/* * Copyright (c) 2002, Robert Collins. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * A copy of the GNU General Public License can be found at * http://www.gnu.org/ * * Written by Robert Collins * */ #include "IniDBBuilderPackage.h" #include "IniParseFeedback.h" #include "package_db.h" #include "package_meta.h" #include "package_version.h" #include "cygpackage.h" #include "filemanip.h" #include "version.h" // for strtoul #include #include "LogSingleton.h" #include "PackageSpecification.h" #include using namespace std; IniDBBuilderPackage::IniDBBuilderPackage (IniParseFeedback const &aFeedback) : cp (0), cbpv (), cspv (), currentSpec (0), currentOrList (0), currentAndList (0), trust (0), _feedback (aFeedback){} inline bool lt_packagemeta(packagemeta *p1, packagemeta *p2) { return p1->name.casecompare(p2->name) < 0; } IniDBBuilderPackage::~IniDBBuilderPackage() { packagedb db; sort (db.packages.begin(), db.packages.end(), lt_packagemeta); } void IniDBBuilderPackage::buildTimestamp (String const &time) { timestamp = strtoul (time.cstr_oneuse(), 0, 0); } void IniDBBuilderPackage::buildVersion (String const &aVersion) { version = aVersion; if (version.size()) { String ini_version = canonicalize_version (version); String our_version = canonicalize_version (::version); // XXX useversion < operator if (our_version.compare (ini_version) < 0) _feedback.warning("The current ini file is from a newer version of setup.exe. If you have any trouble installing, please download a fresh version from http://www.cygwin.com/setup.exe"); } } void dumpAndList (vector *> *currentAndList); void IniDBBuilderPackage::buildPackage (String const &name) { #if DEBUG if (cp) { log (LOG_BABBLE) << "Finished with package " << cp->name << endLog; if (cbpv) { log (LOG_BABBLE) << "Version " << cbpv.Canonical_version() << endLog; log (LOG_BABBLE) << "Depends:" << endLog; dumpAndList (cbpv.depends()); } } #endif packagedb db; cp = db.findBinary (PackageSpecification(name)); if (!cp) { cp = new packagemeta (name); db.packages.push_back (cp); } cbpv = cygpackage::createInstance (name); cspv = packageversion (); currentSpec = NULL; currentOrList = NULL; currentAndList = NULL; trust = TRUST_CURR; #if DEBUG log (LOG_BABBLE) << "Created package " << name << endLog; #endif } void IniDBBuilderPackage::buildPackageVersion (String const &version) { cbpv.setCanonicalVersion (version); add_correct_version(); } void IniDBBuilderPackage::buildPackageSDesc (String const &theDesc) { cbpv.set_sdesc(theDesc); } void IniDBBuilderPackage::buildPackageLDesc (String const &theDesc) { cbpv.set_ldesc(theDesc); #if DEBUG _feedback.warning(theDesc.cstr_oneuse()); #endif } void IniDBBuilderPackage::buildPackageInstall (String const &path) { process_src (*cbpv.source(), path); } void IniDBBuilderPackage::buildPackageSource (String const &path, String const &size) { packagedb db; /* get an appropriate metadata */ csp = db.findSource (PackageSpecification (cbpv.Name())); if (!csp) { /* Copy the existing meta data to a new source package */ csp = new packagemeta (*cp); /* delete versions information */ csp->versions.clear(); csp->desired = packageversion(); csp->installed = packageversion(); csp->prev = packageversion(); csp->curr = packageversion(); csp->exp = packageversion(); db.sourcePackages.push_back (csp); } /* create a source packageversion */ cspv = cygpackage::createInstance (cbpv.Name()); cspv.setCanonicalVersion (cbpv.Canonical_version()); set::iterator i=find (csp->versions.begin(), csp->versions.end(), cspv); if (i == csp->versions.end()) { csp->add_version (cspv); } else cspv = *i; if (!cspv.source()->Canonical()) cspv.source()->set_canonical (path.cstr_oneuse()); cspv.source()->sites.push_back(site(parse_mirror)); cbpv.setSourcePackageSpecification (PackageSpecification (cspv.Name())); // process_src (*cspv.source(), path); setSourceSize (*cspv.source(), size); } void IniDBBuilderPackage::buildSourceFile (unsigned char const * md5, String const &size, String const &path) { } void IniDBBuilderPackage::buildPackageTrust (int newtrust) { trust = newtrust; if (newtrust != TRUST_UNKNOWN) { cbpv = cygpackage::createInstance (cp->name); cspv = packageversion (); } } void IniDBBuilderPackage::buildPackageCategory (String const &name) { cp->add_category (name); } void dumpAndList (vector *> *currentAndList) { if (currentAndList) { log (LOG_BABBLE) << "AND list is:" << endLog; for (vector *>::const_iterator iAnd = currentAndList->begin(); iAnd != currentAndList->end(); ++iAnd) { for (vector::const_iterator i= (*iAnd)->begin(); i != (*iAnd)->end(); ++i) log(LOG_BABBLE) << **i << " |" << endLog; log (LOG_BABBLE) << "end of OR list," << endLog; } } } void IniDBBuilderPackage::buildBeginDepends () { #if DEBUG log (LOG_BABBLE) << "Beginning of a depends statement for " << cp->name << endLog; dumpAndList (currentAndList); #endif currentSpec = NULL; currentOrList = NULL; /* set by the build AndListNode */ currentAndList = cbpv.depends(); } void IniDBBuilderPackage::buildBeginPreDepends () { #if DEBUG log (LOG_BABBLE) << "Beginning of a predepends statement" << endLog; dumpAndList (currentAndList); #endif currentSpec = NULL; currentOrList = NULL; /* set by the build AndListNode */ currentAndList = cbpv.predepends(); } void IniDBBuilderPackage::buildPriority (String const &priority) { cp->priority = priority; #if DEBUG log (LOG_BABBLE) << "Package " << cp->name << " is " << priority << endLog; #endif } void IniDBBuilderPackage::buildInstalledSize (String const &size) { cbpv.source()->setInstalledSize (atoi(size.cstr_oneuse())); #if DEBUG log (LOG_BABBLE) << "Installed size for " << cp->name << " is " << cbpv.source()->installedSize() << endLog; #endif } void IniDBBuilderPackage::buildMaintainer (String const &){} /* TODO: we can multiple arch's for a given package, and it may befor either source or binary, so we need to either set both or track a third current package that points to whether we altering source or binary at the moment */ void IniDBBuilderPackage::buildArchitecture (String const &arch) { cp->architecture = arch; #if DEBUG log (LOG_BABBLE) << "Package " << cp->name << " is for " << arch << " architectures." << endLog; #endif } void IniDBBuilderPackage::buildInstallSize (String const &size) { setSourceSize (*cbpv.source(), size); } void IniDBBuilderPackage::buildInstallMD5 (unsigned char const * md5) { if (md5 && !cbpv.source()->md5.isSet()) cbpv.source()->md5.set(md5); } void IniDBBuilderPackage::buildSourceMD5 (unsigned char const * md5) { if (md5 && !cspv.source()->md5.isSet()) cspv.source()->md5.set(md5); } void IniDBBuilderPackage::buildBeginRecommends () { #if DEBUG log (LOG_BABBLE) << "Beginning of a recommends statement" << endLog; dumpAndList (currentAndList); #endif currentSpec = NULL; currentOrList = NULL; /* set by the build AndListNode */ currentAndList = cbpv.recommends(); } void IniDBBuilderPackage::buildBeginSuggests () { #if DEBUG log (LOG_BABBLE) << "Beginning of a suggests statement" << endLog; dumpAndList (currentAndList); #endif currentSpec = NULL; currentOrList = NULL; /* set by the build AndListNode */ currentAndList = cbpv.suggests(); } void IniDBBuilderPackage::buildBeginReplaces () { #if DEBUG log (LOG_BABBLE) << "Beginning of a replaces statement" << endLog; dumpAndList (currentAndList); #endif currentSpec = NULL; currentOrList = NULL; /* set by the build AndListNode */ currentAndList = cbpv.replaces(); } void IniDBBuilderPackage::buildBeginConflicts () { #if DEBUG log (LOG_BABBLE) << "Beginning of a conflicts statement" << endLog; dumpAndList (currentAndList); #endif currentSpec = NULL; currentOrList = NULL; /* set by the build AndListNode */ currentAndList = cbpv.conflicts(); } void IniDBBuilderPackage::buildBeginProvides () { #if DEBUG log (LOG_BABBLE) << "Beginning of a provides statement" << endLog; dumpAndList (currentAndList); #endif currentSpec = NULL; currentOrList = NULL; /* set by the build AndListNode */ currentAndList = cbpv.provides(); } void IniDBBuilderPackage::buildBeginBuildDepends () { #if DEBUG log (LOG_BABBLE) << "Beginning of a Build-Depends statement" << endLog; dumpAndList (currentAndList); #endif currentSpec = NULL; currentOrList = NULL; /* set by the build AndListNode */ currentAndList = cspv.depends (); } void IniDBBuilderPackage::buildBeginBinary () { #if DEBUG log (LOG_BABBLE) << "Beginning of a Binary statement" << endLog; dumpAndList (currentAndList); #endif currentSpec = NULL; currentOrList = NULL; /* set by the build AndListNode */ currentAndList = cspv.binaries (); } void IniDBBuilderPackage::buildDescription (String const &descline) { if (cbpv) { cbpv.set_ldesc(cbpv.LDesc() + descline + "\n"); #if DEBUG log (LOG_BABBLE) << "Description for " << cp->name << ": \"" << descline << "\"." << endLog; #endif } else _feedback.warning ((String ("Attempt to set description for package") + cp->name + "before creation of a version.").cstr_oneuse()); } void IniDBBuilderPackage::buildSourceName (String const &name) { if (cbpv) { cbpv.setSourcePackageSpecification (PackageSpecification (name)); #if DEBUG log (LOG_BABBLE) << "\"" << cbpv.sourcePackageSpecification() << "\" is the source package for " << cp->name << "." << endLog; #endif } else _feedback.warning ((String ("Attempt to set source for package") + cp->name + "before creation of a version.").cstr_oneuse()); } void IniDBBuilderPackage::buildSourceNameVersion (String const &version) { if (cbpv) { cbpv.sourcePackageSpecification().setOperator (PackageSpecification::Equals); cbpv.sourcePackageSpecification().setVersion (version); #if DEBUG log (LOG_BABBLE) << "The source version needed for " << cp->name << " is " << version << "." << endLog; #endif } else _feedback.warning ((String ("Attempt to set source version for package") + cp->name + "before creation of a version.").cstr_oneuse()); } void IniDBBuilderPackage::buildPackageListAndNode () { if (currentAndList) { #if DEBUG log (LOG_BABBLE) << "New AND node for a package list" << endLog; if (currentOrList) { ostream &os = log (LOG_BABBLE); os << "Current OR list is :"; for (vector::const_iterator i= currentOrList->begin(); i != currentOrList->end(); ++i) os << endl << **i; os << endLog; } #endif currentSpec = NULL; currentOrList = new vector; currentAndList->push_back (currentOrList); } else _feedback.warning ((String ("Attempt to add And node when no AndList" " present for package ") + cp->name).cstr_oneuse()); } void IniDBBuilderPackage::buildPackageListOrNode (String const &packageName) { if (currentOrList) { currentSpec = new PackageSpecification (packageName); currentOrList->push_back (currentSpec); #if DEBUG log (LOG_BABBLE) << "New OR node in a package list refers to \"" << *currentSpec << "\"." << endLog; #endif } else _feedback.warning ((String ("Attempt to set specification for package ") + cp->name + " before creation of a version.").cstr_oneuse()); } void IniDBBuilderPackage::buildPackageListOperator (PackageSpecification::_operators const &_operator) { if (currentSpec) { currentSpec->setOperator (_operator); #if DEBUG log (LOG_BABBLE) << "Current specification is " << *currentSpec << "." << endLog; #endif } else _feedback.warning ((String ("Attempt to set an operator for package ") + cp->name + " with no current specification.").cstr_oneuse()); } void IniDBBuilderPackage::buildPackageListOperatorVersion (String const &aVersion) { if (currentSpec) { currentSpec->setVersion (aVersion); #if DEBUG log (LOG_BABBLE) << "Current specification is " << *currentSpec << "." << endLog; #endif } else _feedback.warning ((String ("Attempt to set an operator version for package ") + cp->name + " with no current specification.").cstr_oneuse()); } /* privates */ void IniDBBuilderPackage::add_correct_version() { int merged = 0; for (set::iterator n = cp->versions.begin(); !merged && n != cp->versions.end(); ++n) if (*n == cbpv ) { packageversion ver = *n; /* ASSUMPTIONS: categories and requires are consistent for the same version across all mirrors */ /* Copy the binary mirror across if this site claims to have an install */ if (cbpv.source()->sites.size() ) ver.source()->sites.push_back(site (cbpv.source()->sites.begin()->key)); /* Copy the descriptions across */ if (cbpv.SDesc ().size() && !n->SDesc ().size()) ver.set_sdesc (cbpv.SDesc ()); if (cbpv.LDesc ().size() && !n->LDesc ().size()) ver.set_ldesc (cbpv.LDesc ()); if (cbpv.depends()->size() && !ver.depends ()->size()) *ver.depends() = *cbpv.depends(); /* TODO: other package lists */ /* Prevent dangling references */ currentOrList = NULL; currentAndList = NULL; currentSpec = NULL; cbpv = *n; merged = 1; } if (!merged) cp->add_version (cbpv); /* trust setting */ switch (trust) { case TRUST_CURR: if (cp->currtimestamp < timestamp) { cp->currtimestamp = timestamp; cp->curr = cbpv; } break; case TRUST_PREV: if (cp->prevtimestamp < timestamp) { cp->prevtimestamp = timestamp; cp->prev = cbpv; } break; case TRUST_TEST: if (cp->exptimestamp < timestamp) { cp->exptimestamp = timestamp; cp->exp = cbpv; } break; } } void IniDBBuilderPackage::process_src (packagesource &src, String const &path) { if (!src.Canonical()) src.set_canonical (path.cstr_oneuse()); src.sites.push_back(site(parse_mirror)); if (!cbpv.Canonical_version ().size()) { fileparse f; if (parse_filename (path, f)) { cbpv.setCanonicalVersion (f.ver); add_correct_version (); } } } void IniDBBuilderPackage::setSourceSize (packagesource &src, String const &size) { if (!src.size) src.size = atoi(size.cstr_oneuse()); }