1 3 4 # 62 "/usr/include/cygwin/stat.h" 3 4 struct stat { dev_t st_dev; ino_t st_ino; mode_t st_mode; nlink_t st_nlink; uid_t st_uid; gid_t st_gid; dev_t st_rdev; off_t st_size; timestruc_t st_atim; timestruc_t st_mtim; timestruc_t st_ctim; blksize_t st_blksize; blkcnt_t st_blocks; long st_spare4[2]; }; # 21 "/usr/include/sys/stat.h" 2 3 4 # 119 "/usr/include/sys/stat.h" 3 4 int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) chmod ( const char *__path, mode_t __mode ); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) fchmod (int __fd, mode_t __mode); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) fstat ( int __fd, struct stat *__sbuf ); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) mkdir ( const char *_path, mode_t __mode ); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) mkfifo ( const char *__path, mode_t __mode ); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) stat ( const char *__path, struct stat *__sbuf ); mode_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) umask ( mode_t __mask ); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) lstat ( const char *__path, struct stat *__buf ); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) mknod ( const char *__path, mode_t __mode, dev_t __dev ); # 652 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 680 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" # 1 "/usr/include/sys/time.h" 1 3 4 # 16 "/usr/include/sys/time.h" 3 4 struct timeval { long tv_sec; long tv_usec; }; struct timezone { int tz_minuteswest; int tz_dsttime; }; # 1 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 1 3 4 # 23 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/sys/time.h" 1 3 4 # 24 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 2 3 4 int select (int __n, _types_fd_set *__readfds, _types_fd_set *__writefds, _types_fd_set *__exceptfds, struct timeval *__timeout); int pselect (int __n, _types_fd_set *__readfds, _types_fd_set *__writefds, _types_fd_set *__exceptfds, const struct timespec *__timeout, const sigset_t *__set); # 28 "/usr/include/sys/time.h" 2 3 4 # 36 "/usr/include/sys/time.h" 3 4 struct itimerval { struct timeval it_interval; struct timeval it_value; }; # 73 "/usr/include/sys/time.h" 3 4 int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) gettimeofday (struct timeval *__p, struct timezone *__z); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) settimeofday (const struct timeval *, const struct timezone *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) utimes (const char *__path, const struct timeval *__tvp); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) getitimer (int __which, struct itimerval *__value); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) setitimer (int __which, const struct itimerval *__value, struct itimerval *__ovalue); # 681 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 1 "/usr/include/sys/times.h" 1 3 4 # 16 "/usr/include/sys/times.h" 3 4 struct tms { clock_t tms_utime; clock_t tms_stime; clock_t tms_cutime; clock_t tms_cstime; }; clock_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) times (struct tms *); # 688 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 1 "/usr/include/errno.h" 1 3 4 typedef int error_t; # 1 "/usr/include/sys/errno.h" 1 3 4 # 15 "/usr/include/sys/errno.h" 3 4 extern int *__errno (void); extern __attribute__((dllimport)) const char * const _sys_errlist[]; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) int _sys_nerr; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) const char * const sys_errlist[]; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) int sys_nerr; # 10 "/usr/include/errno.h" 2 3 4 # 695 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 709 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" # 1 "/usr/include/sys/socket.h" 1 3 4 # 15 "/usr/include/sys/socket.h" 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/cygwin/socket.h" 1 3 4 # 18 "/usr/include/cygwin/socket.h" 3 4 struct sockaddr { unsigned short sa_family; char sa_data[14]; }; # 1 "/usr/include/asm/socket.h" 1 3 4 # 14 "/usr/include/asm/socket.h" 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/cygwin/if.h" 1 3 4 # 19 "/usr/include/cygwin/if.h" 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/sys/socket.h" 1 3 4 # 20 "/usr/include/cygwin/if.h" 2 3 4 # 37 "/usr/include/cygwin/if.h" 3 4 struct ifreq { union { char ifrn_name[16]; } ifr_ifrn; union { struct sockaddr ifru_addr; struct sockaddr ifru_broadaddr; struct sockaddr ifru_netmask; struct sockaddr ifru_hwaddr; short ifru_flags; int ifru_metric; int ifru_mtu; } ifr_ifru; }; # 74 "/usr/include/cygwin/if.h" 3 4 struct ifconf { int ifc_len; union { caddr_t ifcu_buf; struct ifreq *ifcu_req; } ifc_ifcu; }; # 15 "/usr/include/asm/socket.h" 2 3 4 # 24 "/usr/include/cygwin/socket.h" 2 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/cygwin/sockios.h" 1 3 4 # 25 "/usr/include/cygwin/socket.h" 2 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/cygwin/uio.h" 1 3 4 # 26 "/usr/include/cygwin/socket.h" 2 3 4 struct ucred { pid_t pid; __uid32_t uid; __gid32_t gid; }; struct linger { unsigned short l_onoff; unsigned short l_linger; }; struct msghdr { void * msg_name; int msg_namelen; struct iovec * msg_iov; int msg_iovlen; void * msg_accrights; int msg_accrightslen; }; # 16 "/usr/include/sys/socket.h" 2 3 4 # 29 "/usr/include/sys/socket.h" 3 4 int accept (int, struct sockaddr *__peer, int *); int bind (int, const struct sockaddr *__my_addr, int __addrlen); int connect (int, const struct sockaddr *, int); int getpeername (int, struct sockaddr *__peer, int *); int getsockname (int, struct sockaddr *__addr, int *); int listen (int, int __n); int recv (int, void *__buff, int __len, int __flags); int recvfrom (int, void *__buff, int __len, int __flags, struct sockaddr *__from, int *__fromlen); int recvmsg(int s, struct msghdr *msg, int flags); int send (int, const void *__buff, int __len, int __flags); int sendmsg(int s, const struct msghdr *msg, int flags); int sendto (int, const void *, int __len, int __flags, const struct sockaddr *__to, int __tolen); int setsockopt (int __s, int __level, int __optname, const void *optval, int __optlen); int getsockopt (int __s, int __level, int __optname, void *__optval, int *__optlen); int shutdown (int, int); int socket (int __family, int __type, int __protocol); int socketpair (int __domain, int __type, int __protocol, int *__socket_vec); struct servent *getservbyname (const char *__name, const char *__proto); # 710 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 736 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" # 1 "/usr/include/netdb.h" 1 3 4 # 73 "/usr/include/netdb.h" 3 4 struct hostent { const char *h_name; char **h_aliases; short h_addrtype; short h_length; char **h_addr_list; }; struct netent { char *n_name; char **n_aliases; short n_addrtype; unsigned long n_net; }; struct servent { char *s_name; char **s_aliases; short s_port; char *s_proto; }; struct protoent { char *p_name; char **p_aliases; short p_proto; }; struct rpcent { char *r_name; char **r_aliases; int r_number; }; # 122 "/usr/include/netdb.h" 3 4 extern __attribute__((dllimport)) int h_errno; # 134 "/usr/include/netdb.h" 3 4 void endhostent (void); void endnetent (void); void endprotoent (void); void endservent (void); void endrpcent (void); struct hostent *gethostbyaddr (const char *, int, int); struct hostent *gethostbyname (const char *); struct hostent *gethostent (void); struct netent *getnetbyaddr (long, int); struct netent *getnetbyname (const char *); struct netent *getnetent (void); struct protoent *getprotobyname (const char *); struct protoent *getprotobynumber (int); struct protoent *getprotoent (void); struct servent *getservbyname (const char *, const char *); struct servent *getservbyport (int, const char *); struct servent *getservent (void); struct rpcent *getrpcent (void); struct rpcent *getrpcbyname (const char *); struct rpcent *getrpcbynumber (int); const char *hstrerror (int); void herror (const char *); void sethostent (int); void setnetent (int); void setprotoent (int); void setservent (int); void setrpcent (int); # 737 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 819 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" char *strerror (int); # 838 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" # 1 "/usr/include/sys/ioctl.h" 1 3 4 # 24 "/usr/include/sys/ioctl.h" 3 4 int ioctl (int __fd, int __cmd, ...); # 839 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 867 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" # 1 "/usr/include/dirent.h" 1 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/sys/dirent.h" 1 3 4 # 18 "/usr/include/sys/dirent.h" 3 4 #pragma pack(push,4) # 31 "/usr/include/sys/dirent.h" 3 4 struct dirent { long d_version; ino_t d_ino; long d_fd; unsigned long __ino32; char d_name[256]; }; # 50 "/usr/include/sys/dirent.h" 3 4 #pragma pack(pop) #pragma pack(push,4) typedef struct __DIR { unsigned long __d_cookie; struct dirent *__d_dirent; char *__d_dirname; _off_t __d_position; __ino64_t __d_dirhash; void *__handle; void *__fh; unsigned __flags; } DIR; #pragma pack(pop) DIR *opendir (const char *); struct dirent *readdir (DIR *); void rewinddir (DIR *); int closedir (DIR *); int dirfd (DIR *); off_t telldir (DIR *); void seekdir (DIR *, off_t loc); int scandir (const char *__dir, struct dirent ***__namelist, int (*select) (const struct dirent *), int (*compar) (const struct dirent **, const struct dirent **)); int alphasort (const struct dirent **__a, const struct dirent **__b); # 7 "/usr/include/dirent.h" 2 3 4 # 868 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 1078 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" typedef long long IV; typedef unsigned long long UV; # 1196 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" # 1 "/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.3/include/limits.h" 1 3 4 # 1197 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 1 "/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.3/include/float.h" 1 3 4 # 1200 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 1224 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" # 1 "/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.3/include/limits.h" 1 3 4 # 1225 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 1256 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" # 1 "/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.3/include/limits.h" 1 3 4 # 1257 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 1271 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" typedef double NV; # 1 "/usr/include/ieeefp.h" 1 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/machine/ieeefp.h" 1 3 4 # 7 "/usr/include/ieeefp.h" 2 3 4 # 51 "/usr/include/ieeefp.h" 3 4 typedef union { double value; struct { unsigned int fraction1:32; unsigned int fraction0:20; unsigned int exponent :11; unsigned int sign : 1; } number; struct { unsigned int function1:32; unsigned int function0:19; unsigned int quiet:1; unsigned int exponent: 11; unsigned int sign : 1; } nan; struct { unsigned long lsw; unsigned long msw; } parts; long aslong[2]; } __ieee_double_shape_type; # 123 "/usr/include/ieeefp.h" 3 4 typedef union { float value; struct { unsigned int fraction0: 7; unsigned int fraction1: 16; unsigned int exponent: 8; unsigned int sign : 1; } number; struct { unsigned int function1:16; unsigned int function0:6; unsigned int quiet:1; unsigned int exponent:8; unsigned int sign:1; } nan; long p1; } __ieee_float_shape_type; # 153 "/usr/include/ieeefp.h" 3 4 typedef int fp_rnd; fp_rnd __attribute__((__cdecl__)) fpgetround (void); fp_rnd __attribute__((__cdecl__)) fpsetround (fp_rnd); typedef int fp_except; fp_except __attribute__((__cdecl__)) fpgetmask (void); fp_except __attribute__((__cdecl__)) fpsetmask (fp_except); fp_except __attribute__((__cdecl__)) fpgetsticky (void); fp_except __attribute__((__cdecl__)) fpsetsticky (fp_except); typedef int fp_rdi; fp_rdi __attribute__((__cdecl__)) fpgetroundtoi (void); fp_rdi __attribute__((__cdecl__)) fpsetroundtoi (fp_rdi); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) isnan (double); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) isinf (double); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) finite (double); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) isnanf (float); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) isinff (float); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) finitef (float); # 1275 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 1581 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" # 1 "/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.3/include/limits.h" 1 3 4 # 1582 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 1746 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/malloc_ctl.h" 1 struct perl_mstats { UV *nfree; UV *ntotal; IV topbucket, topbucket_ev, topbucket_odd, totfree, total, total_chain; IV total_sbrk, sbrks, sbrk_good, sbrk_slack, start_slack, sbrked_remains; IV minbucket; UV *bucket_mem_size; UV *bucket_available_size; UV nbuckets; }; typedef struct perl_mstats perl_mstats_t; void * Perl_malloc (size_t nbytes); void * Perl_calloc (size_t elements, size_t size); void * Perl_realloc (void * where, size_t nbytes); void Perl_mfree (void * where); enum { MallocCfg_FIRST_SBRK, MallocCfg_MIN_SBRK, MallocCfg_MIN_SBRK_FRAC1000, MallocCfg_SBRK_ALLOW_FAILURES, MallocCfg_SBRK_FAILURE_PRICE, MallocCfg_sbrk_goodness, MallocCfg_filldead, MallocCfg_fillalive, MallocCfg_fillcheck, MallocCfg_skip_cfg_env, MallocCfg_cfg_env_read, MallocCfg_emergency_buffer_size, MallocCfg_emergency_buffer_last_req, MallocCfg_emergency_buffer_prepared_size, MallocCfg_last }; enum { MallocCfgP_emergency_buffer, MallocCfgP_emergency_buffer_prepared, MallocCfgP_last }; extern IV *MallocCfg_ptr; extern char **MallocCfgP_ptr; # 1747 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 struct RExC_state_t; typedef size_t STRLEN; typedef struct op OP; typedef struct cop COP; typedef struct unop UNOP; typedef struct binop BINOP; typedef struct listop LISTOP; typedef struct logop LOGOP; typedef struct pmop PMOP; typedef struct svop SVOP; typedef struct padop PADOP; typedef struct pvop PVOP; typedef struct loop LOOP; typedef struct interpreter PerlInterpreter; # 1774 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" typedef struct sv SV; typedef struct av AV; typedef struct hv HV; typedef struct cv CV; typedef struct regexp REGEXP; typedef struct gp GP; typedef struct gv GV; typedef struct io IO; typedef struct context PERL_CONTEXT; typedef struct block BLOCK; typedef struct magic MAGIC; typedef struct xrv XRV; typedef struct xpv XPV; typedef struct xpviv XPVIV; typedef struct xpvuv XPVUV; typedef struct xpvnv XPVNV; typedef struct xpvmg XPVMG; typedef struct xpvlv XPVLV; typedef struct xpvav XPVAV; typedef struct xpvhv XPVHV; typedef struct xpvgv XPVGV; typedef struct xpvcv XPVCV; typedef struct xpvbm XPVBM; typedef struct xpvfm XPVFM; typedef struct xpvio XPVIO; typedef struct mgvtbl MGVTBL; typedef union any ANY; typedef struct ptr_tbl_ent PTR_TBL_ENT_t; typedef struct ptr_tbl PTR_TBL_t; typedef struct clone_params CLONE_PARAMS; # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/handy.h" 1 # 121 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/handy.h" # 1 "/usr/include/inttypes.h" 1 3 4 # 228 "/usr/include/inttypes.h" 3 4 typedef struct { intmax_t quot; intmax_t rem; } imaxdiv_t; # 122 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/handy.h" 2 # 132 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/handy.h" typedef char I8; typedef unsigned char U8; typedef short I16; typedef unsigned short U16; typedef long I32; typedef unsigned long U32; # 516 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/handy.h" typedef U32 line_t; # 1807 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 1970 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/unixish.h" 1 # 1971 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 2072 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" # 1 "/usr/include/pthread.h" 1 3 4 # 15 "/usr/include/pthread.h" 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/sched.h" 1 3 4 # 24 "/usr/include/sched.h" 3 4 struct sched_param { int sched_priority; }; int sched_get_priority_max (int); int sched_get_priority_min (int); int sched_getparam (pid_t, struct sched_param *); int sched_getscheduler (pid_t); int sched_rr_get_interval (pid_t, struct timespec *); int sched_setparam (pid_t, const struct sched_param *); int sched_setscheduler (pid_t, int, const struct sched_param *); int sched_yield (void); # 16 "/usr/include/pthread.h" 2 3 4 # 75 "/usr/include/pthread.h" 3 4 int pthread_attr_destroy (pthread_attr_t *); int pthread_attr_getdetachstate (const pthread_attr_t *, int *); int pthread_attr_getinheritsched (const pthread_attr_t *, int *); int pthread_attr_getschedparam (const pthread_attr_t *, struct sched_param *); int pthread_attr_getschedpolicy (const pthread_attr_t *, int *); int pthread_attr_getscope (const pthread_attr_t *, int *); int pthread_attr_init (pthread_attr_t *); int pthread_attr_setdetachstate (pthread_attr_t *, int); int pthread_attr_setinheritsched (pthread_attr_t *, int); int pthread_attr_setschedparam (pthread_attr_t *, const struct sched_param *); int pthread_attr_setschedpolicy (pthread_attr_t *, int); int pthread_attr_setscope (pthread_attr_t *, int); # 98 "/usr/include/pthread.h" 3 4 int pthread_attr_getstacksize (const pthread_attr_t *, size_t *); int pthread_attr_setstacksize (pthread_attr_t *, size_t); int pthread_cancel (pthread_t); typedef void (*__cleanup_routine_type) (void *); typedef struct _pthread_cleanup_handler { __cleanup_routine_type function; void *arg; struct _pthread_cleanup_handler *next; } __pthread_cleanup_handler; void _pthread_cleanup_push (__pthread_cleanup_handler *handler); void _pthread_cleanup_pop (int execute); int pthread_cond_broadcast (pthread_cond_t *); int pthread_cond_destroy (pthread_cond_t *); int pthread_cond_init (pthread_cond_t *, const pthread_condattr_t *); int pthread_cond_signal (pthread_cond_t *); int pthread_cond_timedwait (pthread_cond_t *, pthread_mutex_t *, const struct timespec *); int pthread_cond_wait (pthread_cond_t *, pthread_mutex_t *); int pthread_condattr_destroy (pthread_condattr_t *); int pthread_condattr_getpshared (const pthread_condattr_t *, int *); int pthread_condattr_init (pthread_condattr_t *); int pthread_condattr_setpshared (pthread_condattr_t *, int); int pthread_create (pthread_t *, const pthread_attr_t *, void *(*)(void *), void *); int pthread_detach (pthread_t); int pthread_equal (pthread_t, pthread_t); void pthread_exit (void *); int pthread_getschedparam (pthread_t, int *, struct sched_param *); void *pthread_getspecific (pthread_key_t); int pthread_join (pthread_t, void **); int pthread_key_create (pthread_key_t *, void (*)(void *)); int pthread_key_delete (pthread_key_t); int pthread_mutex_destroy (pthread_mutex_t *); int pthread_mutex_getprioceiling (const pthread_mutex_t *, int *); int pthread_mutex_init (pthread_mutex_t *, const pthread_mutexattr_t *); int pthread_mutex_lock (pthread_mutex_t *); int pthread_mutex_setprioceiling (pthread_mutex_t *, int, int *); int pthread_mutex_trylock (pthread_mutex_t *); int pthread_mutex_unlock (pthread_mutex_t *); int pthread_mutexattr_destroy (pthread_mutexattr_t *); int pthread_mutexattr_getprioceiling (const pthread_mutexattr_t *, int *); int pthread_mutexattr_getprotocol (const pthread_mutexattr_t *, int *); int pthread_mutexattr_getpshared (const pthread_mutexattr_t *, int *); int pthread_mutexattr_gettype (const pthread_mutexattr_t *, int *); int pthread_mutexattr_init (pthread_mutexattr_t *); int pthread_mutexattr_setprioceiling (pthread_mutexattr_t *, int); int pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol (pthread_mutexattr_t *, int); int pthread_mutexattr_setpshared (pthread_mutexattr_t *, int); int pthread_mutexattr_settype (pthread_mutexattr_t *, int); int pthread_rwlock_destroy (pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock); int pthread_rwlock_init (pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock, const pthread_rwlockattr_t *attr); int pthread_rwlock_rdlock (pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock); int pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock (pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock); int pthread_rwlock_wrlock (pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock); int pthread_rwlock_trywrlock (pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock); int pthread_rwlock_unlock (pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock); int pthread_rwlockattr_init (pthread_rwlockattr_t *rwlockattr); int pthread_rwlockattr_getpshared (const pthread_rwlockattr_t *attr, int *pshared); int pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared (pthread_rwlockattr_t *attr, int pshared); int pthread_rwlockattr_destroy (pthread_rwlockattr_t *rwlockattr); int pthread_once (pthread_once_t *, void (*)(void)); int pthread_getconcurrency (void); int pthread_setconcurrency (int); pthread_t pthread_self (void); int pthread_setcancelstate (int, int *); int pthread_setcanceltype (int, int *); int pthread_setschedparam (pthread_t, int, const struct sched_param *); int pthread_setspecific (pthread_key_t, const void *); void pthread_testcancel (void); int pthread_suspend (pthread_t); int pthread_continue (pthread_t); # 2073 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 typedef pthread_t perl_os_thread; typedef pthread_mutex_t perl_mutex; typedef pthread_cond_t perl_cond; typedef pthread_key_t perl_key; # 2272 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" # 1 "/usr/include/io.h" 1 3 4 # 21 "/usr/include/io.h" 3 4 extern long get_osfhandle(int); extern int setmode (int __fd, int __mode); int access(const char *__path, int __amode); # 2273 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 void init_os_extras(void); union any { void* any_ptr; I32 any_i32; IV any_iv; long any_long; char any_bool; void (*any_dptr) (void*); void (*any_dxptr) (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), void*); }; # 2301 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" typedef I32 (*filter_t) (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), int, SV *, int); # 2324 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/iperlsys.h" 1 # 51 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/iperlsys.h" # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perlio.h" 1 # 65 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perlio.h" # 1 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 1 3 4 # 34 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4 # 1 "/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.3/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4 # 35 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 2 3 4 # 48 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4 typedef __FILE FILE; typedef _fpos64_t fpos_t; # 65 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/sys/stdio.h" 1 3 4 # 66 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 2 3 4 # 170 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4 FILE * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) tmpfile (void); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) tmpnam (char *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) fclose (FILE *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) fflush (FILE *); FILE * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) freopen (const char *, const char *, FILE *); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) setbuf (FILE *, char *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) setvbuf (FILE *, char *, int, size_t); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) fprintf (FILE *, const char *, ...); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) fscanf (FILE *, const char *, ...); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) printf (const char *, ...); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) scanf (const char *, ...); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) sscanf (const char *, const char *, ...); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) vfprintf (FILE *, const char *, __gnuc_va_list); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) vprintf (const char *, __gnuc_va_list); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) vsprintf (char *, const char *, __gnuc_va_list); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) fgetc (FILE *); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) fgets (char *, int, FILE *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) fputc (int, FILE *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) fputs (const char *, FILE *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) getc (FILE *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) getchar (void); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) gets (char *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) putc (int, FILE *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) putchar (int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) puts (const char *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) ungetc (int, FILE *); size_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) fread (void *, size_t _size, size_t _n, FILE *); size_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) fwrite (const void * , size_t _size, size_t _n, FILE *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) fgetpos (FILE *, fpos_t *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) fseek (FILE *, long, int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) fsetpos (FILE *, const fpos_t *); long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) ftell ( FILE *); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) rewind (FILE *); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) clearerr (FILE *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) feof (FILE *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) ferror (FILE *); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) perror (const char *); FILE * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) fopen (const char *_name, const char *_type); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) sprintf (char *, const char *, ...); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) remove (const char *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) rename (const char *, const char *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) fseeko (FILE *, off_t, int); off_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) ftello ( FILE *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) asiprintf (char **, const char *, ...); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) asprintf (char **, const char *, ...); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) fcloseall (void); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) fiprintf (FILE *, const char *, ...); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) iprintf (const char *, ...); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) siprintf (char *, const char *, ...); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) snprintf (char *, size_t, const char *, ...); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) sniprintf (char *, size_t, const char *, ...); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) tempnam (const char *, const char *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) vasiprintf (char **, const char *, __gnuc_va_list); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) vasprintf (char **, const char *, __gnuc_va_list); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) vsniprintf (char *, size_t, const char *, __gnuc_va_list); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) vsnprintf (char *, size_t, const char *, __gnuc_va_list); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) vfiprintf (FILE *, const char *, __gnuc_va_list); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) vfiscanf (FILE *, const char *, __gnuc_va_list); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) vfscanf (FILE *, const char *, __gnuc_va_list); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) viscanf (const char *, __gnuc_va_list); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) vscanf (const char *, __gnuc_va_list); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) vsiscanf (const char *, const char *, __gnuc_va_list); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) vsscanf (const char *, const char *, __gnuc_va_list); # 259 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4 FILE * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) fdopen (int, const char *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) fileno (FILE *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) getw (FILE *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) pclose (FILE *); FILE * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) popen (const char *, const char *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) putw (int, FILE *); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) setbuffer (FILE *, char *, int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) setlinebuf (FILE *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) getc_unlocked (FILE *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) getchar_unlocked (void); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) flockfile (FILE *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) ftrylockfile (FILE *); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) funlockfile (FILE *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) putc_unlocked (int, FILE *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) putchar_unlocked (int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _asiprintf_r (struct _reent *, char **, const char *, ...); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _asprintf_r (struct _reent *, char **, const char *, ...); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _fcloseall_r (struct _reent *); FILE * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _fdopen_r (struct _reent *, int, const char *); FILE * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _fopen_r (struct _reent *, const char *, const char *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _fclose_r (struct _reent *, FILE *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _fiscanf_r (struct _reent *, FILE *, const char *, ...); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _fscanf_r (struct _reent *, FILE *, const char *, ...); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _fseek_r (struct _reent *, FILE *, long, int); long __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _ftell_r (struct _reent *, FILE *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _getchar_r (struct _reent *); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _gets_r (struct _reent *, char *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _iprintf_r (struct _reent *, const char *, ...); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _iscanf_r (struct _reent *, const char *, ...); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _mkstemp_r (struct _reent *, char *); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _mktemp_r (struct _reent *, char *); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _perror_r (struct _reent *, const char *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _printf_r (struct _reent *, const char *, ...); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _putchar_r (struct _reent *, int); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _puts_r (struct _reent *, const char *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _remove_r (struct _reent *, const char *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _rename_r (struct _reent *, const char *_old, const char *_new); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _scanf_r (struct _reent *, const char *, ...); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _siprintf_r (struct _reent *, char *, const char *, ...); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _siscanf_r (struct _reent *, const char *, const char *, ...); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _sniprintf_r (struct _reent *, char *, size_t, const char *, ...); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _snprintf_r (struct _reent *, char *, size_t, const char *, ...); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _sprintf_r (struct _reent *, char *, const char *, ...); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _sscanf_r (struct _reent *, const char *, const char *, ...); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _tempnam_r (struct _reent *, const char *, const char *); FILE * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _tmpfile_r (struct _reent *); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _tmpnam_r (struct _reent *, char *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _ungetc_r (struct _reent *, int, FILE *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _vasiprintf_r (struct _reent *, char **, const char *, __gnuc_va_list); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _vasprintf_r (struct _reent *, char **, const char *, __gnuc_va_list); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _vfiprintf_r (struct _reent *, FILE *, const char *, __gnuc_va_list); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _vfprintf_r (struct _reent *, FILE *, const char *, __gnuc_va_list); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _viprintf_r (struct _reent *, const char *, __gnuc_va_list); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _vprintf_r (struct _reent *, const char *, __gnuc_va_list); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _vsiprintf_r (struct _reent *, char *, const char *, __gnuc_va_list); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _vsprintf_r (struct _reent *, char *, const char *, __gnuc_va_list); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _vsniprintf_r (struct _reent *, char *, size_t, const char *, __gnuc_va_list); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _vsnprintf_r (struct _reent *, char *, size_t, const char *, __gnuc_va_list); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _vfiscanf_r (struct _reent *, FILE *, const char *, __gnuc_va_list); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _vfscanf_r (struct _reent *, FILE *, const char *, __gnuc_va_list); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _viscanf_r (struct _reent *, const char *, __gnuc_va_list); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _vscanf_r (struct _reent *, const char *, __gnuc_va_list); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _vsscanf_r (struct _reent *, const char *, const char *, __gnuc_va_list); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) _vsiscanf_r (struct _reent *, const char *, const char *, __gnuc_va_list); ssize_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __getdelim (char **, size_t *, int, FILE *); ssize_t __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __getline (char **, size_t *, FILE *); # 359 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4 int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __srget (FILE *); int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) __swbuf (int, FILE *); FILE *__attribute__((__cdecl__)) funopen (const void * _cookie, int (*readfn)(void * _cookie, char *_buf, int _n), int (*writefn)(void * _cookie, const char *_buf, int _n), fpos_t (*seekfn)(void * _cookie, fpos_t _off, int _whence), int (*closefn)(void * _cookie)); # 384 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4 static __inline__ int __sgetc(FILE *__p) { int __c = (--(__p)->_r < 0 ? __srget(__p) : (int)(*(__p)->_p++)); if ((__p->_flags & 0x4000) && (__c == '\r')) { int __c2 = (--(__p)->_r < 0 ? __srget(__p) : (int)(*(__p)->_p++)); if (__c2 == '\n') __c = __c2; else ungetc(__c2, __p); } return __c; } # 466 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4 # 66 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perlio.h" 2 # 99 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perlio.h" typedef struct _PerlIO PerlIOl; typedef struct _PerlIO_funcs PerlIO_funcs; typedef PerlIOl *PerlIO; extern void PerlIO_define_layer(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PerlIO_funcs *tab); extern PerlIO_funcs *PerlIO_find_layer(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char *name, STRLEN len, int load); extern PerlIO *PerlIO_push(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PerlIO *f, PerlIO_funcs *tab, const char *mode, SV *arg); extern void PerlIO_pop(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PerlIO *f); extern AV* PerlIO_get_layers(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PerlIO *f); extern void PerlIO_clone(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PerlInterpreter *proto, CLONE_PARAMS *param); # 197 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perlio.h" # 214 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perlio.h" extern void PerlIO_init(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern int PerlIO_stdoutf(const char *, ...) ; extern int PerlIO_puts(PerlIO *, const char *); extern PerlIO *PerlIO_open(const char *, const char *); extern PerlIO *PerlIO_openn(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char *layers, const char *mode, int fd, int imode, int perm, PerlIO *old, int narg, SV **arg); # 241 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perlio.h" extern int PerlIO_getc(PerlIO *); extern int PerlIO_putc(PerlIO *, int); extern int PerlIO_ungetc(PerlIO *, int); extern PerlIO *PerlIO_fdopen(int, const char *); extern PerlIO *PerlIO_importFILE(FILE *, const char *); extern FILE *PerlIO_exportFILE(PerlIO *, const char *); extern FILE *PerlIO_findFILE(PerlIO *); extern void PerlIO_releaseFILE(PerlIO *, FILE *); # 277 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perlio.h" extern int PerlIO_printf(PerlIO *, const char *, ...) ; extern int PerlIO_sprintf(char *, int, const char *, ...) ; extern int PerlIO_vprintf(PerlIO *, const char *, va_list); # 294 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perlio.h" extern void PerlIO_rewind(PerlIO *); extern int PerlIO_has_base(PerlIO *); extern int PerlIO_has_cntptr(PerlIO *); extern int PerlIO_fast_gets(PerlIO *); extern int PerlIO_canset_cnt(PerlIO *); # 327 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perlio.h" extern PerlIO *PerlIO_tmpfile(void); # 339 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perlio.h" extern int PerlIO_getpos(PerlIO *, SV *); extern int PerlIO_setpos(PerlIO *, SV *); extern PerlIO *PerlIO_fdupopen(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PerlIO *, CLONE_PARAMS *, int); extern char *PerlIO_modestr(PerlIO *, char *buf); extern int PerlIO_isutf8(PerlIO *); extern int PerlIO_apply_layers(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PerlIO *f, const char *mode, const char *names); extern int PerlIO_binmode(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PerlIO *f, int iotype, int omode, const char *names); extern char *PerlIO_getname(PerlIO *, char *); extern void PerlIO_destruct(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern int PerlIO_intmode2str(int rawmode, char *mode, int *writing); extern void PerlIO_cleanup(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern void PerlIO_debug(const char *fmt, ...); typedef struct PerlIO_list_s PerlIO_list_t; # 52 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/iperlsys.h" 2 typedef void (*Sighandler_t) (int); # 2325 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 2337 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/regexp.h" 1 # 19 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/regexp.h" struct regnode { U8 flags; U8 type; U16 next_off; }; typedef struct regnode regnode; struct reg_substr_data; struct reg_data; typedef struct regexp { I32 *startp; I32 *endp; regnode *regstclass; struct reg_substr_data *substrs; char *precomp; struct reg_data *data; char *subbeg; U32 *offsets; I32 sublen; I32 refcnt; I32 minlen; I32 prelen; U32 nparens; U32 lastparen; U32 lastcloseparen; U32 reganch; regnode program[1]; } regexp; # 129 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/regexp.h" struct re_scream_pos_data_s; # 2338 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/sv.h" 1 # 46 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/sv.h" typedef enum { SVt_NULL, SVt_IV, SVt_NV, SVt_RV, SVt_PV, SVt_PVIV, SVt_PVNV, SVt_PVMG, SVt_PVBM, SVt_PVLV, SVt_PVAV, SVt_PVHV, SVt_PVCV, SVt_PVGV, SVt_PVFM, SVt_PVIO } svtype; struct sv { void* sv_any; U32 sv_refcnt; U32 sv_flags; }; struct gv { XPVGV* sv_any; U32 sv_refcnt; U32 sv_flags; }; struct cv { XPVCV* sv_any; U32 sv_refcnt; U32 sv_flags; }; struct av { XPVAV* sv_any; U32 sv_refcnt; U32 sv_flags; }; struct hv { XPVHV* sv_any; U32 sv_refcnt; U32 sv_flags; }; struct io { XPVIO* sv_any; U32 sv_refcnt; U32 sv_flags; }; # 244 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/sv.h" struct xrv { SV * xrv_rv; }; struct xpv { char * xpv_pv; STRLEN xpv_cur; STRLEN xpv_len; }; struct xpviv { char * xpv_pv; STRLEN xpv_cur; STRLEN xpv_len; IV xiv_iv; }; struct xpvuv { char * xpv_pv; STRLEN xpv_cur; STRLEN xpv_len; UV xuv_uv; }; struct xpvnv { char * xpv_pv; STRLEN xpv_cur; STRLEN xpv_len; IV xiv_iv; NV xnv_nv; }; struct xpvmg { char * xpv_pv; STRLEN xpv_cur; STRLEN xpv_len; IV xiv_iv; NV xnv_nv; MAGIC* xmg_magic; HV* xmg_stash; }; struct xpvlv { char * xpv_pv; STRLEN xpv_cur; STRLEN xpv_len; IV xiv_iv; NV xnv_nv; MAGIC* xmg_magic; HV* xmg_stash; STRLEN xlv_targoff; STRLEN xlv_targlen; SV* xlv_targ; char xlv_type; }; struct xpvgv { char * xpv_pv; STRLEN xpv_cur; STRLEN xpv_len; IV xiv_iv; NV xnv_nv; MAGIC* xmg_magic; HV* xmg_stash; GP* xgv_gp; char* xgv_name; STRLEN xgv_namelen; HV* xgv_stash; U8 xgv_flags; }; struct xpvbm { char * xpv_pv; STRLEN xpv_cur; STRLEN xpv_len; IV xiv_iv; NV xnv_nv; MAGIC* xmg_magic; HV* xmg_stash; I32 xbm_useful; U16 xbm_previous; U8 xbm_rare; }; typedef U16 cv_flags_t; struct xpvfm { char * xpv_pv; STRLEN xpv_cur; STRLEN xpv_len; IV xiv_iv; NV xnv_nv; MAGIC* xmg_magic; HV* xmg_stash; HV * xcv_stash; OP * xcv_start; OP * xcv_root; void (*xcv_xsub)(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), CV*); ANY xcv_xsubany; GV * xcv_gv; char * xcv_file; long xcv_depth; AV * xcv_padlist; CV * xcv_outside; cv_flags_t xcv_flags; U32 xcv_outside_seq; IV xfm_lines; }; struct xpvio { char * xpv_pv; STRLEN xpv_cur; STRLEN xpv_len; IV xiv_iv; NV xnv_nv; MAGIC* xmg_magic; HV* xmg_stash; PerlIO * xio_ifp; PerlIO * xio_ofp; # 387 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/sv.h" union { DIR * xiou_dirp; void * xiou_any; } xio_dirpu; IV xio_lines; IV xio_page; IV xio_page_len; IV xio_lines_left; char * xio_top_name; GV * xio_top_gv; char * xio_fmt_name; GV * xio_fmt_gv; char * xio_bottom_name; GV * xio_bottom_gv; short xio_subprocess; char xio_type; char xio_flags; }; # 1260 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/sv.h" struct clone_params { AV* stashes; UV flags; PerlInterpreter *proto_perl; }; # 2339 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/util.h" 1 # 2340 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/form.h" 1 # 2341 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/gv.h" 1 # 11 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/gv.h" struct gp { SV * gp_sv; U32 gp_refcnt; struct io * gp_io; CV * gp_form; AV * gp_av; HV * gp_hv; GV * gp_egv; CV * gp_cv; U32 gp_cvgen; U32 gp_flags; line_t gp_line; char * gp_file; }; # 2342 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/pad.h" 1 # 19 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/pad.h" typedef AV PADLIST; typedef AV PAD; typedef unsigned long PADOFFSET; # 43 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/pad.h" typedef enum { padtidy_SUB, padtidy_SUBCLONE, padtidy_FORMAT } padtidy_type; # 2343 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/cv.h" 1 # 14 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/cv.h" struct xpvcv { char * xpv_pv; STRLEN xpv_cur; STRLEN xpv_len; IV xof_off; NV xnv_nv; MAGIC* xmg_magic; HV* xmg_stash; HV * xcv_stash; OP * xcv_start; OP * xcv_root; void (*xcv_xsub) (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), CV*); ANY xcv_xsubany; GV * xcv_gv; char * xcv_file; long xcv_depth; PADLIST * xcv_padlist; CV * xcv_outside; cv_flags_t xcv_flags; U32 xcv_outside_seq; }; # 2344 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/opnames.h" 1 # 15 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/opnames.h" typedef enum opcode { OP_NULL, OP_STUB, OP_SCALAR, OP_PUSHMARK, OP_WANTARRAY, OP_CONST, OP_GVSV, OP_GV, OP_GELEM, OP_PADSV, OP_PADAV, OP_PADHV, OP_PADANY, OP_PUSHRE, OP_RV2GV, OP_RV2SV, OP_AV2ARYLEN, OP_RV2CV, OP_ANONCODE, OP_PROTOTYPE, OP_REFGEN, OP_SREFGEN, OP_REF, OP_BLESS, OP_BACKTICK, OP_GLOB, OP_READLINE, OP_RCATLINE, OP_REGCMAYBE, OP_REGCRESET, OP_REGCOMP, OP_MATCH, OP_QR, OP_SUBST, OP_SUBSTCONT, OP_TRANS, OP_SASSIGN, OP_AASSIGN, OP_CHOP, OP_SCHOP, OP_CHOMP, OP_SCHOMP, OP_DEFINED, OP_UNDEF, OP_STUDY, OP_POS, OP_PREINC, OP_I_PREINC, OP_PREDEC, OP_I_PREDEC, OP_POSTINC, OP_I_POSTINC, OP_POSTDEC, OP_I_POSTDEC, OP_POW, OP_MULTIPLY, OP_I_MULTIPLY, OP_DIVIDE, OP_I_DIVIDE, OP_MODULO, OP_I_MODULO, OP_REPEAT, OP_ADD, OP_I_ADD, OP_SUBTRACT, OP_I_SUBTRACT, OP_CONCAT, OP_STRINGIFY, OP_LEFT_SHIFT, OP_RIGHT_SHIFT, OP_LT, OP_I_LT, OP_GT, OP_I_GT, OP_LE, OP_I_LE, OP_GE, OP_I_GE, OP_EQ, OP_I_EQ, OP_NE, OP_I_NE, OP_NCMP, OP_I_NCMP, OP_SLT, OP_SGT, OP_SLE, OP_SGE, OP_SEQ, OP_SNE, OP_SCMP, OP_BIT_AND, OP_BIT_XOR, OP_BIT_OR, OP_NEGATE, OP_I_NEGATE, OP_NOT, OP_COMPLEMENT, OP_ATAN2, OP_SIN, OP_COS, OP_RAND, OP_SRAND, OP_EXP, OP_LOG, OP_SQRT, OP_INT, OP_HEX, OP_OCT, OP_ABS, OP_LENGTH, OP_SUBSTR, OP_VEC, OP_INDEX, OP_RINDEX, OP_SPRINTF, OP_FORMLINE, OP_ORD, OP_CHR, OP_CRYPT, OP_UCFIRST, OP_LCFIRST, OP_UC, OP_LC, OP_QUOTEMETA, OP_RV2AV, OP_AELEMFAST, OP_AELEM, OP_ASLICE, OP_EACH, OP_VALUES, OP_KEYS, OP_DELETE, OP_EXISTS, OP_RV2HV, OP_HELEM, OP_HSLICE, OP_UNPACK, OP_PACK, OP_SPLIT, OP_JOIN, OP_LIST, OP_LSLICE, OP_ANONLIST, OP_ANONHASH, OP_SPLICE, OP_PUSH, OP_POP, OP_SHIFT, OP_UNSHIFT, OP_SORT, OP_REVERSE, OP_GREPSTART, OP_GREPWHILE, OP_MAPSTART, OP_MAPWHILE, OP_RANGE, OP_FLIP, OP_FLOP, OP_AND, OP_OR, OP_XOR, OP_COND_EXPR, OP_ANDASSIGN, OP_ORASSIGN, OP_METHOD, OP_ENTERSUB, OP_LEAVESUB, OP_LEAVESUBLV, OP_CALLER, OP_WARN, OP_DIE, OP_RESET, OP_LINESEQ, OP_NEXTSTATE, OP_DBSTATE, OP_UNSTACK, OP_ENTER, OP_LEAVE, OP_SCOPE, OP_ENTERITER, OP_ITER, OP_ENTERLOOP, OP_LEAVELOOP, OP_RETURN, OP_LAST, OP_NEXT, OP_REDO, OP_DUMP, OP_GOTO, OP_EXIT, OP_OPEN, OP_CLOSE, OP_PIPE_OP, OP_FILENO, OP_UMASK, OP_BINMODE, OP_TIE, OP_UNTIE, OP_TIED, OP_DBMOPEN, OP_DBMCLOSE, OP_SSELECT, OP_SELECT, OP_GETC, OP_READ, OP_ENTERWRITE, OP_LEAVEWRITE, OP_PRTF, OP_PRINT, OP_SYSOPEN, OP_SYSSEEK, OP_SYSREAD, OP_SYSWRITE, OP_SEND, OP_RECV, OP_EOF, OP_TELL, OP_SEEK, OP_TRUNCATE, OP_FCNTL, OP_IOCTL, OP_FLOCK, OP_SOCKET, OP_SOCKPAIR, OP_BIND, OP_CONNECT, OP_LISTEN, OP_ACCEPT, OP_SHUTDOWN, OP_GSOCKOPT, OP_SSOCKOPT, OP_GETSOCKNAME, OP_GETPEERNAME, OP_LSTAT, OP_STAT, OP_FTRREAD, OP_FTRWRITE, OP_FTREXEC, OP_FTEREAD, OP_FTEWRITE, OP_FTEEXEC, OP_FTIS, OP_FTEOWNED, OP_FTROWNED, OP_FTZERO, OP_FTSIZE, OP_FTMTIME, OP_FTATIME, OP_FTCTIME, OP_FTSOCK, OP_FTCHR, OP_FTBLK, OP_FTFILE, OP_FTDIR, OP_FTPIPE, OP_FTLINK, OP_FTSUID, OP_FTSGID, OP_FTSVTX, OP_FTTTY, OP_FTTEXT, OP_FTBINARY, OP_CHDIR, OP_CHOWN, OP_CHROOT, OP_UNLINK, OP_CHMOD, OP_UTIME, OP_RENAME, OP_LINK, OP_SYMLINK, OP_READLINK, OP_MKDIR, OP_RMDIR, OP_OPEN_DIR, OP_READDIR, OP_TELLDIR, OP_SEEKDIR, OP_REWINDDIR, OP_CLOSEDIR, OP_FORK, OP_WAIT, OP_WAITPID, OP_SYSTEM, OP_EXEC, OP_KILL, OP_GETPPID, OP_GETPGRP, OP_SETPGRP, OP_GETPRIORITY, OP_SETPRIORITY, OP_TIME, OP_TMS, OP_LOCALTIME, OP_GMTIME, OP_ALARM, OP_SLEEP, OP_SHMGET, OP_SHMCTL, OP_SHMREAD, OP_SHMWRITE, OP_MSGGET, OP_MSGCTL, OP_MSGSND, OP_MSGRCV, OP_SEMGET, OP_SEMCTL, OP_SEMOP, OP_REQUIRE, OP_DOFILE, OP_ENTEREVAL, OP_LEAVEEVAL, OP_ENTERTRY, OP_LEAVETRY, OP_GHBYNAME, OP_GHBYADDR, OP_GHOSTENT, OP_GNBYNAME, OP_GNBYADDR, OP_GNETENT, OP_GPBYNAME, OP_GPBYNUMBER, OP_GPROTOENT, OP_GSBYNAME, OP_GSBYPORT, OP_GSERVENT, OP_SHOSTENT, OP_SNETENT, OP_SPROTOENT, OP_SSERVENT, OP_EHOSTENT, OP_ENETENT, OP_EPROTOENT, OP_ESERVENT, OP_GPWNAM, OP_GPWUID, OP_GPWENT, OP_SPWENT, OP_EPWENT, OP_GGRNAM, OP_GGRGID, OP_GGRENT, OP_SGRENT, OP_EGRENT, OP_GETLOGIN, OP_SYSCALL, OP_LOCK, OP_THREADSV, OP_SETSTATE, OP_METHOD_NAMED, OP_CUSTOM, OP_max } opcode; # 2345 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/op.h" 1 # 226 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/op.h" struct op { OP* op_next; OP* op_sibling; OP* (*op_ppaddr)(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); PADOFFSET op_targ; U16 op_type; U16 op_seq; U8 op_flags; U8 op_private; }; struct unop { OP* op_next; OP* op_sibling; OP* (*op_ppaddr)(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); PADOFFSET op_targ; U16 op_type; U16 op_seq; U8 op_flags; U8 op_private; OP * op_first; }; struct binop { OP* op_next; OP* op_sibling; OP* (*op_ppaddr)(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); PADOFFSET op_targ; U16 op_type; U16 op_seq; U8 op_flags; U8 op_private; OP * op_first; OP * op_last; }; struct logop { OP* op_next; OP* op_sibling; OP* (*op_ppaddr)(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); PADOFFSET op_targ; U16 op_type; U16 op_seq; U8 op_flags; U8 op_private; OP * op_first; OP * op_other; }; struct listop { OP* op_next; OP* op_sibling; OP* (*op_ppaddr)(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); PADOFFSET op_targ; U16 op_type; U16 op_seq; U8 op_flags; U8 op_private; OP * op_first; OP * op_last; }; struct pmop { OP* op_next; OP* op_sibling; OP* (*op_ppaddr)(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); PADOFFSET op_targ; U16 op_type; U16 op_seq; U8 op_flags; U8 op_private; OP * op_first; OP * op_last; OP * op_pmreplroot; OP * op_pmreplstart; PMOP * op_pmnext; IV op_pmoffset; U32 op_pmflags; U32 op_pmpermflags; U8 op_pmdynflags; char * op_pmstashpv; }; # 332 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/op.h" struct svop { OP* op_next; OP* op_sibling; OP* (*op_ppaddr)(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); PADOFFSET op_targ; U16 op_type; U16 op_seq; U8 op_flags; U8 op_private; SV * op_sv; }; struct padop { OP* op_next; OP* op_sibling; OP* (*op_ppaddr)(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); PADOFFSET op_targ; U16 op_type; U16 op_seq; U8 op_flags; U8 op_private; PADOFFSET op_padix; }; struct pvop { OP* op_next; OP* op_sibling; OP* (*op_ppaddr)(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); PADOFFSET op_targ; U16 op_type; U16 op_seq; U8 op_flags; U8 op_private; char * op_pv; }; struct loop { OP* op_next; OP* op_sibling; OP* (*op_ppaddr)(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); PADOFFSET op_targ; U16 op_type; U16 op_seq; U8 op_flags; U8 op_private; OP * op_first; OP * op_last; OP * op_redoop; OP * op_nextop; OP * op_lastop; }; # 491 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/op.h" # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/reentr.h" 1 # 71 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/reentr.h" # 1 "/usr/include/pwd.h" 1 3 4 # 50 "/usr/include/pwd.h" 3 4 struct passwd { char *pw_name; char *pw_passwd; uid_t pw_uid; gid_t pw_gid; char *pw_comment; char *pw_gecos; char *pw_dir; char *pw_shell; }; struct passwd *getpwuid (uid_t); struct passwd *getpwnam (const char *); int getpwnam_r (const char *, struct passwd *, char *, size_t , struct passwd **); int getpwuid_r (uid_t, struct passwd *, char *, size_t, struct passwd **); struct passwd *getpwent (void); void setpwent (void); void endpwent (void); # 72 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/reentr.h" 2 # 1 "/usr/include/grp.h" 1 3 4 # 48 "/usr/include/grp.h" 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/cygwin/grp.h" 1 3 4 # 49 "/usr/include/grp.h" 2 3 4 struct group { char *gr_name; char *gr_passwd; gid_t gr_gid; char **gr_mem; }; struct group *getgrgid (gid_t); struct group *getgrnam (const char *); int getgrnam_r (const char *, struct group *, char *, size_t, struct group **); int getgrgid_r (gid_t, struct group *, char *, size_t, struct group **); struct group *getgrent (void); void setgrent (void); void endgrent (void); # 85 "/usr/include/grp.h" 3 4 int initgroups (const char *, gid_t); # 75 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/reentr.h" 2 # 84 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/reentr.h" # 1 "/usr/include/crypt.h" 1 3 4 # 29 "/usr/include/crypt.h" 3 4 void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) encrypt (char *block, int edflag); void __attribute__((__cdecl__)) setkey (char *key); char * __attribute__((__cdecl__)) crypt (const char *key, const char *salt); # 85 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/reentr.h" 2 # 602 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/reentr.h" typedef struct { char* _asctime_buffer; size_t _asctime_size; # 615 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/reentr.h" char* _ctime_buffer; size_t _ctime_size; struct group _grent_struct; char* _grent_buffer; size_t _grent_size; struct group* _grent_ptr; # 649 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/reentr.h" char* _getlogin_buffer; size_t _getlogin_size; # 683 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/reentr.h" struct passwd _pwent_struct; char* _pwent_buffer; size_t _pwent_size; struct passwd* _pwent_ptr; # 720 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/reentr.h" struct tm _gmtime_struct; struct tm _localtime_struct; # 749 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/reentr.h" char* _strerror_buffer; size_t _strerror_size; char* _ttyname_buffer; size_t _ttyname_size; # 778 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/reentr.h" int dummy; } REENTR; # 492 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/op.h" 2 # 2346 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/cop.h" 1 # 16 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/cop.h" struct cop { OP* op_next; OP* op_sibling; OP* (*op_ppaddr)(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); PADOFFSET op_targ; U16 op_type; U16 op_seq; U8 op_flags; U8 op_private; char * cop_label; char * cop_stashpv; char * cop_file; U32 cop_seq; I32 cop_arybase; line_t cop_line; SV * cop_warnings; SV * cop_io; }; # 112 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/cop.h" struct block_sub { CV * cv; GV * gv; GV * dfoutgv; AV * savearray; AV * argarray; long olddepth; U8 hasargs; U8 lval; PAD *oldcomppad; }; # 211 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/cop.h" struct block_eval { I32 old_in_eval; I32 old_op_type; SV * old_namesv; OP * old_eval_root; SV * cur_text; CV * cv; }; # 240 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/cop.h" struct block_loop { char * label; I32 resetsp; OP * redo_op; OP * next_op; OP * last_op; void * iterdata; PAD *oldcomppad; SV * itersave; SV * iterlval; AV * iterary; IV iterix; IV itermax; }; # 304 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/cop.h" struct block { I32 blku_oldsp; COP * blku_oldcop; I32 blku_oldretsp; I32 blku_oldmarksp; I32 blku_oldscopesp; PMOP * blku_oldpm; U8 blku_gimme; union { struct block_sub blku_sub; struct block_eval blku_eval; struct block_loop blku_loop; } blk_u; }; # 366 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/cop.h" struct subst { I32 sbu_iters; I32 sbu_maxiters; I32 sbu_rflags; I32 sbu_oldsave; char sbu_once; char sbu_rxtainted; char * sbu_orig; SV * sbu_dstr; SV * sbu_targ; char * sbu_s; char * sbu_m; char * sbu_strend; void * sbu_rxres; REGEXP * sbu_rx; }; # 418 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/cop.h" struct context { U32 cx_type; union { struct block cx_blk; struct subst cx_subst; } cx_u; }; # 524 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/cop.h" struct stackinfo { AV * si_stack; PERL_CONTEXT * si_cxstack; I32 si_cxix; I32 si_cxmax; I32 si_type; struct stackinfo * si_prev; struct stackinfo * si_next; I32 si_markoff; }; typedef struct stackinfo PERL_SI; # 2347 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/av.h" 1 # 11 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/av.h" struct xpvav { char* xav_array; ssize_t xav_fill; ssize_t xav_max; IV xof_off; NV xnv_nv; MAGIC* xmg_magic; HV* xmg_stash; SV** xav_alloc; SV* xav_arylen; U8 xav_flags; }; # 2348 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/hv.h" 1 # 12 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/hv.h" typedef struct he HE; typedef struct hek HEK; struct he { HE *hent_next; HEK *hent_hek; SV *hent_val; }; struct hek { U32 hek_hash; I32 hek_len; char hek_key[1]; }; struct xpvhv { char * xhv_array; STRLEN xhv_fill; STRLEN xhv_max; IV xhv_keys; NV xnv_nv; MAGIC* xmg_magic; HV* xmg_stash; I32 xhv_riter; HE *xhv_eiter; PMOP *xhv_pmroot; char *xhv_name; }; # 2349 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/mg.h" 1 # 14 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/mg.h" struct mgvtbl { int (*svt_get) (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *sv, MAGIC* mg); int (*svt_set) (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *sv, MAGIC* mg); U32 (*svt_len) (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *sv, MAGIC* mg); int (*svt_clear)(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *sv, MAGIC* mg); int (*svt_free) (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *sv, MAGIC* mg); int (*svt_copy) (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *sv, MAGIC* mg, SV *nsv, const char *name, int namlen); int (*svt_dup) (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), MAGIC *mg, CLONE_PARAMS *param); }; struct magic { MAGIC* mg_moremagic; MGVTBL* mg_virtual; U16 mg_private; char mg_type; U8 mg_flags; SV* mg_obj; char* mg_ptr; I32 mg_len; }; # 2350 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/scope.h" 1 # 230 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/scope.h" struct jmpenv { struct jmpenv * je_prev; sigjmp_buf je_buf; int je_ret; char je_mustcatch; }; typedef struct jmpenv JMPENV; # 2351 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/warnings.h" 1 # 2352 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/utf8.h" 1 # 26 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/utf8.h" # 41 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/utf8.h" extern __attribute__((dllimport)) const unsigned char PL_utf8skip[]; # 2353 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 typedef struct curcur CURCUR; struct curcur { int parenfloor; int cur; int min; int max; int minmod; regnode * scan; regnode * next; char * lastloc; CURCUR * oldcc; }; typedef struct _sublex_info SUBLEXINFO; struct _sublex_info { I32 super_state; I32 sub_inwhat; OP *sub_op; char *super_bufptr; char *super_bufend; }; typedef struct magic_state MGS; struct scan_data_t; struct regnode_charclass_class; typedef I32 CHECKPOINT; struct ptr_tbl_ent { struct ptr_tbl_ent* next; void* oldval; void* newval; }; struct ptr_tbl { struct ptr_tbl_ent** tbl_ary; UV tbl_max; UV tbl_items; }; # 2453 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" short htovs(short n); short vtohs(short n); long htovl(long n); long vtohl(long n); # 2522 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" uid_t getuid (void); uid_t geteuid (void); gid_t getgid (void); gid_t getegid (void); # 2787 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" struct ufuncs { I32 (*uf_val)(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), IV, SV*); I32 (*uf_set)(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), IV, SV*); IV uf_index; }; # 2817 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" char *mktemp (char*); double atof (const char*); # 2838 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" # 1 "/usr/include/math.h" 1 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/machine/ieeefp.h" 1 3 4 # 8 "/usr/include/math.h" 2 3 4 union __dmath { __ULong i[2]; double d; }; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) const union __dmath __infinity[]; # 35 "/usr/include/math.h" 3 4 extern double atan (double); extern double cos (double); extern double sin (double); extern double tan (double); extern double tanh (double); extern double frexp (double, int *); extern double modf (double, double *); extern double ceil (double); extern double fabs (double); extern double floor (double); extern double acos (double); extern double asin (double); extern double atan2 (double, double); extern double cosh (double); extern double sinh (double); extern double exp (double); extern double ldexp (double, int); extern double log (double); extern double log10 (double); extern double pow (double, double); extern double sqrt (double); extern double fmod (double, double); # 72 "/usr/include/math.h" 3 4 typedef float float_t; typedef double double_t; # 82 "/usr/include/math.h" 3 4 extern int __fpclassifyf (float x); extern int __fpclassifyd (double x); extern int __signbitf (float x); extern int __signbitd (double x); # 123 "/usr/include/math.h" 3 4 extern double infinity (void); extern double nan (const char *); extern int isnan (double); extern int isinf (double); extern int finite (double); extern double copysign (double, double); extern int ilogb (double); extern double asinh (double); extern double cbrt (double); extern double nextafter (double, double); extern double rint (double); extern double scalbn (double, int); extern double exp2 (double); extern double scalbln (double, long int); extern double tgamma (double); extern double nearbyint (double); extern long int lrint (double); extern double round (double); extern long int lround (double); extern double trunc (double); extern double remquo (double, double, int *); extern double copysign (double, double); extern double fdim (double, double); extern double fmax (double, double); extern double fmin (double, double); extern double fma (double, double, double); extern void sincos (double, double *, double *); extern double log1p (double); extern double expm1 (double); extern double acosh (double); extern double atanh (double); extern double remainder (double, double); extern double gamma (double); extern double gamma_r (double, int *); extern double lgamma (double); extern double lgamma_r (double, int *); extern double erf (double); extern double erfc (double); extern double y0 (double); extern double y1 (double); extern double yn (int, double); extern double j0 (double); extern double j1 (double); extern double jn (int, double); extern double hypot (double, double); extern double cabs(); extern double drem (double, double); # 191 "/usr/include/math.h" 3 4 extern float atanf (float); extern float cosf (float); extern float sinf (float); extern float tanf (float); extern float tanhf (float); extern float frexpf (float, int *); extern float modff (float, float *); extern float ceilf (float); extern float fabsf (float); extern float floorf (float); extern float acosf (float); extern float asinf (float); extern float atan2f (float, float); extern float coshf (float); extern float sinhf (float); extern float expf (float); extern float ldexpf (float, int); extern float logf (float); extern float log10f (float); extern float powf (float, float); extern float sqrtf (float); extern float fmodf (float, float); # 223 "/usr/include/math.h" 3 4 extern float exp2f (float); extern float scalblnf (float, long int); extern float tgammaf (float); extern float nearbyintf (float); extern long int lrintf (float); extern float roundf (float); extern long int lroundf (float); extern float truncf (float); extern float remquof (float, float, int *); extern float copysignf (float, float); extern float fdimf (float, float); extern float fmaxf (float, float); extern float fminf (float, float); extern float fmaf (float, float, float); extern float infinityf (void); extern float nanf (const char *); extern int isnanf (float); extern int isinff (float); extern int finitef (float); extern float copysignf (float, float); extern int ilogbf (float); extern float asinhf (float); extern float cbrtf (float); extern float nextafterf (float, float); extern float rintf (float); extern float scalbnf (float, int); extern float log1pf (float); extern float expm1f (float); extern void sincosf (float, float *, float *); extern float acoshf (float); extern float atanhf (float); extern float remainderf (float, float); extern float gammaf (float); extern float gammaf_r (float, int *); extern float lgammaf (float); extern float lgammaf_r (float, int *); extern float erff (float); extern float erfcf (float); extern float y0f (float); extern float y1f (float); extern float ynf (int, float); extern float j0f (float); extern float j1f (float); extern float jnf (int, float); extern float hypotf (float, float); extern float cabsf(); extern float dremf (float, float); extern int *__signgam (void); # 292 "/usr/include/math.h" 3 4 struct exception { int type; char *name; double arg1; double arg2; double retval; int err; }; extern int matherr (struct exception *e); # 347 "/usr/include/math.h" 3 4 enum __fdlibm_version { __fdlibm_ieee = -1, __fdlibm_svid, __fdlibm_xopen, __fdlibm_posix }; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) const enum __fdlibm_version __fdlib_version; # 367 "/usr/include/math.h" 3 4 # 2839 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 2910 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" char *crypt (const char*, const char*); char *getenv (const char*); # 2927 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" char *getlogin (void); # 2963 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" typedef struct sigaction Sigsave_t; # 3004 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" typedef int (*runops_proc_t) (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); typedef void (*share_proc_t) (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *sv); typedef int (*thrhook_proc_t) (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); typedef OP* (*PPADDR_t[]) (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); # 3032 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" extern char ** environ; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) const char PL_warn_uninit[] ; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) const char PL_warn_nosemi[] ; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) const char PL_warn_reserved[] ; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) const char PL_warn_nl[] ; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) const char PL_no_wrongref[] ; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) const char PL_no_symref[] ; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) const char PL_no_usym[] ; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) const char PL_no_aelem[] ; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) const char PL_no_helem[] ; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) const char PL_no_modify[] ; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) const char PL_no_mem[] ; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) const char PL_no_security[] ; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) const char PL_no_sock_func[] ; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) const char PL_no_dir_func[] ; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) const char PL_no_func[] ; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) const char PL_no_myglob[] ; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) const char PL_no_localize_ref[] ; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) const char PL_uuemap[65] ; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) char *PL_sig_name[]; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) int PL_sig_num[]; # 3166 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" extern __attribute__((dllimport)) const unsigned char PL_fold[]; # 3205 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" extern __attribute__((dllimport)) unsigned char PL_fold_locale[]; # 3281 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" extern __attribute__((dllimport)) const unsigned char PL_freq[]; # 3299 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" # 3316 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perly.h" 1 # 65 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perly.h" typedef union { I32 ival; char *pval; OP *opval; GV *gvval; } YYSTYPE; # 3317 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 typedef enum { XOPERATOR, XTERM, XREF, XSTATE, XBLOCK, XATTRBLOCK, XATTRTERM, XTERMBLOCK } expectation; enum { want_vtbl_sv, want_vtbl_env, want_vtbl_envelem, want_vtbl_sig, want_vtbl_sigelem, want_vtbl_pack, want_vtbl_packelem, want_vtbl_dbline, want_vtbl_isa, want_vtbl_isaelem, want_vtbl_arylen, want_vtbl_glob, want_vtbl_mglob, want_vtbl_nkeys, want_vtbl_taint, want_vtbl_substr, want_vtbl_vec, want_vtbl_pos, want_vtbl_bm, want_vtbl_fm, want_vtbl_uvar, want_vtbl_defelem, want_vtbl_regexp, want_vtbl_collxfrm, want_vtbl_amagic, want_vtbl_amagicelem, want_vtbl_regdata, want_vtbl_regdatum, want_vtbl_backref, want_vtbl_utf8 }; # 3412 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" struct perl_debug_pad { SV pad[3]; }; typedef void (*peep_t)(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* o); typedef regexp*(*regcomp_t) (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char* exp, char* xend, PMOP* pm); typedef I32 (*regexec_t) (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), regexp* prog, char* stringarg, char* strend, char* strbeg, I32 minend, SV* screamer, void* data, U32 flags); typedef char* (*re_intuit_start_t) (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), regexp *prog, SV *sv, char *strpos, char *strend, U32 flags, struct re_scream_pos_data_s *d); typedef SV* (*re_intuit_string_t) (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), regexp *prog); typedef void (*regfree_t) (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), struct regexp* r); typedef void (*DESTRUCTORFUNC_NOCONTEXT_t) (void*); typedef void (*DESTRUCTORFUNC_t) (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), void*); typedef void (*SVFUNC_t) (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV*); typedef I32 (*SVCOMPARE_t) (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV*, SV*); typedef void (*XSINIT_t) (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); typedef void (*ATEXIT_t) (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), void*); typedef void (*XSUBADDR_t) (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), CV *); # 3447 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" typedef struct exitlistentry { void (*fn) (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), void*); void *ptr; } PerlExitListEntry; # 3477 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" struct interpreter { # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/thrdvar.h" 1 # 34 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/thrdvar.h" SV ** Tstack_sp; OP * Top; SV ** Tcurpad; SV ** Tstack_base; SV ** Tstack_max; I32 * Tscopestack; I32 Tscopestack_ix; I32 Tscopestack_max; ANY * Tsavestack; I32 Tsavestack_ix; I32 Tsavestack_max; SV ** Ttmps_stack; I32 Ttmps_ix; I32 Ttmps_floor; I32 Ttmps_max; I32 * Tmarkstack; I32 * Tmarkstack_ptr; I32 * Tmarkstack_max; OP ** Tretstack; I32 Tretstack_ix; I32 Tretstack_max; SV * TSv; XPV * TXpv; # 81 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/thrdvar.h" STRLEN Tna; struct stat Tstatbuf; struct stat Tstatcache; GV * Tstatgv; SV * Tstatname; struct tms Ttimesbuf; char Ttainted; PMOP * Tcurpm; SV * Tnrs; # 115 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/thrdvar.h" SV * Trs; GV * Tlast_in_gv; SV * Tofs_sv; GV * Tdefoutgv; char * Tchopset; SV * Tformtarget; SV * Tbodytarget; SV * Ttoptarget; HV * Tdefstash; HV * Tcurstash; OP * Trestartop; COP * volatile Tcurcop; volatile int Tin_eval; int Tdelaymagic; char Tdirty; int Tlocalizing; AV * Tcurstack; PERL_SI * Tcurstackinfo; AV * Tmainstack; JMPENV * Ttop_env; JMPENV Tstart_env; SV * Terrors; SV * Tav_fetch_sv; SV * Thv_fetch_sv; HE* Thv_fetch_ent_mh; I32 Tmodcount; OP* Tlastgotoprobe; I32 Tdumpindent; OP * Tsortcop; HV * Tsortstash; GV * Tfirstgv; GV * Tsecondgv; I32 Tsortcxix; char* Tefloatbuf; STRLEN Tefloatsize; I32 * Tscreamfirst; I32 * Tscreamnext; I32 Tmaxscream; SV * Tlastscream; regnode Tregdummy; char* Tregcomp_parse; char* Tregxend; regnode* Tregcode; I32 Tregnaughty; I32 Tregsawback; char * Tregprecomp; I32 Tregnpar; I32 Tregsize; U32 Tregflags; U32 Tregseen; I32 Tseen_zerolen; I32 Tseen_evals; regexp * Tregcomp_rx; I32 Textralen; int Tcolorset; char * Tcolors[6]; I32 Treg_whilem_seen; char * Treginput; char * Tregbol; char * Tregeol; I32 * Tregstartp; I32 * Tregendp; U32 * Treglastparen; U32 * Treglastcloseparen; char * Tregtill; char Tregcompat1; char ** Treg_start_tmp; U32 Treg_start_tmpl; struct reg_data * Tregdata; char * Tbostr; U32 Treg_flags; I32 Treg_eval_set; I32 Tregnarrate; regnode * Tregprogram; int Tregindent; CURCUR * Tregcc; struct re_cc_state * Treg_call_cc; regexp * Treg_re; char * Treg_ganch; SV * Treg_sv; MAGIC * Treg_magic; I32 Treg_oldpos; PMOP* Treg_oldcurpm; PMOP* Treg_curpm; char* Treg_oldsaved; STRLEN Treg_oldsavedlen; I32 Treg_maxiter; I32 Treg_leftiter; char * Treg_poscache; STRLEN Treg_poscache_size; peep_t Tpeepp; regcomp_t Tregcompp; regexec_t Tregexecp; re_intuit_start_t Tregint_start; re_intuit_string_t Tregint_string; regfree_t Tregfree; int Treginterp_cnt; char * Treg_starttry; char ** Twatchaddr; char * Twatchok; # 275 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/thrdvar.h" char Treg_match_utf8; AV * Tcomppad; # 3480 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/intrpvar.h" 1 # 20 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/intrpvar.h" int Iorigargc; char ** Iorigargv; GV * Ienvgv; GV * Iincgv; GV * Ihintgv; char * Iorigfilename; SV * Idiehook; SV * Iwarnhook; char Iminus_c; SV * Ipatchlevel; char ** Ilocalpatches; char * Isplitstr; char Ipreprocess; char Iminus_n; char Iminus_p; char Iminus_l; char Iminus_a; char Iminus_F; char Idoswitches; # 52 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/intrpvar.h" U8 Idowarn; char Iwidesyscalls; char Idoextract; char Isawampersand; char Iunsafe; char * Iinplace; SV * Ie_script; U32 Iperldb; int Iperl_destruct_level; time_t Ibasetime; SV * Iformfeed; I32 Imaxsysfd; int Imultiline; I32 Istatusvalue; U8 Iexit_flags; GV * Istdingv; GV * Istderrgv; GV * Idefgv; GV * Iargvgv; GV * Iargvoutgv; AV * Iargvout_stack; GV * Ireplgv; GV * Ierrgv; GV * IDBgv; GV * IDBline; # 121 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/intrpvar.h" GV * IDBsub; SV * IDBsingle; SV * IDBtrace; SV * IDBsignal; AV * Ilineary; AV * Idbargs; HV * Idebstash; HV * Iglobalstash; SV * Icurstname; AV * Ibeginav; AV * Iendav; AV * Icheckav; AV * Iinitav; HV * Istrtab; U32 Isub_generation; I32 Isv_count; I32 Isv_objcount; SV* Isv_root; SV* Isv_arenaroot; int Iforkprocess; AV * Ifdpid; char Itainting; char * Iop_mask; CV * Imain_cv; OP * Imain_root; OP * Imain_start; OP * Ieval_root; OP * Ieval_start; COP * Icurcopdb; line_t Icopline; int Ifilemode; int Ilastfd; char * Ioldname; char ** IArgv; char * ICmd; I32 Igensym; char Ipreambled; AV * Ipreambleav; int Ilaststatval; I32 Ilaststype; SV * Imess_sv; SV * Iors_sv; char * Iofmt; PerlExitListEntry * Iexitlist; I32 Iexitlistlen; # 200 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/intrpvar.h" HV * Imodglobal; U32 * Iprofiledata; PerlIO * volatile Irsfp; AV * Irsfp_filters; COP Icompiling; CV * Icompcv; AV * IBINCOMPAT0; AV * Icomppad_name; I32 Icomppad_name_fill; I32 Icomppad_name_floor; int Igeneration; CV * IDBcv; char Iin_clean_objs; char Iin_clean_all; char * Ilinestart; char Ipending_ident; SUBLEXINFO Isublex_info; uid_t Iuid; uid_t Ieuid; gid_t Igid; gid_t Iegid; char Inomemok; U32 Ian; U32 Icop_seqmax; U16 Iop_seqmax; U32 Ievalseq; char ** Iorigenviron; U32 Iorigalen; HV * Ipidstatus; int Imaxo; char * Iosname; char * Ish_path_compat; Sighandler_t Isighandlerp; XPV* Ixiv_arenaroot; IV * Ixiv_root; NV * Ixnv_root; XRV * Ixrv_root; XPV * Ixpv_root; XPVIV * Ixpviv_root; XPVNV * Ixpvnv_root; XPVCV * Ixpvcv_root; XPVAV * Ixpvav_root; XPVHV * Ixpvhv_root; XPVMG * Ixpvmg_root; XPVLV * Ixpvlv_root; XPVBM * Ixpvbm_root; HE * Ihe_root; char * Inice_chunk; U32 Inice_chunk_size; runops_proc_t Irunops; char Itokenbuf[256]; # 293 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/intrpvar.h" SV Isv_undef; SV Isv_no; SV Isv_yes; U32 Ilex_state; U32 Ilex_defer; int Ilex_expect; I32 Ilex_brackets; I32 Ilex_formbrack; I32 Ilex_casemods; I32 Ilex_dojoin; I32 Ilex_starts; SV * Ilex_stuff; SV * Ilex_repl; OP * Ilex_op; OP * Ilex_inpat; I32 Ilex_inwhat; char * Ilex_brackstack; char * Ilex_casestack; YYSTYPE Inextval[5]; I32 Inexttype[5]; I32 Inexttoke; SV * Ilinestr; char * Ibufptr; char * Ioldbufptr; char * Ioldoldbufptr; char * Ibufend; int Iexpect; I32 Imulti_start; I32 Imulti_end; I32 Imulti_open; I32 Imulti_close; I32 Ierror_count; I32 Isubline; SV * Isubname; I32 Imin_intro_pending; I32 Imax_intro_pending; I32 Ipadix; I32 Ipadix_floor; I32 Ipad_reset_pending; char * Ilast_uni; char * Ilast_lop; U16 Ilast_lop_op; I32 Iin_my; HV * Iin_my_stash; U32 Ihints; volatile U32 Idebug; long Iamagic_generation; U32 Icollation_ix; char * Icollation_name; char Icollation_standard; size_t Icollxfrm_base; size_t Icollxfrm_mult; char * Inumeric_name; char Inumeric_standard; char Inumeric_local; char Inumeric_compat1; SV * Iutf8_alnum; SV * Iutf8_alnumc; SV * Iutf8_ascii; SV * Iutf8_alpha; SV * Iutf8_space; SV * Iutf8_cntrl; SV * Iutf8_graph; SV * Iutf8_digit; SV * Iutf8_upper; SV * Iutf8_lower; SV * Iutf8_print; SV * Iutf8_punct; SV * Iutf8_xdigit; SV * Iutf8_mark; SV * Iutf8_toupper; SV * Iutf8_totitle; SV * Iutf8_tolower; SV * Iutf8_tofold; HV * Ilast_swash_hv; U32 Ilast_swash_klen; U8 Ilast_swash_key[10]; U8 * Ilast_swash_tmps; STRLEN Ilast_swash_slen; int Iyydebug; int Iyynerrs; int Iyyerrflag; int Iyychar; YYSTYPE Iyyval; YYSTYPE Iyylval; int Iglob_index; char Isrand_called; char Iuudmap[256]; char * Ibitcount; # 439 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/intrpvar.h" SV** Ipsig_ptr; SV** Ipsig_name; # 455 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/intrpvar.h" PTR_TBL_t* Iptr_table; AV* Ibeginav_save; HV * Inullstash; XPV* Ixnv_arenaroot; XPV* Ixrv_arenaroot; XPV* Ixpv_arenaroot; XPVIV* Ixpviv_arenaroot; XPVNV* Ixpvnv_arenaroot; XPVCV* Ixpvcv_arenaroot; XPVAV* Ixpvav_arenaroot; XPVHV* Ixpvhv_arenaroot; XPVMG* Ixpvmg_arenaroot; XPVLV* Ixpvlv_arenaroot; XPVBM* Ixpvbm_arenaroot; XPV* Ihe_arenaroot; int * Ipsig_pend; int Isig_pending; SV * Inumeric_radix_sv; SV** Iregex_pad; AV* Iregex_padav; REENTR* Ireentrant_buffer; char Isavebegin; HV* Icustom_op_names; HV* Icustom_op_descs; PerlIO * Iperlio; PerlIO_list_t * Iknown_layers; PerlIO_list_t * Idef_layerlist; SV* Iencoding; struct perl_debug_pad Idebug_pad; char Itaint_warn; char Iutf8locale; SV * Iutf8_idstart; SV * Iutf8_idcont; SVCOMPARE_t Isort_RealCmp; AV* Icheckav_save; long Iclocktick; int Iin_load_module; U32 Iunicode; U32 Isignals; HV * Istashcache; int Ireentrant_retint; share_proc_t Isharehook; share_proc_t Ilockhook; share_proc_t Iunlockhook; thrhook_proc_t Ithreadhook; runops_proc_t Irunops_std; runops_proc_t Irunops_dbg; UV Ihash_seed; char Ihash_seed_set; UV Irehash_seed; char Irehash_seed_set; int Ifdscript; int Isuidscript; # 3482 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 char object_compatibility[30]; }; # 3508 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" typedef void *Thread; # 3518 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" typedef enum { e_no_len, e_number, e_star } howlen_t; typedef struct { char* patptr; char* patend; char* grpbeg; char* grpend; I32 code; I32 length; howlen_t howlen; int level; U32 flags; } tempsym_t; # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/thread.h" 1 # 3537 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/pp.h" 1 # 3538 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 3557 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/proto.h" 1 # 18 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/proto.h" PerlInterpreter* perl_alloc(void); void perl_construct(PerlInterpreter* interp); int perl_destruct(PerlInterpreter* interp); void perl_free(PerlInterpreter* interp); int perl_run(PerlInterpreter* interp); int perl_parse(PerlInterpreter* interp, XSINIT_t xsinit, int argc, char** argv, char** env); char Perl_doing_taint(int argc, char** argv, char** env); PerlInterpreter* perl_clone(PerlInterpreter* interp, UV flags); void * Perl_malloc(size_t nbytes); void * Perl_calloc(size_t elements, size_t size); void * Perl_realloc(void * where, size_t nbytes); void Perl_mfree(void * where); size_t Perl_malloced_size(void *p); void* Perl_get_context(void); void Perl_set_context(void *thx); # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/pp_proto.h" 1 OP *Perl_ck_anoncode (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP *o); OP *Perl_ck_bitop (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP *o); OP *Perl_ck_concat (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP *o); OP *Perl_ck_defined (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP *o); OP *Perl_ck_delete (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP *o); OP *Perl_ck_die (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP *o); OP *Perl_ck_eof (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP *o); OP *Perl_ck_eval (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP *o); OP *Perl_ck_exec (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP *o); OP *Perl_ck_exists (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP *o); OP *Perl_ck_exit (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP *o); OP *Perl_ck_ftst (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP *o); OP *Perl_ck_fun (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP *o); OP *Perl_ck_glob (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP *o); OP *Perl_ck_grep (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP *o); OP *Perl_ck_index (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP *o); OP *Perl_ck_join (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP *o); OP *Perl_ck_lengthconst (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP *o); OP *Perl_ck_lfun (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP *o); OP *Perl_ck_listiob (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP *o); OP *Perl_ck_match (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP *o); OP *Perl_ck_method (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP *o); OP *Perl_ck_null (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP *o); OP *Perl_ck_open (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP *o); OP *Perl_ck_repeat (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP *o); OP *Perl_ck_require (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP *o); OP *Perl_ck_return (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP *o); OP *Perl_ck_rfun (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP *o); OP *Perl_ck_rvconst (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP *o); OP *Perl_ck_sassign (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP *o); OP *Perl_ck_select (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP *o); OP *Perl_ck_shift (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP *o); OP *Perl_ck_sort (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP *o); OP *Perl_ck_spair (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP *o); OP *Perl_ck_split (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP *o); OP *Perl_ck_subr (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP *o); OP *Perl_ck_substr (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP *o); OP *Perl_ck_svconst (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP *o); OP *Perl_ck_trunc (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP *o); OP *Perl_pp_null (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_stub (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_scalar (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_pushmark (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_wantarray (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_const (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_gvsv (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_gv (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_gelem (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_padsv (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_padav (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_padhv (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_padany (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_pushre (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_rv2gv (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_rv2sv (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_av2arylen (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_rv2cv (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_anoncode (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_prototype (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_refgen (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_srefgen (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_ref (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_bless (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_backtick (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_glob (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_readline (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_rcatline (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_regcmaybe (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_regcreset (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_regcomp (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_match (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_qr (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_subst (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_substcont (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_trans (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_sassign (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_aassign (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_chop (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_schop (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_chomp (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_schomp (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_defined (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_undef (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_study (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_pos (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_preinc (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_predec (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_postinc (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_postdec (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_pow (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_multiply (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_i_multiply (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_divide (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_i_divide (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_modulo (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_i_modulo (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_repeat (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_add (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_i_add (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_subtract (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_i_subtract (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_concat (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_stringify (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_left_shift (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_right_shift (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_lt (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_i_lt (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_gt (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_i_gt (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_le (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_i_le (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_ge (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_i_ge (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_eq (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_i_eq (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_ne (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_i_ne (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_ncmp (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_i_ncmp (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_slt (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_sgt (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_sle (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_sge (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_seq (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_sne (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_scmp (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_bit_and (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_bit_xor (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_bit_or (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_negate (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_i_negate (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_not (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_complement (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_atan2 (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_sin (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_cos (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_rand (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_srand (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_exp (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_log (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_sqrt (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_int (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_hex (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_oct (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_abs (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_length (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_substr (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_vec (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_index (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_rindex (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_sprintf (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_formline (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_ord (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_chr (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_crypt (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_ucfirst (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_lcfirst (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_uc (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_lc (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_quotemeta (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_rv2av (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_aelemfast (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_aelem (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_aslice (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_each (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_values (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_keys (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_delete (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_exists (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_rv2hv (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_helem (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_hslice (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_unpack (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_pack (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_split (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_join (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_list (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_lslice (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_anonlist (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_anonhash (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_splice (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_push (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_pop (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_shift (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_unshift (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_sort (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_reverse (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_grepstart (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_grepwhile (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_mapstart (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_mapwhile (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_range (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_flip (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_flop (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_and (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_or (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_xor (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_cond_expr (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_andassign (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_orassign (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_method (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_entersub (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_leavesub (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_leavesublv (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_caller (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_warn (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_die (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_reset (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_lineseq (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_nextstate (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_dbstate (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_unstack (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_enter (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_leave (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_scope (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_enteriter (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_iter (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_enterloop (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_leaveloop (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_return (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_last (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_next (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_redo (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_dump (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_goto (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_exit (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_open (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_close (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_pipe_op (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_fileno (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_umask (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_binmode (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_tie (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_untie (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_tied (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_dbmopen (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_dbmclose (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_sselect (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_select (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_getc (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_read (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_enterwrite (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_leavewrite (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_prtf (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_print (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_sysopen (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_sysseek (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_sysread (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_syswrite (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_send (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_recv (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_eof (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_tell (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_seek (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_truncate (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_fcntl (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_ioctl (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_flock (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_socket (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_sockpair (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_bind (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_connect (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_listen (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_accept (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_shutdown (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_gsockopt (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_ssockopt (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_getsockname (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_getpeername (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_lstat (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_stat (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_ftrread (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_ftrwrite (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_ftrexec (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_fteread (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_ftewrite (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_fteexec (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_ftis (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_fteowned (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_ftrowned (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_ftzero (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_ftsize (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_ftmtime (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_ftatime (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_ftctime (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_ftsock (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_ftchr (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_ftblk (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_ftfile (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_ftdir (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_ftpipe (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_ftlink (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_ftsuid (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_ftsgid (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_ftsvtx (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_fttty (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_fttext (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_ftbinary (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_chdir (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_chown (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_chroot (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_unlink (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_chmod (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_utime (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_rename (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_link (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_symlink (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_readlink (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_mkdir (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_rmdir (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_open_dir (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_readdir (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_telldir (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_seekdir (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_rewinddir (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_closedir (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_fork (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_wait (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_waitpid (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_system (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_exec (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_kill (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_getppid (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_getpgrp (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_setpgrp (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_getpriority (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_setpriority (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_time (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_tms (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_localtime (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_gmtime (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_alarm (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_sleep (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_shmget (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_shmctl (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_shmread (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_shmwrite (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_msgget (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_msgctl (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_msgsnd (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_msgrcv (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_semget (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_semctl (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_semop (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_require (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_dofile (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_entereval (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_leaveeval (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_entertry (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_leavetry (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_ghbyname (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_ghbyaddr (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_ghostent (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_gnbyname (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_gnbyaddr (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_gnetent (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_gpbyname (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_gpbynumber (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_gprotoent (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_gsbyname (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_gsbyport (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_gservent (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_shostent (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_snetent (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_sprotoent (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_sservent (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_ehostent (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_enetent (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_eprotoent (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_eservent (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_gpwnam (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_gpwuid (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_gpwent (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_spwent (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_epwent (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_ggrnam (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_ggrgid (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_ggrent (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_sgrent (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_egrent (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_getlogin (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_syscall (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_lock (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_threadsv (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_setstate (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP *Perl_pp_method_named (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); # 53 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/proto.h" 2 SV* Perl_amagic_call(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* left, SV* right, int method, int dir); char Perl_Gv_AMupdate(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), HV* stash); CV* Perl_gv_handler(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), HV* stash, I32 id); OP* Perl_append_elem(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 optype, OP* head, OP* tail); OP* Perl_append_list(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 optype, LISTOP* first, LISTOP* last); I32 Perl_apply(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 type, SV** mark, SV** sp); void Perl_apply_attrs_string(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char *stashpv, CV *cv, char *attrstr, STRLEN len); SV* Perl_avhv_delete_ent(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), AV *ar, SV* keysv, I32 flags, U32 hash); char Perl_avhv_exists_ent(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), AV *ar, SV* keysv, U32 hash); SV** Perl_avhv_fetch_ent(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), AV *ar, SV* keysv, I32 lval, U32 hash); SV** Perl_avhv_store_ent(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), AV *ar, SV* keysv, SV* val, U32 hash); HE* Perl_avhv_iternext(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), AV *ar); SV* Perl_avhv_iterval(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), AV *ar, HE* entry); HV* Perl_avhv_keys(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), AV *ar); void Perl_av_clear(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), AV* ar); SV* Perl_av_delete(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), AV* ar, I32 key, I32 flags); char Perl_av_exists(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), AV* ar, I32 key); void Perl_av_extend(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), AV* ar, I32 key); AV* Perl_av_fake(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 size, SV** svp); SV** Perl_av_fetch(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), AV* ar, I32 key, I32 lval); void Perl_av_fill(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), AV* ar, I32 fill); I32 Perl_av_len(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), AV* ar); AV* Perl_av_make(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 size, SV** svp); SV* Perl_av_pop(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), AV* ar); void Perl_av_push(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), AV* ar, SV* val); void Perl_av_reify(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), AV* ar); SV* Perl_av_shift(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), AV* ar); SV** Perl_av_store(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), AV* ar, I32 key, SV* val); void Perl_av_undef(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), AV* ar); void Perl_av_unshift(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), AV* ar, I32 num); OP* Perl_bind_match(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 type, OP* left, OP* pat); OP* Perl_block_end(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 floor, OP* seq); I32 Perl_block_gimme(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); int Perl_block_start(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), int full); void Perl_boot_core_UNIVERSAL(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); void Perl_boot_core_PerlIO(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); void Perl_call_list(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 oldscope, AV* av_list); char Perl_cando(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), mode_t mode, uid_t effective, struct stat* statbufp); U32 Perl_cast_ulong(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), NV f); I32 Perl_cast_i32(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), NV f); IV Perl_cast_iv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), NV f); UV Perl_cast_uv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), NV f); OP* Perl_convert(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 optype, I32 flags, OP* o); void Perl_croak(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* pat, ...) __attribute__((noreturn)) ; void Perl_vcroak(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* pat, va_list* args) __attribute__((noreturn)); void Perl_croak_nocontext(const char* pat, ...) __attribute__((noreturn)) ; OP* Perl_die_nocontext(const char* pat, ...) ; void Perl_deb_nocontext(const char* pat, ...) ; char* Perl_form_nocontext(const char* pat, ...) ; void Perl_load_module_nocontext(U32 flags, SV* name, SV* ver, ...); SV* Perl_mess_nocontext(const char* pat, ...) ; void Perl_warn_nocontext(const char* pat, ...) ; void Perl_warner_nocontext(U32 err, const char* pat, ...) ; SV* Perl_newSVpvf_nocontext(const char* pat, ...) ; void Perl_sv_catpvf_nocontext(SV* sv, const char* pat, ...) ; void Perl_sv_setpvf_nocontext(SV* sv, const char* pat, ...) ; void Perl_sv_catpvf_mg_nocontext(SV* sv, const char* pat, ...) ; void Perl_sv_setpvf_mg_nocontext(SV* sv, const char* pat, ...) ; int Perl_fprintf_nocontext(PerlIO* stream, const char* fmt, ...) ; int Perl_printf_nocontext(const char* fmt, ...) ; void Perl_cv_ckproto(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), CV* cv, GV* gv, char* p); CV* Perl_cv_clone(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), CV* proto); SV* Perl_cv_const_sv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), CV* cv); SV* Perl_op_const_sv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* o, CV* cv); void Perl_cv_undef(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), CV* cv); void Perl_cx_dump(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PERL_CONTEXT* cs); SV* Perl_filter_add(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), filter_t funcp, SV* datasv); void Perl_filter_del(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), filter_t funcp); I32 Perl_filter_read(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), int idx, SV* buffer, int maxlen); char** Perl_get_op_descs(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); char** Perl_get_op_names(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); char* Perl_get_no_modify(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); U32* Perl_get_opargs(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); PPADDR_t* Perl_get_ppaddr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); I32 Perl_cxinc(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); void Perl_deb(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* pat, ...) ; void Perl_vdeb(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* pat, va_list* args); void Perl_debprofdump(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); I32 Perl_debop(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* o); I32 Perl_debstack(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); I32 Perl_debstackptrs(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); char* Perl_delimcpy(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char* to, char* toend, char* from, char* fromend, int delim, I32* retlen); void Perl_deprecate(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char* s); void Perl_deprecate_old(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char* s); OP* Perl_die(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* pat, ...) ; OP* Perl_vdie(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* pat, va_list* args); OP* Perl_die_where(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char* message, STRLEN msglen); void Perl_dounwind(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 cxix); char Perl_do_aexec(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* really, SV** mark, SV** sp); char Perl_do_aexec5(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* really, SV** mark, SV** sp, int fd, int flag); int Perl_do_binmode(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PerlIO *fp, int iotype, int mode); void Perl_do_chop(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* asv, SV* sv); char Perl_do_close(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), GV* gv, char not_implicit); char Perl_do_eof(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), GV* gv); char Perl_do_exec(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char* cmd); char Perl_do_exec3(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char* cmd, int fd, int flag); void Perl_do_execfree(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); I32 Perl_do_ipcctl(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 optype, SV** mark, SV** sp); I32 Perl_do_ipcget(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 optype, SV** mark, SV** sp); I32 Perl_do_msgrcv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV** mark, SV** sp); I32 Perl_do_msgsnd(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV** mark, SV** sp); I32 Perl_do_semop(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV** mark, SV** sp); I32 Perl_do_shmio(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 optype, SV** mark, SV** sp); void Perl_do_join(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, SV* del, SV** mark, SV** sp); OP* Perl_do_kv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); char Perl_do_open(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), GV* gv, char* name, I32 len, int as_raw, int rawmode, int rawperm, PerlIO* supplied_fp); char Perl_do_open9(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), GV *gv, char *name, I32 len, int as_raw, int rawmode, int rawperm, PerlIO *supplied_fp, SV *svs, I32 num); char Perl_do_openn(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), GV *gv, char *name, I32 len, int as_raw, int rawmode, int rawperm, PerlIO *supplied_fp, SV **svp, I32 num); void Perl_do_pipe(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, GV* rgv, GV* wgv); char Perl_do_print(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, PerlIO* fp); OP* Perl_do_readline(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); I32 Perl_do_chomp(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv); char Perl_do_seek(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), GV* gv, off_t pos, int whence); void Perl_do_sprintf(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, I32 len, SV** sarg); off_t Perl_do_sysseek(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), GV* gv, off_t pos, int whence); off_t Perl_do_tell(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), GV* gv); I32 Perl_do_trans(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv); UV Perl_do_vecget(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, I32 offset, I32 size); void Perl_do_vecset(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv); void Perl_do_vop(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 optype, SV* sv, SV* left, SV* right); OP* Perl_dofile(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* term); I32 Perl_dowantarray(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); void Perl_dump_all(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); void Perl_dump_eval(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); void Perl_dump_form(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), GV* gv); void Perl_gv_dump(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), GV* gv); void Perl_op_dump(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* arg); void Perl_pmop_dump(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PMOP* pm); void Perl_dump_packsubs(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), HV* stash); void Perl_dump_sub(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), GV* gv); void Perl_fbm_compile(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, U32 flags); char* Perl_fbm_instr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), unsigned char* big, unsigned char* bigend, SV* littlesv, U32 flags); char* Perl_find_script(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char *scriptname, char dosearch, char **search_ext, I32 flags); OP* Perl_force_list(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* arg); OP* Perl_fold_constants(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* arg); char* Perl_form(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* pat, ...) ; char* Perl_vform(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* pat, va_list* args); void Perl_free_tmps(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP* Perl_gen_constant_list(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* o); char* Perl_getenv_len(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* key, unsigned long *len); void Perl_gp_free(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), GV* gv); GP* Perl_gp_ref(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), GP* gp); GV* Perl_gv_AVadd(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), GV* gv); GV* Perl_gv_HVadd(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), GV* gv); GV* Perl_gv_IOadd(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), GV* gv); GV* Perl_gv_autoload4(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), HV* stash, const char* name, STRLEN len, I32 method); void Perl_gv_check(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), HV* stash); void Perl_gv_efullname(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, GV* gv); void Perl_gv_efullname3(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, GV* gv, const char* prefix); void Perl_gv_efullname4(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, GV* gv, const char* prefix, char keepmain); GV* Perl_gv_fetchfile(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* name); GV* Perl_gv_fetchmeth(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), HV* stash, const char* name, STRLEN len, I32 level); GV* Perl_gv_fetchmeth_autoload(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), HV* stash, const char* name, STRLEN len, I32 level); GV* Perl_gv_fetchmethod(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), HV* stash, const char* name); GV* Perl_gv_fetchmethod_autoload(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), HV* stash, const char* name, I32 autoload); GV* Perl_gv_fetchpv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* name, I32 add, I32 sv_type); void Perl_gv_fullname(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, GV* gv); void Perl_gv_fullname3(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, GV* gv, const char* prefix); void Perl_gv_fullname4(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, GV* gv, const char* prefix, char keepmain); void Perl_gv_init(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), GV* gv, HV* stash, const char* name, STRLEN len, int multi); HV* Perl_gv_stashpv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* name, I32 create); HV* Perl_gv_stashpvn(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* name, U32 namelen, I32 create); HV* Perl_gv_stashsv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, I32 create); void Perl_hv_clear(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), HV* tb); void Perl_hv_delayfree_ent(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), HV* hv, HE* entry); SV* Perl_hv_delete(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), HV* tb, const char* key, I32 klen, I32 flags); SV* Perl_hv_delete_ent(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), HV* tb, SV* key, I32 flags, U32 hash); char Perl_hv_exists(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), HV* tb, const char* key, I32 klen); char Perl_hv_exists_ent(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), HV* tb, SV* key, U32 hash); SV** Perl_hv_fetch(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), HV* tb, const char* key, I32 klen, I32 lval); HE* Perl_hv_fetch_ent(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), HV* tb, SV* key, I32 lval, U32 hash); void Perl_hv_free_ent(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), HV* hv, HE* entry); I32 Perl_hv_iterinit(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), HV* tb); char* Perl_hv_iterkey(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), HE* entry, I32* retlen); SV* Perl_hv_iterkeysv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), HE* entry); HE* Perl_hv_iternext(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), HV* tb); SV* Perl_hv_iternextsv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), HV* hv, char** key, I32* retlen); HE* Perl_hv_iternext_flags(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), HV* tb, I32 flags); SV* Perl_hv_iterval(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), HV* tb, HE* entry); void Perl_hv_ksplit(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), HV* hv, IV newmax); void Perl_hv_magic(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), HV* hv, GV* gv, int how); SV** Perl_hv_store(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), HV* tb, const char* key, I32 klen, SV* val, U32 hash); HE* Perl_hv_store_ent(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), HV* tb, SV* key, SV* val, U32 hash); SV** Perl_hv_store_flags(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), HV* tb, const char* key, I32 klen, SV* val, U32 hash, int flags); void Perl_hv_undef(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), HV* tb); I32 Perl_ibcmp(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* a, const char* b, I32 len); I32 Perl_ibcmp_locale(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* a, const char* b, I32 len); I32 Perl_ibcmp_utf8(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* a, char **pe1, UV l1, char u1, const char* b, char **pe2, UV l2, char u2); char Perl_ingroup(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), gid_t testgid, uid_t effective); void Perl_init_argv_symbols(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), int, char **); void Perl_init_debugger(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); void Perl_init_stacks(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); void Perl_init_tm(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), struct tm *ptm); U32 Perl_intro_my(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); char* Perl_instr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* big, const char* little); char Perl_io_close(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), IO* io, char not_implicit); OP* Perl_invert(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* cmd); char Perl_is_gv_magical(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char *name, STRLEN len, U32 flags); I32 Perl_is_lvalue_sub(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); U32 Perl_to_uni_upper_lc(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U32 c); U32 Perl_to_uni_title_lc(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U32 c); U32 Perl_to_uni_lower_lc(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U32 c); char Perl_is_uni_alnum(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), UV c); char Perl_is_uni_alnumc(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), UV c); char Perl_is_uni_idfirst(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), UV c); char Perl_is_uni_alpha(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), UV c); char Perl_is_uni_ascii(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), UV c); char Perl_is_uni_space(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), UV c); char Perl_is_uni_cntrl(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), UV c); char Perl_is_uni_graph(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), UV c); char Perl_is_uni_digit(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), UV c); char Perl_is_uni_upper(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), UV c); char Perl_is_uni_lower(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), UV c); char Perl_is_uni_print(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), UV c); char Perl_is_uni_punct(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), UV c); char Perl_is_uni_xdigit(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), UV c); UV Perl_to_uni_upper(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), UV c, U8 *p, STRLEN *lenp); UV Perl_to_uni_title(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), UV c, U8 *p, STRLEN *lenp); UV Perl_to_uni_lower(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), UV c, U8 *p, STRLEN *lenp); UV Perl_to_uni_fold(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), UV c, U8 *p, STRLEN *lenp); char Perl_is_uni_alnum_lc(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), UV c); char Perl_is_uni_alnumc_lc(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), UV c); char Perl_is_uni_idfirst_lc(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), UV c); char Perl_is_uni_alpha_lc(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), UV c); char Perl_is_uni_ascii_lc(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), UV c); char Perl_is_uni_space_lc(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), UV c); char Perl_is_uni_cntrl_lc(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), UV c); char Perl_is_uni_graph_lc(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), UV c); char Perl_is_uni_digit_lc(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), UV c); char Perl_is_uni_upper_lc(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), UV c); char Perl_is_uni_lower_lc(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), UV c); char Perl_is_uni_print_lc(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), UV c); char Perl_is_uni_punct_lc(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), UV c); char Perl_is_uni_xdigit_lc(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), UV c); STRLEN Perl_is_utf8_char(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U8 *p); char Perl_is_utf8_string(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U8 *s, STRLEN len); char Perl_is_utf8_string_loc(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U8 *s, STRLEN len, U8 **p); char Perl_is_utf8_alnum(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U8 *p); char Perl_is_utf8_alnumc(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U8 *p); char Perl_is_utf8_idfirst(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U8 *p); char Perl_is_utf8_idcont(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U8 *p); char Perl_is_utf8_alpha(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U8 *p); char Perl_is_utf8_ascii(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U8 *p); char Perl_is_utf8_space(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U8 *p); char Perl_is_utf8_cntrl(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U8 *p); char Perl_is_utf8_digit(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U8 *p); char Perl_is_utf8_graph(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U8 *p); char Perl_is_utf8_upper(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U8 *p); char Perl_is_utf8_lower(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U8 *p); char Perl_is_utf8_print(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U8 *p); char Perl_is_utf8_punct(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U8 *p); char Perl_is_utf8_xdigit(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U8 *p); char Perl_is_utf8_mark(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U8 *p); OP* Perl_jmaybe(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* arg); I32 Perl_keyword(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char* d, I32 len); void Perl_leave_scope(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 base); void Perl_lex_end(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); void Perl_lex_start(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* line); void Perl_op_null(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* o); void Perl_op_clear(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* o); OP* Perl_linklist(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* o); OP* Perl_list(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* o); OP* Perl_listkids(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* o); void Perl_load_module(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U32 flags, SV* name, SV* ver, ...); void Perl_vload_module(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U32 flags, SV* name, SV* ver, va_list* args); OP* Perl_localize(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* arg, I32 lexical); I32 Perl_looks_like_number(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv); UV Perl_grok_bin(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char* start, STRLEN* len, I32* flags, NV *result); UV Perl_grok_hex(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char* start, STRLEN* len, I32* flags, NV *result); int Perl_grok_number(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char *pv, STRLEN len, UV *valuep); char Perl_grok_numeric_radix(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char **sp, const char *send); UV Perl_grok_oct(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char* start, STRLEN* len, I32* flags, NV *result); int Perl_magic_clearenv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_clear_all_env(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_clearpack(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_clearsig(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_existspack(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_freeregexp(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_freeovrld(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_get(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_getarylen(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_getdefelem(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_getglob(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_getnkeys(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_getpack(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_getpos(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_getsig(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_getsubstr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_gettaint(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_getuvar(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_getvec(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); U32 Perl_magic_len(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_nextpack(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg, SV* key); U32 Perl_magic_regdata_cnt(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_regdatum_get(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_regdatum_set(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_set(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_setamagic(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_setarylen(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_setbm(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_setdbline(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_setcollxfrm(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_setdefelem(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_setenv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_setfm(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_setisa(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_setglob(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_setmglob(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_setnkeys(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_setpack(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_setpos(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_setregexp(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_setsig(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_setsubstr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_settaint(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_setuvar(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_setvec(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_setutf8(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_set_all_env(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); U32 Perl_magic_sizepack(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); int Perl_magic_wipepack(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); void Perl_magicname(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char* sym, char* name, I32 namlen); void Perl_markstack_grow(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); char* Perl_mem_collxfrm(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* s, STRLEN len, STRLEN* xlen); SV* Perl_mess(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* pat, ...) ; SV* Perl_vmess(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* pat, va_list* args); void Perl_qerror(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* err); void Perl_sortsv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV ** array, size_t num_elts, SVCOMPARE_t cmp); int Perl_mg_clear(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv); int Perl_mg_copy(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, SV* nsv, const char* key, I32 klen); MAGIC* Perl_mg_find(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, int type); int Perl_mg_free(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv); int Perl_mg_get(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv); U32 Perl_mg_length(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv); void Perl_mg_magical(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv); int Perl_mg_set(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv); I32 Perl_mg_size(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv); void Perl_mini_mktime(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), struct tm *pm); OP* Perl_mod(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* o, I32 type); int Perl_mode_from_discipline(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* discp); char* Perl_moreswitches(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char* s); OP* Perl_my(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* o); NV Perl_my_atof(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char *s); void Perl_my_exit(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U32 status) __attribute__((noreturn)); void Perl_my_failure_exit(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))) __attribute__((noreturn)); I32 Perl_my_fflush_all(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); pid_t Perl_my_fork(void); void Perl_atfork_lock(void); void Perl_atfork_unlock(void); I32 Perl_my_lstat(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); I32 Perl_my_pclose(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PerlIO* ptr); PerlIO* Perl_my_popen(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char* cmd, char* mode); PerlIO* Perl_my_popen_list(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char* mode, int n, SV ** args); void Perl_my_setenv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char* nam, char* val); I32 Perl_my_stat(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); char * Perl_my_strftime(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char *fmt, int sec, int min, int hour, int mday, int mon, int year, int wday, int yday, int isdst); void Perl_my_unexec(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP* Perl_newANONLIST(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* o); OP* Perl_newANONHASH(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* o); OP* Perl_newANONSUB(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 floor, OP* proto, OP* block); OP* Perl_newASSIGNOP(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 flags, OP* left, I32 optype, OP* right); OP* Perl_newCONDOP(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 flags, OP* expr, OP* trueop, OP* falseop); CV* Perl_newCONSTSUB(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), HV* stash, char* name, SV* sv); void Perl_newFORM(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 floor, OP* o, OP* block); OP* Perl_newFOROP(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 flags, char* label, line_t forline, OP* sclr, OP* expr, OP*block, OP*cont); OP* Perl_newLOGOP(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 optype, I32 flags, OP* left, OP* right); OP* Perl_newLOOPEX(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 type, OP* label); OP* Perl_newLOOPOP(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 flags, I32 debuggable, OP* expr, OP* block); OP* Perl_newNULLLIST(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP* Perl_newOP(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 optype, I32 flags); void Perl_newPROG(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* o); OP* Perl_newRANGE(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 flags, OP* left, OP* right); OP* Perl_newSLICEOP(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 flags, OP* subscript, OP* listop); OP* Perl_newSTATEOP(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 flags, char* label, OP* o); CV* Perl_newSUB(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 floor, OP* o, OP* proto, OP* block); CV* Perl_newXS(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char* name, XSUBADDR_t f, char* filename); AV* Perl_newAV(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP* Perl_newAVREF(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* o); OP* Perl_newBINOP(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 type, I32 flags, OP* first, OP* last); OP* Perl_newCVREF(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 flags, OP* o); OP* Perl_newGVOP(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 type, I32 flags, GV* gv); GV* Perl_newGVgen(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char* pack); OP* Perl_newGVREF(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 type, OP* o); OP* Perl_newHVREF(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* o); HV* Perl_newHV(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); HV* Perl_newHVhv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), HV* hv); IO* Perl_newIO(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP* Perl_newLISTOP(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 type, I32 flags, OP* first, OP* last); OP* Perl_newPADOP(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 type, I32 flags, SV* sv); OP* Perl_newPMOP(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 type, I32 flags); OP* Perl_newPVOP(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 type, I32 flags, char* pv); SV* Perl_newRV(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* pref); SV* Perl_newRV_noinc(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *sv); SV* Perl_newSV(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), STRLEN len); OP* Perl_newSVREF(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* o); OP* Perl_newSVOP(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 type, I32 flags, SV* sv); SV* Perl_newSViv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), IV i); SV* Perl_newSVuv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), UV u); SV* Perl_newSVnv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), NV n); SV* Perl_newSVpv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* s, STRLEN len); SV* Perl_newSVpvn(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* s, STRLEN len); SV* Perl_newSVpvn_share(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* s, I32 len, U32 hash); SV* Perl_newSVpvf(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* pat, ...) ; SV* Perl_vnewSVpvf(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* pat, va_list* args); SV* Perl_newSVrv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* rv, const char* classname); SV* Perl_newSVsv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* old); OP* Perl_newUNOP(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 type, I32 flags, OP* first); OP* Perl_newWHILEOP(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 flags, I32 debuggable, LOOP* loop, I32 whileline, OP* expr, OP* block, OP* cont); PERL_SI* Perl_new_stackinfo(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 stitems, I32 cxitems); char* Perl_scan_vstring(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char *vstr, SV *sv); PerlIO* Perl_nextargv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), GV* gv); char* Perl_ninstr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* big, const char* bigend, const char* little, const char* lend); OP* Perl_oopsCV(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* o); void Perl_op_free(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* arg); void Perl_package(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* o); PADOFFSET Perl_pad_alloc(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 optype, U32 tmptype); PADOFFSET Perl_allocmy(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char* name); PADOFFSET Perl_pad_findmy(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char* name); OP* Perl_oopsAV(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* o); OP* Perl_oopsHV(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* o); void Perl_pad_leavemy(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); SV* Perl_pad_sv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PADOFFSET po); void Perl_pad_free(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PADOFFSET po); void Perl_pad_reset(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); void Perl_pad_swipe(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PADOFFSET po, char refadjust); void Perl_peep(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* o); PerlIO* Perl_start_glob(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* pattern, IO *io); void Perl_reentrant_size(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); void Perl_reentrant_init(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); void Perl_reentrant_free(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); void* Perl_reentrant_retry(const char*, ...); void Perl_call_atexit(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), ATEXIT_t fn, void *ptr); I32 Perl_call_argv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* sub_name, I32 flags, char** argv); I32 Perl_call_method(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* methname, I32 flags); I32 Perl_call_pv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* sub_name, I32 flags); I32 Perl_call_sv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, I32 flags); void Perl_despatch_signals(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); SV* Perl_eval_pv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* p, I32 croak_on_error); I32 Perl_eval_sv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, I32 flags); SV* Perl_get_sv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* name, I32 create); AV* Perl_get_av(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* name, I32 create); HV* Perl_get_hv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* name, I32 create); CV* Perl_get_cv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* name, I32 create); int Perl_init_i18nl10n(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), int printwarn); int Perl_init_i18nl14n(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), int printwarn); void Perl_new_collate(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char* newcoll); void Perl_new_ctype(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char* newctype); void Perl_new_numeric(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char* newcoll); void Perl_set_numeric_local(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); void Perl_set_numeric_radix(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); void Perl_set_numeric_standard(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); void Perl_require_pv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* pv); void Perl_pack_cat(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *cat, char *pat, char *patend, SV **beglist, SV **endlist, SV ***next_in_list, U32 flags); void Perl_packlist(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *cat, char *pat, char *patend, SV **beglist, SV **endlist); void Perl_pidgone(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), pid_t pid, int status); void Perl_pmflag(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U32* pmfl, int ch); OP* Perl_pmruntime(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* pm, OP* expr, OP* repl); OP* Perl_pmtrans(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* o, OP* expr, OP* repl); OP* Perl_pop_return(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); void Perl_pop_scope(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP* Perl_prepend_elem(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 optype, OP* head, OP* tail); void Perl_push_return(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* o); void Perl_push_scope(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); OP* Perl_ref(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* o, I32 type); OP* Perl_refkids(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* o, I32 type); void Perl_regdump(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), regexp* r); SV* Perl_regclass_swash(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), struct regnode *n, char doinit, SV **listsvp, SV **altsvp); I32 Perl_pregexec(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), regexp* prog, char* stringarg, char* strend, char* strbeg, I32 minend, SV* screamer, U32 nosave); void Perl_pregfree(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), struct regexp* r); regexp* Perl_pregcomp(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char* exp, char* xend, PMOP* pm); char* Perl_re_intuit_start(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), regexp* prog, SV* sv, char* strpos, char* strend, U32 flags, struct re_scream_pos_data_s *data); SV* Perl_re_intuit_string(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), regexp* prog); I32 Perl_regexec_flags(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), regexp* prog, char* stringarg, char* strend, char* strbeg, I32 minend, SV* screamer, void* data, U32 flags); regnode* Perl_regnext(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), regnode* p); void Perl_regprop(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, regnode* o); void Perl_repeatcpy(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char* to, const char* from, I32 len, I32 count); char* Perl_rninstr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* big, const char* bigend, const char* little, const char* lend); Sighandler_t Perl_rsignal(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), int i, Sighandler_t t); int Perl_rsignal_restore(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), int i, Sigsave_t* t); int Perl_rsignal_save(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), int i, Sighandler_t t1, Sigsave_t* t2); Sighandler_t Perl_rsignal_state(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), int i); void Perl_rxres_free(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), void** rsp); void Perl_rxres_restore(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), void** rsp, REGEXP* prx); void Perl_rxres_save(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), void** rsp, REGEXP* prx); char* Perl_savepv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* pv); char* Perl_savesharedpv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* pv); char* Perl_savepvn(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* pv, I32 len); void Perl_savestack_grow(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); void Perl_savestack_grow_cnt(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 need); void Perl_save_aelem(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), AV* av, I32 idx, SV **sptr); I32 Perl_save_alloc(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 size, I32 pad); void Perl_save_aptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), AV** aptr); AV* Perl_save_ary(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), GV* gv); void Perl_save_bool(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char* boolp); void Perl_save_clearsv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV** svp); void Perl_save_delete(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), HV* hv, char* key, I32 klen); void Perl_save_destructor(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), DESTRUCTORFUNC_NOCONTEXT_t f, void* p); void Perl_save_destructor_x(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), DESTRUCTORFUNC_t f, void* p); void Perl_save_freesv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv); void Perl_save_freeop(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* o); void Perl_save_freepv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char* pv); void Perl_save_generic_svref(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV** sptr); void Perl_save_generic_pvref(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char** str); void Perl_save_shared_pvref(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char** str); void Perl_save_gp(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), GV* gv, I32 empty); HV* Perl_save_hash(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), GV* gv); void Perl_save_helem(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), HV* hv, SV *key, SV **sptr); void Perl_save_hints(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); void Perl_save_hptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), HV** hptr); void Perl_save_I16(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I16* intp); void Perl_save_I32(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32* intp); void Perl_save_I8(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I8* bytep); void Perl_save_int(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), int* intp); void Perl_save_item(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* item); void Perl_save_iv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), IV* iv); void Perl_save_list(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV** sarg, I32 maxsarg); void Perl_save_long(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), long* longp); void Perl_save_mortalizesv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv); void Perl_save_nogv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), GV* gv); void Perl_save_op(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); SV* Perl_save_scalar(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), GV* gv); void Perl_save_pptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char** pptr); void Perl_save_vptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), void* pptr); void Perl_save_re_context(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); void Perl_save_padsv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PADOFFSET off); void Perl_save_sptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV** sptr); SV* Perl_save_svref(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV** sptr); SV** Perl_save_threadsv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PADOFFSET i); OP* Perl_sawparens(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* o); OP* Perl_scalar(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* o); OP* Perl_scalarkids(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* o); OP* Perl_scalarseq(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* o); OP* Perl_scalarvoid(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* o); NV Perl_scan_bin(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char* start, STRLEN len, STRLEN* retlen); NV Perl_scan_hex(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char* start, STRLEN len, STRLEN* retlen); char* Perl_scan_num(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char* s, YYSTYPE *lvalp); NV Perl_scan_oct(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char* start, STRLEN len, STRLEN* retlen); OP* Perl_scope(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* o); char* Perl_screaminstr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* bigsv, SV* littlesv, I32 start_shift, I32 end_shift, I32 *state, I32 last); I32 Perl_setenv_getix(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char* nam); void Perl_setdefout(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), GV* gv); HEK* Perl_share_hek(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* sv, I32 len, U32 hash); void Perl_sighandler(int sig); void Perl_csighandler(int sig); SV** Perl_stack_grow(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV** sp, SV**p, int n); I32 Perl_start_subparse(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 is_format, U32 flags); void Perl_sub_crush_depth(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), CV* cv); char Perl_sv_2bool(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv); CV* Perl_sv_2cv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, HV** st, GV** gvp, I32 lref); IO* Perl_sv_2io(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv); IV Perl_sv_2iv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv); SV* Perl_sv_2mortal(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv); NV Perl_sv_2nv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv); char* Perl_sv_2pvutf8(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, STRLEN* lp); char* Perl_sv_2pvbyte(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, STRLEN* lp); char* Perl_sv_pvn_nomg(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, STRLEN* lp); UV Perl_sv_2uv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv); IV Perl_sv_iv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv); UV Perl_sv_uv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv); NV Perl_sv_nv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv); char* Perl_sv_pvn(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *sv, STRLEN *len); char* Perl_sv_pvutf8n(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *sv, STRLEN *len); char* Perl_sv_pvbyten(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *sv, STRLEN *len); I32 Perl_sv_true(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *sv); void Perl_sv_add_arena(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char* ptr, U32 size, U32 flags); int Perl_sv_backoff(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv); SV* Perl_sv_bless(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, HV* stash); void Perl_sv_catpvf(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, const char* pat, ...) ; void Perl_sv_vcatpvf(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, const char* pat, va_list* args); void Perl_sv_catpv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, const char* ptr); void Perl_sv_chop(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, char* ptr); I32 Perl_sv_clean_all(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); void Perl_sv_clean_objs(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); void Perl_sv_clear(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv); I32 Perl_sv_cmp(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv1, SV* sv2); I32 Perl_sv_cmp_locale(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv1, SV* sv2); char* Perl_sv_collxfrm(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, STRLEN* nxp); OP* Perl_sv_compile_2op(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, OP** startp, char* code, PAD** padp); int Perl_getcwd_sv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv); void Perl_sv_dec(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv); void Perl_sv_dump(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv); char Perl_sv_derived_from(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, const char* name); I32 Perl_sv_eq(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv1, SV* sv2); void Perl_sv_free(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv); void Perl_sv_free_arenas(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); char* Perl_sv_gets(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, PerlIO* fp, I32 append); char* Perl_sv_grow(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, STRLEN newlen); void Perl_sv_inc(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv); void Perl_sv_insert(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* bigsv, STRLEN offset, STRLEN len, char* little, STRLEN littlelen); int Perl_sv_isa(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, const char* name); int Perl_sv_isobject(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv); STRLEN Perl_sv_len(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv); STRLEN Perl_sv_len_utf8(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv); void Perl_sv_magic(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, SV* obj, int how, const char* name, I32 namlen); MAGIC * Perl_sv_magicext(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, SV* obj, int how, MGVTBL *vtbl, const char* name, I32 namlen ); SV* Perl_sv_mortalcopy(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* oldsv); SV* Perl_sv_newmortal(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); SV* Perl_sv_newref(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv); char* Perl_sv_peek(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv); void Perl_sv_pos_u2b(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, I32* offsetp, I32* lenp); void Perl_sv_pos_b2u(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, I32* offsetp); char* Perl_sv_pvutf8n_force(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, STRLEN* lp); char* Perl_sv_pvbyten_force(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, STRLEN* lp); char* Perl_sv_recode_to_utf8(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, SV *encoding); char Perl_sv_cat_decode(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* dsv, SV *encoding, SV *ssv, int *offset, char* tstr, int tlen); char* Perl_sv_reftype(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, int ob); void Perl_sv_replace(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, SV* nsv); void Perl_sv_report_used(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); void Perl_sv_reset(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char* s, HV* stash); void Perl_sv_setpvf(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, const char* pat, ...) ; void Perl_sv_vsetpvf(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, const char* pat, va_list* args); void Perl_sv_setiv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, IV num); void Perl_sv_setpviv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, IV num); void Perl_sv_setuv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, UV num); void Perl_sv_setnv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, NV num); SV* Perl_sv_setref_iv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* rv, const char* classname, IV iv); SV* Perl_sv_setref_uv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* rv, const char* classname, UV uv); SV* Perl_sv_setref_nv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* rv, const char* classname, NV nv); SV* Perl_sv_setref_pv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* rv, const char* classname, void* pv); SV* Perl_sv_setref_pvn(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* rv, const char* classname, char* pv, STRLEN n); void Perl_sv_setpv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, const char* ptr); void Perl_sv_setpvn(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, const char* ptr, STRLEN len); void Perl_sv_taint(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv); char Perl_sv_tainted(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv); int Perl_sv_unmagic(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, int type); void Perl_sv_unref(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv); void Perl_sv_unref_flags(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, U32 flags); void Perl_sv_untaint(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv); char Perl_sv_upgrade(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, U32 mt); void Perl_sv_usepvn(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, char* ptr, STRLEN len); void Perl_sv_vcatpvfn(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, const char* pat, STRLEN patlen, va_list* args, SV** svargs, I32 svmax, char *maybe_tainted); void Perl_sv_vsetpvfn(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, const char* pat, STRLEN patlen, va_list* args, SV** svargs, I32 svmax, char *maybe_tainted); NV Perl_str_to_version(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *sv); SV* Perl_swash_init(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char* pkg, char* name, SV* listsv, I32 minbits, I32 none); UV Perl_swash_fetch(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *sv, U8 *ptr, char do_utf8); void Perl_taint_env(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); void Perl_taint_proper(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* f, const char* s); UV Perl_to_utf8_case(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U8 *p, U8* ustrp, STRLEN *lenp, SV **swash, char *normal, char *special); UV Perl_to_utf8_lower(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U8 *p, U8* ustrp, STRLEN *lenp); UV Perl_to_utf8_upper(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U8 *p, U8* ustrp, STRLEN *lenp); UV Perl_to_utf8_title(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U8 *p, U8* ustrp, STRLEN *lenp); UV Perl_to_utf8_fold(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U8 *p, U8* ustrp, STRLEN *lenp); I32 Perl_unpack_str(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char *pat, char *patend, char *s, char *strbeg, char *strend, char **new_s, I32 ocnt, U32 flags); I32 Perl_unpackstring(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char *pat, char *patend, char *s, char *strend, U32 flags); void Perl_unsharepvn(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* sv, I32 len, U32 hash); void Perl_unshare_hek(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), HEK* hek); void Perl_utilize(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), int aver, I32 floor, OP* version, OP* idop, OP* arg); U8* Perl_utf16_to_utf8(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U8* p, U8 *d, I32 bytelen, I32 *newlen); U8* Perl_utf16_to_utf8_reversed(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U8* p, U8 *d, I32 bytelen, I32 *newlen); STRLEN Perl_utf8_length(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U8* s, U8 *e); IV Perl_utf8_distance(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U8 *a, U8 *b); U8* Perl_utf8_hop(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U8 *s, I32 off); U8* Perl_utf8_to_bytes(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U8 *s, STRLEN *len); U8* Perl_bytes_from_utf8(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U8 *s, STRLEN *len, char *is_utf8); U8* Perl_bytes_to_utf8(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U8 *s, STRLEN *len); UV Perl_utf8_to_uvchr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U8 *s, STRLEN* retlen); UV Perl_utf8_to_uvuni(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U8 *s, STRLEN* retlen); UV Perl_utf8n_to_uvuni(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U8 *s, STRLEN curlen, STRLEN* retlen, U32 flags); UV Perl_utf8n_to_uvuni(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U8 *s, STRLEN curlen, STRLEN* retlen, U32 flags); U8* Perl_uvuni_to_utf8(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U8 *d, UV uv); U8* Perl_uvuni_to_utf8(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U8 *d, UV uv); U8* Perl_uvchr_to_utf8_flags(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U8 *d, UV uv, UV flags); U8* Perl_uvuni_to_utf8_flags(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U8 *d, UV uv, UV flags); char* Perl_pv_uni_display(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *dsv, U8 *spv, STRLEN len, STRLEN pvlim, UV flags); char* Perl_sv_uni_display(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *dsv, SV *ssv, STRLEN pvlim, UV flags); void Perl_vivify_defelem(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv); void Perl_vivify_ref(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, U32 to_what); I32 Perl_wait4pid(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), pid_t pid, int* statusp, int flags); U32 Perl_parse_unicode_opts(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char **popt); U32 Perl_seed(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); UV Perl_get_hash_seed(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); void Perl_report_evil_fh(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), GV *gv, IO *io, I32 op); void Perl_report_uninit(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); void Perl_warn(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* pat, ...) ; void Perl_vwarn(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* pat, va_list* args); void Perl_warner(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U32 err, const char* pat, ...) ; void Perl_vwarner(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U32 err, const char* pat, va_list* args); void Perl_watch(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char** addr); I32 Perl_whichsig(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char* sig); void Perl_write_to_stderr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char* message, int msglen); int Perl_yyerror(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char* s); int Perl_yylex(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); int Perl_yyparse(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); int Perl_yywarn(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char* s); void Perl_dump_mstats(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char* s); int Perl_get_mstats(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), perl_mstats_t *buf, int buflen, int level); void * Perl_safesysmalloc(size_t nbytes); void * Perl_safesyscalloc(size_t elements, size_t size); void * Perl_safesysrealloc(void * where, size_t nbytes); void Perl_safesysfree(void * where); int Perl_runops_standard(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); int Perl_runops_debug(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); void Perl_sv_catpvf_mg(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *sv, const char* pat, ...) ; void Perl_sv_vcatpvf_mg(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, const char* pat, va_list* args); void Perl_sv_catpv_mg(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *sv, const char *ptr); void Perl_sv_catpvn_mg(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *sv, const char *ptr, STRLEN len); void Perl_sv_catsv_mg(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *dstr, SV *sstr); void Perl_sv_setpvf_mg(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *sv, const char* pat, ...) ; void Perl_sv_vsetpvf_mg(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, const char* pat, va_list* args); void Perl_sv_setiv_mg(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *sv, IV i); void Perl_sv_setpviv_mg(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *sv, IV iv); void Perl_sv_setuv_mg(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *sv, UV u); void Perl_sv_setnv_mg(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *sv, NV num); void Perl_sv_setpv_mg(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *sv, const char *ptr); void Perl_sv_setpvn_mg(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *sv, const char *ptr, STRLEN len); void Perl_sv_setsv_mg(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *dstr, SV *sstr); void Perl_sv_usepvn_mg(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *sv, char *ptr, STRLEN len); MGVTBL* Perl_get_vtbl(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), int vtbl_id); char* Perl_pv_display(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *dsv, char *pv, STRLEN cur, STRLEN len, STRLEN pvlim); void Perl_dump_indent(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 level, PerlIO *file, const char* pat, ...) ; void Perl_dump_vindent(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 level, PerlIO *file, const char* pat, va_list *args); void Perl_do_gv_dump(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 level, PerlIO *file, char *name, GV *sv); void Perl_do_gvgv_dump(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 level, PerlIO *file, char *name, GV *sv); void Perl_do_hv_dump(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 level, PerlIO *file, char *name, HV *sv); void Perl_do_magic_dump(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 level, PerlIO *file, MAGIC *mg, I32 nest, I32 maxnest, char dumpops, STRLEN pvlim); void Perl_do_op_dump(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 level, PerlIO *file, OP *o); void Perl_do_pmop_dump(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 level, PerlIO *file, PMOP *pm); void Perl_do_sv_dump(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 level, PerlIO *file, SV *sv, I32 nest, I32 maxnest, char dumpops, STRLEN pvlim); void Perl_magic_dump(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), MAGIC *mg); void Perl_reginitcolors(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); char* Perl_sv_2pv_nolen(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv); char* Perl_sv_2pvutf8_nolen(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv); char* Perl_sv_2pvbyte_nolen(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv); char Perl_sv_utf8_downgrade(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *sv, char fail_ok); void Perl_sv_utf8_encode(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *sv); char Perl_sv_utf8_decode(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *sv); void Perl_sv_force_normal(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *sv); void Perl_sv_force_normal_flags(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *sv, U32 flags); void Perl_tmps_grow(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 n); SV* Perl_sv_rvweaken(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *sv); int Perl_magic_killbackrefs(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *sv, MAGIC *mg); OP* Perl_newANONATTRSUB(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 floor, OP *proto, OP *attrs, OP *block); CV* Perl_newATTRSUB(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 floor, OP *o, OP *proto, OP *attrs, OP *block); void Perl_newMYSUB(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 floor, OP *o, OP *proto, OP *attrs, OP *block); OP * Perl_my_attrs(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP *o, OP *attrs); void Perl_boot_core_xsutils(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); PERL_CONTEXT* Perl_cx_dup(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PERL_CONTEXT* cx, I32 ix, I32 max, CLONE_PARAMS* param); PERL_SI* Perl_si_dup(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PERL_SI* si, CLONE_PARAMS* param); ANY* Perl_ss_dup(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PerlInterpreter* proto_perl, CLONE_PARAMS* param); void* Perl_any_dup(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), void* v, PerlInterpreter* proto_perl); HE* Perl_he_dup(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), HE* e, char shared, CLONE_PARAMS* param); REGEXP* Perl_re_dup(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), REGEXP* r, CLONE_PARAMS* param); PerlIO* Perl_fp_dup(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PerlIO* fp, char type, CLONE_PARAMS* param); DIR* Perl_dirp_dup(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), DIR* dp); GP* Perl_gp_dup(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), GP* gp, CLONE_PARAMS* param); MAGIC* Perl_mg_dup(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), MAGIC* mg, CLONE_PARAMS* param); SV* Perl_sv_dup(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sstr, CLONE_PARAMS* param); PTR_TBL_t* Perl_ptr_table_new(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); void* Perl_ptr_table_fetch(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PTR_TBL_t *tbl, void *sv); void Perl_ptr_table_store(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PTR_TBL_t *tbl, void *oldsv, void *newsv); void Perl_ptr_table_split(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PTR_TBL_t *tbl); void Perl_ptr_table_clear(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PTR_TBL_t *tbl); void Perl_ptr_table_free(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PTR_TBL_t *tbl); char * Perl_custom_op_name(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* op); char * Perl_custom_op_desc(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP* op); void Perl_sv_nosharing(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *); void Perl_sv_nolocking(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *); void Perl_sv_nounlocking(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *); int Perl_nothreadhook(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); # 1282 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/proto.h" void Perl_sv_setsv_flags(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* dsv, SV* ssv, I32 flags); void Perl_sv_catpvn_flags(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, const char* ptr, STRLEN len, I32 flags); void Perl_sv_catsv_flags(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* dsv, SV* ssv, I32 flags); STRLEN Perl_sv_utf8_upgrade_flags(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV *sv, I32 flags); char* Perl_sv_pvn_force_flags(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, STRLEN* lp, I32 flags); char* Perl_sv_2pv_flags(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, STRLEN* lp, I32 flags); void Perl_sv_copypv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* dsv, SV* ssv); char* Perl_my_atof2(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), const char *s, NV* value); int Perl_my_socketpair(int family, int type, int protocol, int fd[2]); int Perl_PerlIO_close(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PerlIO *); int Perl_PerlIO_fill(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PerlIO *); int Perl_PerlIO_fileno(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PerlIO *); int Perl_PerlIO_eof(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PerlIO *); int Perl_PerlIO_error(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PerlIO *); int Perl_PerlIO_flush(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PerlIO *); void Perl_PerlIO_clearerr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PerlIO *); void Perl_PerlIO_set_cnt(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PerlIO *, int); void Perl_PerlIO_set_ptrcnt(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PerlIO *, char *, int); void Perl_PerlIO_setlinebuf(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PerlIO *); ssize_t Perl_PerlIO_read(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PerlIO *, void *, size_t); ssize_t Perl_PerlIO_write(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PerlIO *, const void *, size_t); ssize_t Perl_PerlIO_unread(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PerlIO *, const void *, size_t); off_t Perl_PerlIO_tell(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PerlIO *); int Perl_PerlIO_seek(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PerlIO *, off_t, int); char * Perl_PerlIO_get_base(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PerlIO *); char * Perl_PerlIO_get_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PerlIO *); int Perl_PerlIO_get_bufsiz(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PerlIO *); int Perl_PerlIO_get_cnt(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PerlIO *); PerlIO * Perl_PerlIO_stdin(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); PerlIO * Perl_PerlIO_stdout(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); PerlIO * Perl_PerlIO_stderr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); void Perl_deb_stack_all(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); PADLIST* Perl_pad_new(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), int flags); void Perl_pad_undef(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), CV* cv); PADOFFSET Perl_pad_add_name(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char *name, HV* typestash, HV* ourstash, char clone); PADOFFSET Perl_pad_add_anon(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), SV* sv, U16 op_type); void Perl_pad_check_dup(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), char* name, char is_our, HV* ourstash); void Perl_pad_block_start(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), int full); void Perl_pad_tidy(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), padtidy_type type); void Perl_do_dump_pad(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), I32 level, PerlIO *file, PADLIST *padlist, int full); void Perl_pad_fixup_inner_anons(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PADLIST *padlist, CV *old_cv, CV *new_cv); void Perl_pad_push(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), PADLIST *padlist, int depth, int has_args); # 1348 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/proto.h" CV* Perl_find_runcv(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), U32 *db_seqp); void Perl_free_tied_hv_pool(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); void Perl_hv_clear_placeholders(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), HV* hb); SV* Perl_hv_scalar(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), HV* hv); SV* Perl_magic_scalarpack(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), HV* hv, MAGIC* mg); # 3558 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/opcode.h" 1 # 21 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/opcode.h" # 30 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/opcode.h" extern __attribute__((dllimport)) char *PL_op_name[]; # 389 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/opcode.h" extern __attribute__((dllimport)) char *PL_op_desc[]; # 747 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/opcode.h" extern __attribute__((dllimport)) OP * (*PL_ppaddr[])(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); # 1111 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/opcode.h" extern __attribute__((dllimport)) OP * (*PL_check[]) (register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), OP *op); # 1470 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/opcode.h" extern __attribute__((dllimport)) U32 PL_opargs[]; # 1828 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/opcode.h" # 3561 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/embedvar.h" 1 # 3566 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 3593 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perlvars.h" 1 # 26 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perlvars.h" extern __attribute__((dllimport)) PerlInterpreter * PL_curinterp; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) perl_key PL_thr_key; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) const char * PL_Yes ; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) const char * PL_No ; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) const char * PL_hexdigit ; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) const char * PL_patleave ; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) char PL_do_undump ; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) perl_mutex PL_malloc_mutex; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) perl_mutex PL_op_mutex; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) perl_mutex PL_dollarzero_mutex; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) char * PL_sh_path ; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) Sighandler_t PL_sigfpe_saved; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) SV PL_sv_placeholder; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) Sighandler_t PL_csighandlerp ; # 3596 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/reentr.inc" 1 # 3601 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 3711 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" extern __attribute__((dllimport)) MGVTBL PL_vtbl_sv; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) MGVTBL PL_vtbl_env; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) MGVTBL PL_vtbl_envelem; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) MGVTBL PL_vtbl_sig; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) MGVTBL PL_vtbl_sigelem; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) MGVTBL PL_vtbl_pack; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) MGVTBL PL_vtbl_packelem; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) MGVTBL PL_vtbl_dbline; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) MGVTBL PL_vtbl_isa; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) MGVTBL PL_vtbl_isaelem; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) MGVTBL PL_vtbl_arylen; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) MGVTBL PL_vtbl_glob; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) MGVTBL PL_vtbl_mglob; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) MGVTBL PL_vtbl_nkeys; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) MGVTBL PL_vtbl_taint; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) MGVTBL PL_vtbl_substr; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) MGVTBL PL_vtbl_vec; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) MGVTBL PL_vtbl_pos; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) MGVTBL PL_vtbl_bm; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) MGVTBL PL_vtbl_fm; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) MGVTBL PL_vtbl_uvar; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) MGVTBL PL_vtbl_ovrld; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) MGVTBL PL_vtbl_defelem; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) MGVTBL PL_vtbl_regexp; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) MGVTBL PL_vtbl_regdata; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) MGVTBL PL_vtbl_regdatum; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) MGVTBL PL_vtbl_collxfrm; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) MGVTBL PL_vtbl_amagic; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) MGVTBL PL_vtbl_amagicelem; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) MGVTBL PL_vtbl_backref; extern __attribute__((dllimport)) MGVTBL PL_vtbl_utf8; enum { fallback_amg, abs_amg, bool__amg, nomethod_amg, string_amg, numer_amg, add_amg, add_ass_amg, subtr_amg, subtr_ass_amg, mult_amg, mult_ass_amg, div_amg, div_ass_amg, modulo_amg, modulo_ass_amg, pow_amg, pow_ass_amg, lshift_amg, lshift_ass_amg, rshift_amg, rshift_ass_amg, band_amg, band_ass_amg, bor_amg, bor_ass_amg, bxor_amg, bxor_ass_amg, lt_amg, le_amg, gt_amg, ge_amg, eq_amg, ne_amg, ncmp_amg, scmp_amg, slt_amg, sle_amg, sgt_amg, sge_amg, seq_amg, sne_amg, not_amg, compl_amg, inc_amg, dec_amg, atan2_amg, cos_amg, sin_amg, exp_amg, log_amg, sqrt_amg, repeat_amg, repeat_ass_amg, concat_amg, concat_ass_amg, copy_amg, neg_amg, to_sv_amg, to_av_amg, to_hv_amg, to_gv_amg, to_cv_amg, iter_amg, int_amg, DESTROY_amg, max_amg_code }; # 3838 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" extern __attribute__((dllimport)) const char * PL_AMG_names[max_amg_code]; struct am_table { U32 was_ok_sub; long was_ok_am; U32 flags; CV* table[max_amg_code]; long fallback; }; struct am_table_short { U32 was_ok_sub; long was_ok_am; U32 flags; }; typedef struct am_table AMT; typedef struct am_table_short AMTS; # 4112 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" # 1 "/usr/include/sys/ipc.h" 1 3 4 # 16 "/usr/include/sys/ipc.h" 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/cygwin/ipc.h" 1 3 4 # 22 "/usr/include/cygwin/ipc.h" 3 4 struct ipc_perm { uid_t uid; gid_t gid; uid_t cuid; gid_t cgid; mode_t mode; key_t key; unsigned short seq; }; # 65 "/usr/include/cygwin/ipc.h" 3 4 key_t ftok (const char *path, int id); # 17 "/usr/include/sys/ipc.h" 2 3 4 # 4113 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 1 "/usr/include/sys/sem.h" 1 3 4 # 16 "/usr/include/sys/sem.h" 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/cygwin/sem.h" 1 3 4 # 41 "/usr/include/cygwin/sem.h" 3 4 struct semid_ds { struct ipc_perm sem_perm; unsigned short sem_nsems; timestruc_t sem_otim; timestruc_t sem_ctim; long sem_spare4[2]; }; struct sembuf { unsigned short sem_num; short sem_op; short sem_flg; }; # 120 "/usr/include/cygwin/sem.h" 3 4 int semctl (int semid, int semnum, int cmd, ...); int semget (key_t key, int nsems, int semflg); int semop (int semid, struct sembuf *sops, size_t nsops); # 17 "/usr/include/sys/sem.h" 2 3 4 # 4114 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 union semun { int val; struct semid_ds *buf; unsigned short *array; }; # 4238 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" # 1 "/usr/include/sys/file.h" 1 3 4 # 27 "/usr/include/sys/file.h" 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/fcntl.h" 1 3 4 # 14 "/usr/include/fcntl.h" 3 4 # 1 "/usr/include/sys/fcntl.h" 1 3 4 # 152 "/usr/include/sys/fcntl.h" 3 4 struct eflock { short l_type; short l_whence; long l_start; long l_len; short l_pid; short l_xxx; long l_rpid; long l_rsys; }; extern int open (const char *, int, ...); extern int creat (const char *, mode_t); extern int fcntl (int, int, ...); # 15 "/usr/include/fcntl.h" 2 3 4 # 28 "/usr/include/sys/file.h" 2 3 4 # 48 "/usr/include/sys/file.h" 3 4 int __attribute__((__cdecl__)) flock (int, int); # 4239 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 4482 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/patchlevel.h" 1 # 4483 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perl.h" 2 # 8 "DynaLib.xs" 2 # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/XSUB.h" 1 # 320 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/XSUB.h" # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perlapi.h" 1 # 23 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perlapi.h" # 35 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perlapi.h" # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/thrdvar.h" 1 # 34 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/thrdvar.h" extern SV *** Perl_Tstack_sp_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern OP ** Perl_Top_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV *** Perl_Tcurpad_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV *** Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV *** Perl_Tstack_max_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32 ** Perl_Tscopestack_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Tscopestack_ix_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Tscopestack_max_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern ANY ** Perl_Tsavestack_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Tsavestack_ix_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Tsavestack_max_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV *** Perl_Ttmps_stack_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Ttmps_ix_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Ttmps_floor_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Ttmps_max_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32 ** Perl_Tmarkstack_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32 ** Perl_Tmarkstack_ptr_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32 ** Perl_Tmarkstack_max_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern OP *** Perl_Tretstack_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Tretstack_ix_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Tretstack_max_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_TSv_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern XPV ** Perl_TXpv_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); # 81 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/thrdvar.h" extern STRLEN* Perl_Tna_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern struct stat* Perl_Tstatbuf_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern struct stat* Perl_Tstatcache_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern GV ** Perl_Tstatgv_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Tstatname_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern struct tms* Perl_Ttimesbuf_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char* Perl_Ttainted_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern PMOP ** Perl_Tcurpm_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Tnrs_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); # 115 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/thrdvar.h" extern SV ** Perl_Trs_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern GV ** Perl_Tlast_in_gv_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Tofs_sv_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern GV ** Perl_Tdefoutgv_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char ** Perl_Tchopset_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Tformtarget_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Tbodytarget_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Ttoptarget_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern HV ** Perl_Tdefstash_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern HV ** Perl_Tcurstash_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern OP ** Perl_Trestartop_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern COP * volatile* Perl_Tcurcop_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern volatile int* Perl_Tin_eval_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern int* Perl_Tdelaymagic_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char* Perl_Tdirty_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern int* Perl_Tlocalizing_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern AV ** Perl_Tcurstack_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern PERL_SI ** Perl_Tcurstackinfo_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern AV ** Perl_Tmainstack_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern JMPENV ** Perl_Ttop_env_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern JMPENV* Perl_Tstart_env_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Terrors_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Tav_fetch_sv_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Thv_fetch_sv_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern HE** Perl_Thv_fetch_ent_mh_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Tmodcount_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern OP** Perl_Tlastgotoprobe_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Tdumpindent_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern OP ** Perl_Tsortcop_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern HV ** Perl_Tsortstash_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern GV ** Perl_Tfirstgv_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern GV ** Perl_Tsecondgv_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Tsortcxix_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char** Perl_Tefloatbuf_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern STRLEN* Perl_Tefloatsize_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32 ** Perl_Tscreamfirst_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32 ** Perl_Tscreamnext_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Tmaxscream_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Tlastscream_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern regnode* Perl_Tregdummy_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char** Perl_Tregcomp_parse_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char** Perl_Tregxend_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern regnode** Perl_Tregcode_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Tregnaughty_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Tregsawback_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char ** Perl_Tregprecomp_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Tregnpar_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Tregsize_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern U32* Perl_Tregflags_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern U32* Perl_Tregseen_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Tseen_zerolen_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Tseen_evals_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern regexp ** Perl_Tregcomp_rx_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Textralen_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern int* Perl_Tcolorset_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); typedef char * PL_Tcolors_t[6]; extern PL_Tcolors_t* Perl_Tcolors_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Treg_whilem_seen_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char ** Perl_Treginput_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char ** Perl_Tregbol_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char ** Perl_Tregeol_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32 ** Perl_Tregstartp_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32 ** Perl_Tregendp_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern U32 ** Perl_Treglastparen_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern U32 ** Perl_Treglastcloseparen_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char ** Perl_Tregtill_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char* Perl_Tregcompat1_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char *** Perl_Treg_start_tmp_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern U32* Perl_Treg_start_tmpl_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern struct reg_data ** Perl_Tregdata_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char ** Perl_Tbostr_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern U32* Perl_Treg_flags_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Treg_eval_set_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Tregnarrate_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern regnode ** Perl_Tregprogram_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern int* Perl_Tregindent_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern CURCUR ** Perl_Tregcc_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern struct re_cc_state ** Perl_Treg_call_cc_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern regexp ** Perl_Treg_re_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char ** Perl_Treg_ganch_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Treg_sv_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern MAGIC ** Perl_Treg_magic_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Treg_oldpos_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern PMOP** Perl_Treg_oldcurpm_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern PMOP** Perl_Treg_curpm_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char** Perl_Treg_oldsaved_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern STRLEN* Perl_Treg_oldsavedlen_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Treg_maxiter_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Treg_leftiter_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char ** Perl_Treg_poscache_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern STRLEN* Perl_Treg_poscache_size_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern peep_t* Perl_Tpeepp_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern regcomp_t* Perl_Tregcompp_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern regexec_t* Perl_Tregexecp_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern re_intuit_start_t* Perl_Tregint_start_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern re_intuit_string_t* Perl_Tregint_string_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern regfree_t* Perl_Tregfree_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern int* Perl_Treginterp_cnt_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char ** Perl_Treg_starttry_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char *** Perl_Twatchaddr_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char ** Perl_Twatchok_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); # 275 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/thrdvar.h" extern char* Perl_Treg_match_utf8_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern AV ** Perl_Tcomppad_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); # 36 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perlapi.h" 2 # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/intrpvar.h" 1 # 20 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/intrpvar.h" extern int* Perl_Iorigargc_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char *** Perl_Iorigargv_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern GV ** Perl_Ienvgv_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern GV ** Perl_Iincgv_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern GV ** Perl_Ihintgv_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char ** Perl_Iorigfilename_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Idiehook_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Iwarnhook_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char* Perl_Iminus_c_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Ipatchlevel_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char *** Perl_Ilocalpatches_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char ** Perl_Isplitstr_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char* Perl_Ipreprocess_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char* Perl_Iminus_n_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char* Perl_Iminus_p_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char* Perl_Iminus_l_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char* Perl_Iminus_a_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char* Perl_Iminus_F_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char* Perl_Idoswitches_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); # 52 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/intrpvar.h" extern U8* Perl_Idowarn_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char* Perl_Iwidesyscalls_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char* Perl_Idoextract_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char* Perl_Isawampersand_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char* Perl_Iunsafe_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char ** Perl_Iinplace_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Ie_script_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern U32* Perl_Iperldb_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern int* Perl_Iperl_destruct_level_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern time_t* Perl_Ibasetime_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Iformfeed_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Imaxsysfd_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern int* Perl_Imultiline_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Istatusvalue_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern U8* Perl_Iexit_flags_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern GV ** Perl_Istdingv_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern GV ** Perl_Istderrgv_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern GV ** Perl_Idefgv_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern GV ** Perl_Iargvgv_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern GV ** Perl_Iargvoutgv_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern AV ** Perl_Iargvout_stack_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern GV ** Perl_Ireplgv_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern GV ** Perl_Ierrgv_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern GV ** Perl_IDBgv_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern GV ** Perl_IDBline_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); # 121 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/intrpvar.h" extern GV ** Perl_IDBsub_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_IDBsingle_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_IDBtrace_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_IDBsignal_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern AV ** Perl_Ilineary_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern AV ** Perl_Idbargs_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern HV ** Perl_Idebstash_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern HV ** Perl_Iglobalstash_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Icurstname_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern AV ** Perl_Ibeginav_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern AV ** Perl_Iendav_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern AV ** Perl_Icheckav_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern AV ** Perl_Iinitav_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern HV ** Perl_Istrtab_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern U32* Perl_Isub_generation_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Isv_count_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Isv_objcount_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV** Perl_Isv_root_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV** Perl_Isv_arenaroot_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern int* Perl_Iforkprocess_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern AV ** Perl_Ifdpid_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char* Perl_Itainting_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char ** Perl_Iop_mask_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern CV ** Perl_Imain_cv_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern OP ** Perl_Imain_root_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern OP ** Perl_Imain_start_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern OP ** Perl_Ieval_root_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern OP ** Perl_Ieval_start_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern COP ** Perl_Icurcopdb_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern line_t* Perl_Icopline_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern int* Perl_Ifilemode_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern int* Perl_Ilastfd_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char ** Perl_Ioldname_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char *** Perl_IArgv_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char ** Perl_ICmd_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Igensym_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char* Perl_Ipreambled_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern AV ** Perl_Ipreambleav_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern int* Perl_Ilaststatval_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Ilaststype_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Imess_sv_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Iors_sv_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char ** Perl_Iofmt_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern PerlExitListEntry ** Perl_Iexitlist_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Iexitlistlen_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); # 200 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/intrpvar.h" extern HV ** Perl_Imodglobal_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern U32 ** Perl_Iprofiledata_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern PerlIO * volatile* Perl_Irsfp_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern AV ** Perl_Irsfp_filters_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern COP* Perl_Icompiling_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern CV ** Perl_Icompcv_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern AV ** Perl_IBINCOMPAT0_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern AV ** Perl_Icomppad_name_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Icomppad_name_fill_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Icomppad_name_floor_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern int* Perl_Igeneration_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern CV ** Perl_IDBcv_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char* Perl_Iin_clean_objs_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char* Perl_Iin_clean_all_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char ** Perl_Ilinestart_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char* Perl_Ipending_ident_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SUBLEXINFO* Perl_Isublex_info_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern uid_t* Perl_Iuid_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern uid_t* Perl_Ieuid_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern gid_t* Perl_Igid_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern gid_t* Perl_Iegid_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char* Perl_Inomemok_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern U32* Perl_Ian_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern U32* Perl_Icop_seqmax_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern U16* Perl_Iop_seqmax_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern U32* Perl_Ievalseq_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char *** Perl_Iorigenviron_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern U32* Perl_Iorigalen_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern HV ** Perl_Ipidstatus_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern int* Perl_Imaxo_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char ** Perl_Iosname_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char ** Perl_Ish_path_compat_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern Sighandler_t* Perl_Isighandlerp_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern XPV** Perl_Ixiv_arenaroot_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern IV ** Perl_Ixiv_root_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern NV ** Perl_Ixnv_root_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern XRV ** Perl_Ixrv_root_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern XPV ** Perl_Ixpv_root_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern XPVIV ** Perl_Ixpviv_root_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern XPVNV ** Perl_Ixpvnv_root_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern XPVCV ** Perl_Ixpvcv_root_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern XPVAV ** Perl_Ixpvav_root_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern XPVHV ** Perl_Ixpvhv_root_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern XPVMG ** Perl_Ixpvmg_root_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern XPVLV ** Perl_Ixpvlv_root_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern XPVBM ** Perl_Ixpvbm_root_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern HE ** Perl_Ihe_root_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char ** Perl_Inice_chunk_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern U32* Perl_Inice_chunk_size_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern runops_proc_t* Perl_Irunops_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); typedef char PL_Itokenbuf_t[256]; extern PL_Itokenbuf_t* Perl_Itokenbuf_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); # 293 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/intrpvar.h" extern SV* Perl_Isv_undef_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV* Perl_Isv_no_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV* Perl_Isv_yes_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern U32* Perl_Ilex_state_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern U32* Perl_Ilex_defer_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern int* Perl_Ilex_expect_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Ilex_brackets_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Ilex_formbrack_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Ilex_casemods_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Ilex_dojoin_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Ilex_starts_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Ilex_stuff_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Ilex_repl_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern OP ** Perl_Ilex_op_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern OP ** Perl_Ilex_inpat_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Ilex_inwhat_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char ** Perl_Ilex_brackstack_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char ** Perl_Ilex_casestack_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); typedef YYSTYPE PL_Inextval_t[5]; extern PL_Inextval_t* Perl_Inextval_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); typedef I32 PL_Inexttype_t[5]; extern PL_Inexttype_t* Perl_Inexttype_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Inexttoke_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Ilinestr_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char ** Perl_Ibufptr_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char ** Perl_Ioldbufptr_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char ** Perl_Ioldoldbufptr_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char ** Perl_Ibufend_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern int* Perl_Iexpect_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Imulti_start_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Imulti_end_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Imulti_open_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Imulti_close_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Ierror_count_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Isubline_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Isubname_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Imin_intro_pending_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Imax_intro_pending_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Ipadix_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Ipadix_floor_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Ipad_reset_pending_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char ** Perl_Ilast_uni_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char ** Perl_Ilast_lop_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern U16* Perl_Ilast_lop_op_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern I32* Perl_Iin_my_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern HV ** Perl_Iin_my_stash_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern U32* Perl_Ihints_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern volatile U32* Perl_Idebug_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern long* Perl_Iamagic_generation_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern U32* Perl_Icollation_ix_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char ** Perl_Icollation_name_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char* Perl_Icollation_standard_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern size_t* Perl_Icollxfrm_base_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern size_t* Perl_Icollxfrm_mult_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char ** Perl_Inumeric_name_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char* Perl_Inumeric_standard_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char* Perl_Inumeric_local_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char* Perl_Inumeric_compat1_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Iutf8_alnum_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Iutf8_alnumc_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Iutf8_ascii_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Iutf8_alpha_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Iutf8_space_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Iutf8_cntrl_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Iutf8_graph_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Iutf8_digit_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Iutf8_upper_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Iutf8_lower_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Iutf8_print_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Iutf8_punct_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Iutf8_xdigit_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Iutf8_mark_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Iutf8_toupper_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Iutf8_totitle_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Iutf8_tolower_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Iutf8_tofold_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern HV ** Perl_Ilast_swash_hv_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern U32* Perl_Ilast_swash_klen_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); typedef U8 PL_Ilast_swash_key_t[10]; extern PL_Ilast_swash_key_t* Perl_Ilast_swash_key_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern U8 ** Perl_Ilast_swash_tmps_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern STRLEN* Perl_Ilast_swash_slen_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern int* Perl_Iyydebug_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern int* Perl_Iyynerrs_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern int* Perl_Iyyerrflag_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern int* Perl_Iyychar_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern YYSTYPE* Perl_Iyyval_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern YYSTYPE* Perl_Iyylval_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern int* Perl_Iglob_index_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char* Perl_Isrand_called_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); typedef char PL_Iuudmap_t[256]; extern PL_Iuudmap_t* Perl_Iuudmap_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char ** Perl_Ibitcount_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); # 439 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/intrpvar.h" extern SV*** Perl_Ipsig_ptr_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV*** Perl_Ipsig_name_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); # 455 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/intrpvar.h" extern PTR_TBL_t** Perl_Iptr_table_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern AV** Perl_Ibeginav_save_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern HV ** Perl_Inullstash_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern XPV** Perl_Ixnv_arenaroot_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern XPV** Perl_Ixrv_arenaroot_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern XPV** Perl_Ixpv_arenaroot_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern XPVIV** Perl_Ixpviv_arenaroot_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern XPVNV** Perl_Ixpvnv_arenaroot_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern XPVCV** Perl_Ixpvcv_arenaroot_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern XPVAV** Perl_Ixpvav_arenaroot_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern XPVHV** Perl_Ixpvhv_arenaroot_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern XPVMG** Perl_Ixpvmg_arenaroot_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern XPVLV** Perl_Ixpvlv_arenaroot_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern XPVBM** Perl_Ixpvbm_arenaroot_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern XPV** Perl_Ihe_arenaroot_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern int ** Perl_Ipsig_pend_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern int* Perl_Isig_pending_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Inumeric_radix_sv_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV*** Perl_Iregex_pad_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern AV** Perl_Iregex_padav_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern REENTR** Perl_Ireentrant_buffer_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char* Perl_Isavebegin_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern HV** Perl_Icustom_op_names_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern HV** Perl_Icustom_op_descs_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern PerlIO ** Perl_Iperlio_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern PerlIO_list_t ** Perl_Iknown_layers_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern PerlIO_list_t ** Perl_Idef_layerlist_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV** Perl_Iencoding_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern struct perl_debug_pad* Perl_Idebug_pad_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char* Perl_Itaint_warn_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char* Perl_Iutf8locale_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Iutf8_idstart_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV ** Perl_Iutf8_idcont_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SVCOMPARE_t* Perl_Isort_RealCmp_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern AV** Perl_Icheckav_save_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern long* Perl_Iclocktick_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern int* Perl_Iin_load_module_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern U32* Perl_Iunicode_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern U32* Perl_Isignals_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern HV ** Perl_Istashcache_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern int* Perl_Ireentrant_retint_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern share_proc_t* Perl_Isharehook_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern share_proc_t* Perl_Ilockhook_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern share_proc_t* Perl_Iunlockhook_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern thrhook_proc_t* Perl_Ithreadhook_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern runops_proc_t* Perl_Irunops_std_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern runops_proc_t* Perl_Irunops_dbg_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern UV* Perl_Ihash_seed_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char* Perl_Ihash_seed_set_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern UV* Perl_Irehash_seed_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char* Perl_Irehash_seed_set_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern int* Perl_Ifdscript_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern int* Perl_Isuidscript_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); # 37 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perlapi.h" 2 # 1 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perlvars.h" 1 # 26 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perlvars.h" extern PerlInterpreter ** Perl_Gcurinterp_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern perl_key* Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern const char ** Perl_GYes_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern const char ** Perl_GNo_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern const char ** Perl_Ghexdigit_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern const char ** Perl_Gpatleave_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char* Perl_Gdo_undump_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern perl_mutex* Perl_Gmalloc_mutex_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern perl_mutex* Perl_Gop_mutex_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern perl_mutex* Perl_Gdollarzero_mutex_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern char ** Perl_Gsh_path_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern Sighandler_t* Perl_Gsigfpe_saved_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern SV* Perl_Gsv_placeholder_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); extern Sighandler_t* Perl_Gcsighandlerp_ptr(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused))); # 38 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/perlapi.h" 2 # 321 "/usr/lib/perl5/5.8/cygwin/CORE/XSUB.h" 2 # 9 "DynaLib.xs" 2 # 35 "DynaLib.xs" # 1 "hack30.c" 1 # 28 "hack30.c" static int hack30_pray(ax, items, func) I32 ax; I32 items; void *func; { STRLEN arg_len; void *arg_scalar; int i = 1; int nbytes = 0; long pseu[30]; int check_len; for (i = 3; i < items; i++) { arg_scalar = ((((*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0)))))))[ax + (i)])->sv_flags & (0x00040000)) == 0x00040000 ? ((arg_len = ((XPV*) ((*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0)))))))[ax + (i)])->sv_any)->xpv_cur), ((XPV*) ((*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0)))))))[ax + (i)])->sv_any)->xpv_pv) : Perl_sv_2pv_flags(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), (*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0)))))))[ax + (i)],&arg_len,2)); check_len = nbytes + arg_len; if (check_len > sizeof pseu) { Perl_croak_nocontext("Too many arguments. The hack30 calling convention accepts up to 30 long-int-size arguments."); } (void)memcpy((char*)(&((char *) (&pseu[0]))[nbytes]),(char*)(arg_scalar), (arg_len) * sizeof(char)); nbytes = check_len; } if (nbytes <= 6 * sizeof (long)) { return (*((int (*)()) func)) (pseu[0], pseu[1], pseu[2], pseu[3], pseu[4], pseu[5]); } return (*((int (*)()) func)) (pseu[0], pseu[1], pseu[2], pseu[3], pseu[4], pseu[5], pseu[6], pseu[7], pseu[8], pseu[9], pseu[10], pseu[11], pseu[12], pseu[13], pseu[14], pseu[15], pseu[16], pseu[17], pseu[18], pseu[19], pseu[20], pseu[21], pseu[22], pseu[23], pseu[24], pseu[25], pseu[26], pseu[27], pseu[28], pseu[29]); } # 36 "DynaLib.xs" 2 typedef long (*cb_callback) (void * a, ...); typedef struct { SV *coderef; char *ret_type; char *arg_type; cb_callback func; } cb_entry; static long cb_call_sub (int index, void * first, va_list ap); # 1 "cbfunc.c" 1 static long _cb_func0(void * first, ...) { va_list ap; long result; __builtin_va_start(ap,first); result = cb_call_sub(0, first, ap); __builtin_va_end(ap); return result; } static long _cb_func1(void * first, ...) { va_list ap; long result; __builtin_va_start(ap,first); result = cb_call_sub(1, first, ap); __builtin_va_end(ap); return result; } static long _cb_func2(void * first, ...) { va_list ap; long result; __builtin_va_start(ap,first); result = cb_call_sub(2, first, ap); __builtin_va_end(ap); return result; } static long _cb_func3(void * first, ...) { va_list ap; long result; __builtin_va_start(ap,first); result = cb_call_sub(3, first, ap); __builtin_va_end(ap); return result; } static const cb_callback cb_arr[4] = { _cb_func0, _cb_func1, _cb_func2, _cb_func3, }; # 49 "DynaLib.xs" 2 static AV *cb_av_config; static SV * cb_init(arr_ref) SV *arr_ref; { SV *elts[4]; int i; cb_entry entry; entry.coderef = ((void *)0); entry.arg_type = ""; entry.ret_type = ""; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { entry.func = cb_arr[i]; elts[i] = Perl_newSVpv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), (char *) &entry,sizeof entry); } cb_av_config = Perl_av_make(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), 4,elts); return (SV *) cb_av_config; } static long cb_call_sub(index, first, ap) int index; void * first; va_list ap; { register SV **sp = (*Perl_Tstack_sp_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))); I32 nret; int i; long result; STRLEN old_err_len, new_err_len; char *arg_type; cb_entry *config; SV *sv; long long aquad; unsigned long long auquad; static char *first_msg = "Can't use '%c' as first argument type in callback"; config = (cb_entry *) (((*Perl_av_fetch(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), cb_av_config,index,0))->sv_flags & (0x00040000)) == 0x00040000 ? (((*Perl_Tna_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) = ((XPV*) (*Perl_av_fetch(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), cb_av_config,index,0))->sv_any)->xpv_cur), ((XPV*) (*Perl_av_fetch(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), cb_av_config,index,0))->sv_any)->xpv_pv) : Perl_sv_2pv_flags(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), *Perl_av_fetch(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), cb_av_config,index,0),&(*Perl_Tna_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))),2)); Perl_push_scope(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0)))))); Perl_save_int(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), (int*)&(*Perl_Ttmps_floor_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0)))))))), (*Perl_Ttmps_floor_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) = (*Perl_Ttmps_ix_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))); if (++(*Perl_Tmarkstack_ptr_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) == (*Perl_Tmarkstack_max_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0)))))))) Perl_markstack_grow(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0)))))); *(*Perl_Tmarkstack_ptr_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) = (sp) - (*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))); arg_type = config->arg_type; if (*arg_type != '\0') { switch (*arg_type) { case 'i' : (void)( { (void)( { if ((*Perl_Tstack_max_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) - sp < (int)(1)) { sp = Perl_stack_grow(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sp,sp,(int) (1)); } } ); (*++sp = (Perl_sv_2mortal(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), Perl_newSViv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), (IV) (int) first)))); } ); break; case 'l' : (void)( { (void)( { if ((*Perl_Tstack_max_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) - sp < (int)(1)) { sp = Perl_stack_grow(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sp,sp,(int) (1)); } } ); (*++sp = (Perl_sv_2mortal(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), Perl_newSViv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), (IV) (I32) first)))); } ); break; case 's' : (void)( { (void)( { if ((*Perl_Tstack_max_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) - sp < (int)(1)) { sp = Perl_stack_grow(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sp,sp,(int) (1)); } } ); (*++sp = (Perl_sv_2mortal(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), Perl_newSViv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), (IV) (I16) (long) first)))); } ); break; case 'c' : (void)( { (void)( { if ((*Perl_Tstack_max_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) - sp < (int)(1)) { sp = Perl_stack_grow(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sp,sp,(int) (1)); } } ); (*++sp = (Perl_sv_2mortal(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), Perl_newSViv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), (IV) (char) (long) first)))); } ); break; case 'I' : sv = Perl_newSV(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), 0); Perl_sv_setuv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sv,(UV) first); (void)( { (void)( { if ((*Perl_Tstack_max_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) - sp < (int)(1)) { sp = Perl_stack_grow(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sp,sp,(int) (1)); } } ); (*++sp = (Perl_sv_2mortal(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sv))); } ); break; case 'L' : sv = Perl_newSV(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), 0); Perl_sv_setuv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sv,(U32) first); (void)( { (void)( { if ((*Perl_Tstack_max_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) - sp < (int)(1)) { sp = Perl_stack_grow(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sp,sp,(int) (1)); } } ); (*++sp = (Perl_sv_2mortal(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sv))); } ); break; case 'S' : (void)( { (void)( { if ((*Perl_Tstack_max_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) - sp < (int)(1)) { sp = Perl_stack_grow(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sp,sp,(int) (1)); } } ); (*++sp = (Perl_sv_2mortal(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), Perl_newSViv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), (IV) (U16) (long) first)))); } ); break; case 'C' : (void)( { (void)( { if ((*Perl_Tstack_max_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) - sp < (int)(1)) { sp = Perl_stack_grow(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sp,sp,(int) (1)); } } ); (*++sp = (Perl_sv_2mortal(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), Perl_newSViv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), (IV) (unsigned char) (long) first)))); } ); break; case 'q' : if (sizeof (long long) <= sizeof first) (void)( { (void)( { if ((*Perl_Tstack_max_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) - sp < (int)(1)) { sp = Perl_stack_grow(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sp,sp,(int) (1)); } } ); (*++sp = (Perl_sv_2mortal(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), Perl_newSViv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), (IV) (long long) first)))); } ); else Perl_croak_nocontext(first_msg, *arg_type); break; case 'Q' : if (sizeof (unsigned long long) <= sizeof first) { sv = Perl_newSV(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), 0); Perl_sv_setuv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sv,(UV) (unsigned long long) first); (void)( { (void)( { if ((*Perl_Tstack_max_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) - sp < (int)(1)) { sp = Perl_stack_grow(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sp,sp,(int) (1)); } } ); (*++sp = (Perl_sv_2mortal(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sv))); } ); } else Perl_croak_nocontext(first_msg, *arg_type); break; case 'P' : ++ arg_type; (void)( { (void)( { if ((*Perl_Tstack_max_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) - sp < (int)(1)) { sp = Perl_stack_grow(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sp,sp,(int) (1)); } } ); (*++sp = (Perl_sv_2mortal(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), Perl_newSVpv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), (char *) first,(int) strtol(arg_type, &arg_type, 10))))); } ); -- arg_type; break; case 'p' : (void)( { (void)( { if ((*Perl_Tstack_max_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) - sp < (int)(1)) { sp = Perl_stack_grow(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sp,sp,(int) (1)); } } ); (*++sp = (Perl_sv_2mortal(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), Perl_newSVpv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), (char *) first,0)))); } ); break; default : Perl_croak_nocontext(first_msg, *arg_type); } ++ arg_type; while (*arg_type != '\0') { switch (*arg_type) { case 'i' : (void)( { (void)( { if ((*Perl_Tstack_max_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) - sp < (int)(1)) { sp = Perl_stack_grow(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sp,sp,(int) (1)); } } ); (*++sp = (Perl_sv_2mortal(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), Perl_newSViv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), (IV) __builtin_va_arg(ap,int))))); } ); break; case 'l' : (void)( { (void)( { if ((*Perl_Tstack_max_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) - sp < (int)(1)) { sp = Perl_stack_grow(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sp,sp,(int) (1)); } } ); (*++sp = (Perl_sv_2mortal(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), Perl_newSViv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), (IV) __builtin_va_arg(ap,I32))))); } ); break; case 's' : (void)( { (void)( { if ((*Perl_Tstack_max_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) - sp < (int)(1)) { sp = Perl_stack_grow(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sp,sp,(int) (1)); } } ); (*++sp = (Perl_sv_2mortal(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), Perl_newSViv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), (IV) __builtin_va_arg(ap,I16))))); } ); break; case 'c' : (void)( { (void)( { if ((*Perl_Tstack_max_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) - sp < (int)(1)) { sp = Perl_stack_grow(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sp,sp,(int) (1)); } } ); (*++sp = (Perl_sv_2mortal(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), Perl_newSViv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), (IV) __builtin_va_arg(ap,char))))); } ); break; case 'I' : sv = Perl_newSV(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), 0); Perl_sv_setuv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sv,__builtin_va_arg(ap,UV)); (void)( { (void)( { if ((*Perl_Tstack_max_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) - sp < (int)(1)) { sp = Perl_stack_grow(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sp,sp,(int) (1)); } } ); (*++sp = (Perl_sv_2mortal(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sv))); } ); break; case 'L' : sv = Perl_newSV(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), 0); Perl_sv_setuv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sv,__builtin_va_arg(ap,U32)); (void)( { (void)( { if ((*Perl_Tstack_max_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) - sp < (int)(1)) { sp = Perl_stack_grow(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sp,sp,(int) (1)); } } ); (*++sp = (Perl_sv_2mortal(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sv))); } ); break; case 'S' : (void)( { (void)( { if ((*Perl_Tstack_max_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) - sp < (int)(1)) { sp = Perl_stack_grow(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sp,sp,(int) (1)); } } ); (*++sp = (Perl_sv_2mortal(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), Perl_newSViv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), (IV) __builtin_va_arg(ap,U16))))); } ); break; case 'C' : (void)( { (void)( { if ((*Perl_Tstack_max_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) - sp < (int)(1)) { sp = Perl_stack_grow(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sp,sp,(int) (1)); } } ); (*++sp = (Perl_sv_2mortal(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), Perl_newSViv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), (IV) __builtin_va_arg(ap,unsigned char))))); } ); break; case 'q' : aquad = __builtin_va_arg(ap,long long); sv = Perl_newSV(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), 0); if (aquad >= (-((IV) ((~(UV)0) >> 1)) - ((3 & -1) == 3)) && aquad <= ((IV) ((~(UV)0) >> 1))) Perl_sv_setiv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sv,(IV)aquad); else Perl_sv_setnv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sv,(double)aquad); (void)( { (void)( { if ((*Perl_Tstack_max_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) - sp < (int)(1)) { sp = Perl_stack_grow(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sp,sp,(int) (1)); } } ); (*++sp = (Perl_sv_2mortal(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sv))); } ); break; case 'Q' : auquad = __builtin_va_arg(ap,unsigned long long); sv = Perl_newSV(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), 0); if (aquad <= (~(UV)0)) Perl_sv_setuv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sv,(UV)auquad); else Perl_sv_setnv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sv,(double)auquad); (void)( { (void)( { if ((*Perl_Tstack_max_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) - sp < (int)(1)) { sp = Perl_stack_grow(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sp,sp,(int) (1)); } } ); (*++sp = (Perl_sv_2mortal(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sv))); } ); break; case 'f' : (void)( { (void)( { if ((*Perl_Tstack_max_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) - sp < (int)(1)) { sp = Perl_stack_grow(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sp,sp,(int) (1)); } } ); (*++sp = (Perl_sv_2mortal(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), Perl_newSVnv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), (double) __builtin_va_arg(ap,float))))); } ); break; case 'd' : (void)( { (void)( { if ((*Perl_Tstack_max_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) - sp < (int)(1)) { sp = Perl_stack_grow(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sp,sp,(int) (1)); } } ); (*++sp = (Perl_sv_2mortal(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), Perl_newSVnv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), __builtin_va_arg(ap,double))))); } ); break; case 'P' : ++ arg_type; (void)( { (void)( { if ((*Perl_Tstack_max_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) - sp < (int)(1)) { sp = Perl_stack_grow(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sp,sp,(int) (1)); } } ); (*++sp = (Perl_sv_2mortal(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), Perl_newSVpv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), __builtin_va_arg(ap,char *),(int) strtol(arg_type, &arg_type, 10))))); } ); -- arg_type; break; case 'p' : (void)( { (void)( { if ((*Perl_Tstack_max_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) - sp < (int)(1)) { sp = Perl_stack_grow(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sp,sp,(int) (1)); } } ); (*++sp = (Perl_sv_2mortal(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), Perl_newSVpv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), __builtin_va_arg(ap,char *),0)))); } ); break; default : Perl_croak_nocontext("Can't use '%c' as argument type in callback", *arg_type); } ++ arg_type; } } (*Perl_Tstack_sp_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) = sp; if ((*Perl_Tin_eval_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0)))))))) { # 247 "DynaLib.xs" (((((((XPVGV*)((*Perl_Ierrgv_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))))->sv_any)->xgv_gp)->gp_sv))->sv_flags & (0x00040000)) == 0x00040000 ? ((old_err_len = ((XPV*) (((((XPVGV*)((*Perl_Ierrgv_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))))->sv_any)->xgv_gp)->gp_sv))->sv_any)->xpv_cur), ((XPV*) (((((XPVGV*)((*Perl_Ierrgv_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))))->sv_any)->xgv_gp)->gp_sv))->sv_any)->xpv_pv) : Perl_sv_2pv_flags(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), ((((XPVGV*)((*Perl_Ierrgv_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))))->sv_any)->xgv_gp)->gp_sv),&old_err_len,2)); nret = Perl_call_sv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), config->coderef,0 | 4 | 16); sp = (*Perl_Tstack_sp_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))); (((((((XPVGV*)((*Perl_Ierrgv_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))))->sv_any)->xgv_gp)->gp_sv))->sv_flags & (0x00040000)) == 0x00040000 ? ((new_err_len = ((XPV*) (((((XPVGV*)((*Perl_Ierrgv_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))))->sv_any)->xgv_gp)->gp_sv))->sv_any)->xpv_cur), ((XPV*) (((((XPVGV*)((*Perl_Ierrgv_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))))->sv_any)->xgv_gp)->gp_sv))->sv_any)->xpv_pv) : Perl_sv_2pv_flags(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), ((((XPVGV*)((*Perl_Ierrgv_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))))->sv_any)->xgv_gp)->gp_sv),&new_err_len,2)); if (new_err_len > old_err_len) { char *msg = (((((((XPVGV*)((*Perl_Ierrgv_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))))->sv_any)->xgv_gp)->gp_sv))->sv_flags & (0x00040000)) == 0x00040000 ? (((*Perl_Tna_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) = ((XPV*) (((((XPVGV*)((*Perl_Ierrgv_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))))->sv_any)->xgv_gp)->gp_sv))->sv_any)->xpv_cur), ((XPV*) (((((XPVGV*)((*Perl_Ierrgv_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))))->sv_any)->xgv_gp)->gp_sv))->sv_any)->xpv_pv) : Perl_sv_2pv_flags(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), ((((XPVGV*)((*Perl_Ierrgv_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))))->sv_any)->xgv_gp)->gp_sv),&(*Perl_Tna_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))),2)); static char prefix[] = "\t(in cleanup) "; if (old_err_len == 0 && (!strncmp(msg,prefix,(sizeof prefix) - 1))) { msg += (sizeof prefix) - 1; Perl_croak_nocontext("In callback: %s", msg); } else { Perl_croak_nocontext("%s", msg); } } } else { nret = Perl_call_sv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), config->coderef,0); sp = (*Perl_Tstack_sp_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))); } if (nret != 1) { Perl_croak_nocontext("Call to callback failed\n"); } switch (*(config->ret_type)) { case '\0' : case 'i' : result = (long) (int) ((IV)({SV *_sv = (SV*)((*sp--)); (((_sv)->sv_flags & 0x00010000) ? ((XPVIV*) (_sv)->sv_any)->xiv_iv : Perl_sv_2iv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), _sv)); })); break; case 'I' : result = (long) (unsigned int) ((UV)({SV *_sv = (SV*)((*sp--)); (((_sv)->sv_flags & 0x00010000) ? ((XPVUV*) (_sv)->sv_any)->xuv_uv : Perl_sv_2uv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), _sv)); })); break; # 291 "DynaLib.xs" default : Perl_croak_nocontext("Can't use '%s' as return type in callback", config->ret_type); } (*Perl_Tstack_sp_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) = sp; if ((*Perl_Ttmps_ix_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) > (*Perl_Ttmps_floor_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0)))))))) Perl_free_tmps(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0)))))); Perl_pop_scope(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0)))))); return result; } static char * constant(name) char *name; { (*__errno()) = 0; switch (*name) { case 'D' : if ((!strcmp(name,"DYNALIB_DEFAULT_CONV"))) { return "hack30"; } break; case 'P' : if ((!strcmp(name,"PTR_TYPE"))) { if (sizeof (void *) == sizeof (int)) return "i"; if (sizeof (void *) == sizeof (long long)) return "q"; if (sizeof (void *) == sizeof (I32)) return "l"; if (sizeof (void *) == sizeof (I16)) return "s"; Perl_croak_nocontext("Can't find an integer type that's the same size as pointers"); } break; } (*__errno()) = 22; return 0; } # 344 "DynaLib.c" __attribute__((dllexport)) void XS_C__DynaLib_constant(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), CV* cv); __attribute__((dllexport)) void XS_C__DynaLib_constant(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), CV* cv) { register SV **sp = (*Perl_Tstack_sp_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))); register SV **mark = (*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) + (*(*Perl_Tmarkstack_ptr_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0)))))))--); I32 ax = mark - (*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) + 1; I32 items = sp - mark; if (items != 1) Perl_croak(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), "Usage: C::DynaLib::constant(name)"); { char * name = (char *)((((*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0)))))))[ax + (0)])->sv_flags & (0x00040000)) == 0x00040000 ? ((XPV*) ((*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0)))))))[ax + (0)])->sv_any)->xpv_pv : Perl_sv_2pv_nolen(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), (*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0)))))))[ax + (0)])); char * RETVAL; SV * targ = (((*Perl_Top_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0)))))))->op_private & 32) ? ((*Perl_Tcurpad_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0)))))))[(*Perl_Top_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0)))))))->op_targ]) : Perl_sv_newmortal(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))); RETVAL = constant(name); Perl_sv_setpv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), targ,RETVAL); (sp = (*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) + ax - 1); (void)( { (void)( { if (((targ)->sv_flags & 0x00004000)) Perl_mg_set(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), targ); } ); (*++sp = (targ)); } ); } (void)( { IV tmpXSoff = (1); (*Perl_Tstack_sp_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) = (*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) + ax + (tmpXSoff - 1); return; } ); } __attribute__((dllexport)) void XS_C__DynaLib_hack30_call_packed(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), CV* cv); __attribute__((dllexport)) void XS_C__DynaLib_hack30_call_packed(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), CV* cv) { register SV **sp = (*Perl_Tstack_sp_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))); register SV **mark = (*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) + (*(*Perl_Tmarkstack_ptr_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0)))))))--); I32 ax = mark - (*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) + 1; I32 items = sp - mark; if (items < 2) Perl_croak(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), "Usage: C::DynaLib::hack30_call_packed(symref, ret_type, ...)"); sp -= items; { void * symref = (void *)(unsigned long)(((((*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0)))))))[ax + (0)])->sv_flags & 0x00010000) ? ((XPVIV*) ((*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0)))))))[ax + (0)])->sv_any)->xiv_iv : Perl_sv_2iv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), (*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0)))))))[ax + (0)]))); char * ret_type = (char *)((((*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0)))))))[ax + (1)])->sv_flags & (0x00040000)) == 0x00040000 ? ((XPV*) ((*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0)))))))[ax + (1)])->sv_any)->xpv_pv : Perl_sv_2pv_nolen(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), (*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0)))))))[ax + (1)])); # 11 "conv.xsi" { SV *sv; float num; long long aquad; unsigned long long auquad; if (*ret_type != '\0') { sv = Perl_sv_newmortal(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0)))))); } switch (*ret_type) { case '\0' : (void) ((*((int (*)()) hack30_pray))(ax,items,symref)); (void)( { (void)( { IV tmpXSoff = (0); (*Perl_Tstack_sp_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) = (*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) + ax + (tmpXSoff - 1); return; } ); } ); case 'i' : Perl_sv_setiv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sv,(IV) ((*((int (*)()) hack30_pray))(ax,items,symref))); break; case 'l' : Perl_sv_setiv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sv,(IV) ((*((I32 (*)()) hack30_pray))(ax,items,symref))); break; case 's' : Perl_sv_setiv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sv,(IV) ((*((I16 (*)()) hack30_pray))(ax,items,symref))); break; case 'c' : Perl_sv_setiv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sv,(IV) ((*((char (*)()) hack30_pray))(ax,items,symref))); break; case 'I' : Perl_sv_setuv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sv,(UV) ((*((unsigned int (*)()) hack30_pray))(ax,items,symref))); break; case 'L' : Perl_sv_setuv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sv,(UV) ((*((U32 (*)()) hack30_pray))(ax,items,symref))); break; case 'S' : Perl_sv_setuv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sv,(UV) ((*((U16 (*)()) hack30_pray))(ax,items,symref))); break; case 'C' : Perl_sv_setuv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sv,(UV) ((*((unsigned char (*)()) hack30_pray))(ax,items,symref))); break; case 'q' : aquad = ((*((long long (*)()) hack30_pray))(ax,items,symref)); if (aquad >= (-((IV) ((~(UV)0) >> 1)) - ((3 & -1) == 3)) && aquad <= ((IV) ((~(UV)0) >> 1))) Perl_sv_setiv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sv,(IV)aquad); else Perl_sv_setnv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sv,(double)aquad); break; case 'Q' : aquad = ((*((unsigned long long (*)()) hack30_pray))(ax,items,symref)); if (aquad <= (~(UV)0)) Perl_sv_setuv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sv,(UV)auquad); else Perl_sv_setnv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sv,(double)auquad); break; case 'f' : num = ((*((float (*)()) hack30_pray))(ax,items,symref)); Perl_sv_setnv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sv,(double)num); break; case 'd' : Perl_sv_setnv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sv,((*((double (*)()) hack30_pray))(ax,items,symref))); break; case 'p' : Perl_sv_setpv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sv,((*((char * (*)()) hack30_pray))(ax,items,symref))); break; case 'P' : Perl_sv_setpvn(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sv,((*((char * (*)()) hack30_pray))(ax,items,symref)),atoi(&ret_type[1])); break; default : Perl_croak_nocontext("Unsupported function return type: '%c'", *ret_type); } (void)( { (void)( { if ((*Perl_Tstack_max_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) - sp < (int)(1)) { sp = Perl_stack_grow(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), sp,sp,(int) (1)); } } ); (*++sp = (sv)); } ); (void)( { IV tmpXSoff = (1); (*Perl_Tstack_sp_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) = (*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) + ax + (tmpXSoff - 1); return; } ); } # 451 "DynaLib.c" (*Perl_Tstack_sp_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) = sp; return; } } __attribute__((dllexport)) void XS_C__DynaLib_Poke(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), CV* cv); __attribute__((dllexport)) void XS_C__DynaLib_Poke(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), CV* cv) { register SV **sp = (*Perl_Tstack_sp_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))); register SV **mark = (*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) + (*(*Perl_Tmarkstack_ptr_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0)))))))--); I32 ax = mark - (*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) + 1; I32 items = sp - mark; if (items != 2) Perl_croak(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), "Usage: C::DynaLib::Poke(dest, data)"); { void * dest = (void *)(unsigned long)(((((*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0)))))))[ax + (0)])->sv_flags & 0x00010000) ? ((XPVIV*) ((*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0)))))))[ax + (0)])->sv_any)->xiv_iv : Perl_sv_2iv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), (*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0)))))))[ax + (0)]))); SV * data = (*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0)))))))[ax + (1)]; # 348 "DynaLib.xs" { STRLEN len; char *source; if (((data)->sv_flags & 0x00040000)) { source = (((data)->sv_flags & (0x00040000)) == 0x00040000 ? ((len = ((XPV*) (data)->sv_any)->xpv_cur), ((XPV*) (data)->sv_any)->xpv_pv) : Perl_sv_2pv_flags(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), data,&len,2)); (void)memcpy((char*)(dest),(char*)(source), (len) * sizeof(char)); } } # 478 "DynaLib.c" } (void)( { (void)( { IV tmpXSoff = (0); (*Perl_Tstack_sp_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) = (*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) + ax + (tmpXSoff - 1); return; } ); } ); } __attribute__((dllexport)) void boot_C__DynaLib(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), CV* cv); __attribute__((dllexport)) void boot_C__DynaLib(register PerlInterpreter *my_perl __attribute__((unused)), CV* cv) { register SV **sp = (*Perl_Tstack_sp_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))); register SV **mark = (*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) + (*(*Perl_Tmarkstack_ptr_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0)))))))--); I32 ax = mark - (*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) + 1; I32 items = sp - mark; char* file = "DynaLib.c"; (void)( { SV *_sv; STRLEN n_a; char *vn = ((char*)((void *)0)), *module = ((((*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0)))))))[ax + (0)])->sv_flags & (0x00040000)) == 0x00040000 ? ((n_a = ((XPV*) ((*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0)))))))[ax + (0)])->sv_any)->xpv_cur), ((XPV*) ((*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0)))))))[ax + (0)])->sv_any)->xpv_pv) : Perl_sv_2pv_flags(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), (*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0)))))))[ax + (0)],&n_a,2)); if (items >= 2) _sv = (*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0)))))))[ax + (1)]; else { _sv = Perl_get_sv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), Perl_form(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), "%s::%s", module, vn = "XS_VERSION"),(0)); if (!_sv || !((_sv)->sv_flags & (0x00010000|0x00020000|0x00040000|0x00080000| 0x01000000|0x02000000|0x04000000))) _sv = Perl_get_sv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), Perl_form(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), "%s::%s", module, vn = "VERSION"),(0)); } if (_sv && (!((_sv)->sv_flags & (0x00010000|0x00020000|0x00040000|0x00080000| 0x01000000|0x02000000|0x04000000)) || (strcmp("0.55",(((_sv)->sv_flags & (0x00040000)) == 0x00040000 ? ((n_a = ((XPV*) (_sv)->sv_any)->xpv_cur), ((XPV*) (_sv)->sv_any)->xpv_pv) : Perl_sv_2pv_flags(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), _sv,&n_a,2)))))) Perl_croak(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), "%s object version %s does not match %s%s%s%s %""_", module, "0.55", vn ? "$" : "", vn ? module : "", vn ? "::" : "", vn ? vn : "bootstrap parameter", _sv); } ) ; Perl_newXS(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), "C::DynaLib::constant",XS_C__DynaLib_constant,file); Perl_sv_setpv(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), (SV*)Perl_newXS(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), "C::DynaLib::hack30_call_packed",XS_C__DynaLib_hack30_call_packed,file),"$$@"); Perl_newXS(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), "C::DynaLib::Poke",XS_C__DynaLib_Poke,file); # 359 "DynaLib.xs" Perl_sv_setsv_flags(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), ((XRV*) ((*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0)))))))[ax + (2)])->sv_any)->xrv_rv,Perl_newRV(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), (SV*) Perl_sv_2mortal(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))), cb_init((*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0)))))))[ax + (2)]))),2); # 504 "DynaLib.c" (void)( { ((*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0)))))))[ax + (0)] = &(*Perl_Isv_yes_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) ); (void)( { IV tmpXSoff = (1); (*Perl_Tstack_sp_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) = (*Perl_Tstack_base_ptr(((PerlInterpreter *)pthread_getspecific((*Perl_Gthr_key_ptr(((void *)0))))))) + ax + (tmpXSoff - 1); return; } ); } ); }