Charles Wilson everything, unless otherwise noted Scott Burkett semtool.c, semstat.c, shmtool.c, msgtool.c Jorg Schaible banner.c Mark Bradshaw last.c, last.1, lastb.1, oldutmp.h, utmpdump.c (taken from sysvinit-2.84 package and adapted) Steven Barker realpath.c (submitted to bug-sh-utils on 6 October 2001) -- adapted by Charles Wilson Druel the Chaotic (Jeremy Johnson) ddate.c, ddate.1, ddate.doc -- adapted by Charles Wilson Rick Rankin lpr.c Joshua Danial Franklin mkshortcut.c, mkshortcut.1 (GPL) Rob Siklos readshortcut.c, readshortcut.1 (GPL) Michael Schaap cygstart.c, cygstart.1 David A. Willis col.c, col.1, err.c, err.h (taked from BSD and adapted) Robert Collins: demonstrated how to consolidate the build process to "one Makefile to build them all". Frodo Looijaard original author of getopt.c Egor Duda initial "port" of readlink and getopt to cygwin Christopher Faylor <....> rename.c, rename.1 (taken from util-linux) (GPL) unknown, Charles Wilson, Nicky H., August Mayer August Mayer, FBL individual icons within the cygicons dll See src/cygicons/README-cygicons (GPL)